day 25- shopping

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lmao its short af but heheheeh its cute so... also no-promo lmfao i just rly like urban outfitters even if its hella expensive uwu

"Lance, oh my god, my arms are going to fall off, no joke."

"Sorry, babe. Here, let me carry a few."

Lance took a few of his bags off Keith's load, walking down the main strip of the mall. "One more store, okay? I promise. Then, we can go home and I'll make you your favorite dinner and we can watch whatever movie you want."

Keith sighed, but smiled when Lance kissed his cheek. "Alright. One more, okay?"

Lance grinned. Keith was a real trooper coming shopping with him- Lance would spend a whole day at the mall if he could, even if his wallet suffered a bit. Lush, Savage x Fenty, Urban Outfitters, American Eagle, Aerie... all the stores he loved in one place, who wouldn't love it? Keith, apparently. 

When Lance had asked his boyfriend why he hated the mall so much, Keith had gotten a sour look on his face. "It's too much. Every store trying to get you to spend your money, all the fast food that smells really good but you know you shouldn't have, all the standing and trying on and walking and walking and walking. I'd rather just go to Goodwill."

Lance leveled with him by saying, "Goodwill has some nice stuff too."

Since they'd started dating, Lance had realized just how little Keith cared about what he wore. If it fit and was functional, that was all Keith needed. Lance had slowly been trying to ease Keith into a more fashionable approach, but at the moment, Keith still despised the mall. 

As the couple walked into Urban Outfitters, Keith set all of Lance's bags down beside him and started picking through the Vinyl selection. Lance set to work browsing the clothes. After half an hour, he had a suitable stack of items and lugged everything into the fitting rooms. One by one, he tried on, then shucked off shirts and shorts and hoodies, examining everything with caution. 

As he tried on the last item, he called Keith, waiting for his boyfriend to pick up. 

"Hey, what's up?"

"Can you come tell me what you think of this?"

"Are you in the fitting rooms?"



Lance smirked to himself. Hopefully, Keith would forgive him for the shopping extravaganza with this. After a minute or so, Lance heard Keith's voice calling for him quietly in the fitting room. Lance unlocked the door to his stall and stepped out nonchalantly. 

Keith's eyes landed on him, then widened in shock. His cheeks went vermillion. 

"What do you think?" Lance asked casually, gauging Keith's expression furtively. 

Keith's jaw slackened. Lance wore a flowy, floral mini-dress that was barely long enough, off-shoulder and all kinds of revealing. Lance often wore androgenous clothing, he liked the way it looked, and sometimes he liked wearing dresses and feminine fashion. Keith didn't really care what Lance wore, but when Lance wore more revealing shirts and shorts, it definitely affected him.  

Lance spun slowly, eyes trained on Keith. In one swift movement, Keith walked forward, wrapped his arm around Lance's waist and pulled him back into the dressing room, barely closing the door behind him before turning to Lance and kissing him, hands pressed to Lance's waist, a wry smirk on his lips. 

"Should I get it?" Lance giggled as Keith kissed his shoulder. 

"Hmm," was Keith's response. 

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