day 16- elevator

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Hour 1:

"I think the elevator's stuck." The handsome businessman who stood apart from Lance in the elevator was talking. He said it as if it was nothing serious, nothing to worry about. Lance let himself believe it, but he held onto his briefcase a little tighter. 

"I hope not."

"You have a meeting you need to get to?"

"Sort of."

The businessman nodded slowly. "Same goes for me. What floor are you trying to get to?"

Lance looked over at the man. He was young, probably as young as Lance, which was odd in such an uptight business building. Lance was surprised he'd even been granted an interview with his potential boss as the only people he'd talked to in the building- no, scratch that- everyone he'd seen looked to be over 40. 

Lance himself was 19- a freshman at the city's college and was looking for a job to complement his major. This workplace- a tall, intimidating business corporation- had popped up enough times to interest him. 

"Uh, 14, I think."

The businessman raised his eyebrows. "Same here." He had an elegant and pristine, untouched way about him in his button-up shirt and slacks. At the same time, his sleeves were rolled up to expose his pale forearms (a fashion choice Lance thought to be extremely attractive in a man) to give him a laid-back vibe. 

Lance wondered if this man could be one of his coworkers. 

Sometime in Hour 2:

"Mr. McClain, I just got off the phone with Maintenance. They say it could be another two or three hours."

Lance loosened his tie, anxious. He knew that the elevator breaking down wasn't his fault, so his boss couldn't be mad at him for not showing up to the interview on time, but he was nervous that the man, whom he'd never even directly spoken to, wouldn't be forgiving, no matter the circumstance. 

"Thank you, sir."

"What are you late for? I know you mentioned a meeting, but I was just thinking I could call your employer and explain why you're late."

"Ah, yes, that makes sense. I'm here for a job interview with Mr. Kogane. It was supposed to be at 12:30, but... I believe I'm more than an hour late now. I know it's probably none of my business, but is he a forgiving man? I just want to know if I should just go home instead of putting myself through an interview for a job I won't get if I've blown it, you know?"

The businessman looked at Lance thoughtfully. He paused before speaking. "I would say that, yes, Mr. Kogane tries to be a forgiving man. I don't think he'll be upset that you've missed your interview. I'll call his receptionist if you'd like me to."

"I don't want to be a bother."

"It's not a problem."

"Alright then... I appreciate it, Mr...?"

"Mr. Yorak."

"Ah, pleased to meet you, Mr. Yorak."

The businessman smiled softly and to Lance's alarm, he felt a blush rise to his cheeks. "The pleasure is mine," Mr. Yorak damn near purred. Lance shivered involuntarily, his heartbeat quickening significantly at the low, gravely tone the businessman used.  

Sometime after Hour 3, though Lance stopped paying attention to time after Mr. Yorak's hand brushed his when he handed the businessman his resume to look over. "To proofread", Mr. Yorak put it. Lance nearly swooned:

"Pretty extensive resume, Mr. McClain."

"I try." 

"You seem like you're a very outgoing person. Why did you choose to schedule an interview here? You can tell me the truth." Lance hadn't even considered lying to the man, but he appreciated the added sentiment. 

"I need to work on my business skills. I want to run my own one day."

"A corporation like this one?"

Lance chuckled nervously under the scrutiny of Mr. Yorak's dark, gorgeous eyes. "Not as big, probably. Or robotic. I want to help children from my country. I want to make their lives better."

Mr. Yorak rubbed his smooth chin. "That's very charitable, Mr. McClain. Where did you grow up?"

"Cuba. My whole family lives there. I'm alone here, in the States."

"You must be lonely," Mr. Yorak said empathetically, leaning forward. They were sitting cross-legged across from each other. "I know how you feel in that aspect."

"I..." Lance looked away. He was blushing again. "I guess I'm lonely. I miss home, too, but I want to be able to pay my way through college so I can help my family."

"How touching, Mr. McClain. That's very noble of you." Lance smiled at the praise, basking in Mr. Yorak's words. 

Sometime after Hour 4, though, as Lance grew more and more smitten with Mr. Yorak, he realized that their time together would not last forever and that their paths weren't likely to cross again unless he got the job. He really wanted the fucking job:

The elevator's lurch to life was unexpected and interrupted Lance and Mr. Yorak's bonding over the 80's cartoon Voltron, but Lance felt much better about the interview now than he'd been when he'd first stepped into the elevator after receiving a pep-talk from Mr. Yorak. 

Mr. Yorak, the handsome businessman whose voice sent chills down Lance's back when he lowered his voice, whose forearms were pale but didn't lack muscle, as Lance observed with intensity. 

Lance and Mr. Yorak locked eyes, then both broke into grins. No more waiting around in the stuffy, stuck elevator. The businessman helped Lance gather his resume and some extra papers he'd brought back into his briefcase before they stood together, just like before, except much, much closer. 

So close, in fact, that Lance realized that he could easily touch Mr. Yorak's hand if he tried. He did not try. The elevator dinged and both men walked out, pausing to face each other. Lance held out his hand. "Thank you for everything, Mr. Yorak. Really. I'm ready for the interview." 

"It was my pleasure, Mr. McClain. The businessman's hand was soft and smooth and a little cold, but Lance loved it. "I hope we bump into each other again."

Lance bit his lip, looking away. "That might be easier if... I had your number. Or your email. Or anything, really."

Mr. Yorak's smile slid to a slight smirk and Lance blushed. "Here's my card."

Lance accepted the small card and read over it. His eyes caught on the first line. 'Keith Yorak Kogane'. Lance's jaw went slack. No. Fucking. Way. When he looked up again, Mr. Yorak, or Mr. Kogane more of, was just about ready to burst into laughter. 

"Sir!" Lance sputtered. He'd just spent... over four hours... with his undercover potential boss. His hot potential boss. His hot potential boss who now knew Lance was interested in him. 

"You passed, Mr. McClain. The job is yours if you want it."

Lance was nearly too stunned to speak. And then, the cherry on top, Keith leaned forward and purred in Lance's ear, "I look forward to working with you."


day 17 is au of choice!! which au would you like? or is there a sequel to another chapter you'd like? lemme know! <33 thank u all for being so patient with me 

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