thank you!!

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ahhhh hello everyone who's still reading <33

the end of pride month always makes me feel a little bittersweet. i love this community and the people i've met over the course of my life who inspire me as lgbtq icons and role models. people like troye sivan and hayley kiyoko and frank ocean (and aristotle mendoza and jesper fahey). i never had a lightbulb moment when i realized i was pansexual, it didn't come to me all at once. i just never thought of myself loving someone limited to gender. i love my sexuality and i embrace it whole-heartedly, something that has taken me a long time to do.

i've had friends and readers alike come to me and tell me, 'hey, my mom and dad don't accept me for my sexuality, what do i do?' and i understand, believe me. my mother comes from a conservative, military family who doesn't accept that kind of thing. when i first came out to her, she did not accept me or the way i felt, and insulted me, my sexuality, and the community, which really hurt me. we didn't talk about it after that and i never brought it up again. 

but, now it's been four or five years and, earlier this month, when i told her i was going to boston pride, she showed interest. she asked me about it and she asked me to reexplain my sexuality to her. i cannot stress to you enough how happy that made me feel, how relieving and refreshing it was that she was trying to accept, she was trying to understand. that's all that matters, that they try. that they put in effort. 

what i'm trying to say is that i know that it might seem hopeless right now, that your family may not understand you if you've come out to them or they might not accept that important part of you, but with time, comes change. i know that not all families are like this, and it makes me happy to know that some of you have wonderful, supportive parents, but that is not everyone's' case. it pains me to know that some of you are struggling right now with telling your loved ones or friends in fear of judgment or being ostracized, and i wish i could take all that pain and worry away, but the only direction we can move is forward and the only thing we can do it live and let live. 

i encourage you to talk to your family and friends. if they don't accept you for you, then it might take time, months or years, for them to understand and reevaluate their stances, or they might never be able to pull themselves out of that toxic state, as awful as that is. however, you must know that it is never your fault if the people around you fail to see how beautiful and unique you are. you are valid and your sexuality and identity are valid, no matter what. you stand strong and you stand your ground when it comes to controversy and hate. you know yourself better than anyone and no one can tell you who or what you are or how you're 'supposed' to feel. 

this pride month had its ups and downs for me, personally. i started this oneshot book and was able to interact with you guys on a more regular and relaxed level, which was really amazing. then, as a lot of you know, my sister got really sick mid-month and had to be hospitalized for 8 days. that, of course, was an awful experience and i am truly thankful that she's back home, safe and healthy and happy again. i went to my first pride parade in boston (by myself, but that was okay) and was able to realize why we, as members of the lgbtq community, are so wonderful and supportive. school let out, as it did with most of you as well, and summer began.

in short, this month was a rollercoaster of emotions, but i have now grown as a person because of them. i hope that all of you have learned a bit about yourself this month too. 

jeez, this is getting long whoops. 

anyways, bottom line, thank you for another wonderful oneshot book of klance and your support and patience throughout it, it means a lot to me. a lesson to future me, though- juggling three books at once is hard as hell. fuck

uhhhHHH anyways, thank you again <333 let me know if any of these oneshots really intrigued you and you'd like another chapter or a story based around it, i'm taking any and all suggestions atm as i finish up amd and outliers. 

i love all of you and your valid identities and sexualities <333

over and out <3

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