day 15- color

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i know its a bit of a stretch again, but i dont think yall will be disappointed

Keith watched the Quidditch match from the stands, worrying at his lower lip. It was a gorgeous day out, perfect for the match between Slytherin and Gryffindor. Keith's green scarf fluttered around his shoulders as he stood with Acxa, also a Slytherin, and Shiro, one of the few Hufflepuffs who dared to stand with the serpentine house.

"Remember your bet, Kogane?" Acxa said in a low voice, her dark eyes sparkling deviously.

Keith swallowed hard. "I remember."

[flashback to earlier that day]

"That new Gryffindor seeker is incredible," Shiro said as he and Keith walked along the corridors to Potions class.

Keith smiled. "He is, isn't he?" a dreamy sigh escaped his lips. He glanced at his best friend to see if the 7th-year had noticed. Shiro's smirk has confirmed that he had.

"Is my gaydar going off or am I imagining things?" Shiro prodded gently.

Keith looked at the corridor floor. "I have Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration with him. He's amazing." Keith smiled slightly at the thought of blue eyes, freckled cheeks, pink lips murmuring incantations, his eyes catching Keith's in the flickering firelight of the dungeons where they were Potions partners.

"His name's Lance, right?"

"Yeah. Lance."

"Lance McClain, hm?" Keith as Shiro whirled. Acxa stood behind them innocently, but her mischievous eyes gave away the act.

"Some friends of mine have bets on him. Some pretty hefty bets, might I add. He must really have some talent if Slytherins are betting against our own seeker."

Keith remained silent.

"Why don't you put in some money for Slytherin, eh? Keep up our morale? If you do, I won't tell Lance about your crush on him."

"That's blackmail!" Keith sputtered.

"It's selective eavesdropping and well-planned offers, my dear. Plus, we need House funding!"

Keith looked up at Shiro, who shrugged. He glanced back to Acxa. "How do I know you won't go off and tell him anyways?"

Acxa held out her hand, her wand poised above it. "I'll swear it if you want me to."

Keith shook her hand but pulled back before she could spell the deal with magic. "I trust you." It was probably a risky move, trusting someone as smart and cunning as Acxa, but he had faith in his own seeker enough to place a hefty 4 Galleons (around $26.56). Acxa flipped her hair out of her eyes, winked, and walked away. 

[end flashback]

Keith was hopelessly worried- if Slytherin won, he'd be 4 Galleons richer, but he'd have to face the facts that he won a bet which counted on Lance, the one boy who actually seemed to legitimately understand him (besides Shiro, but Shiro didn't count because they were practically brothers), losing. And then Lance would get all sad and mopey during their lessons, hindering Keith's slow and steady process of getting to know him.

However, if Gryffindor won, not only would he have to cough up 4 Galleons, but he'd also have to deal with the fact that Lance would hold the victory over his head and Slytherin would fall behind in the House Cup tournament. Keith loved his house and he wanted to win just as much as they did, no matter how cute and funny the seeker of the opposite team was. 

"AND HE'S GOT HIS EYES ON THE SNITCH! THE SLYTHERIN SEEKER'S IN PURSUIT, I REPEAT, HE'S IN PURSUIT, PEOPLE!" Keith's eyes flew up towards the field, almost immediately catching on the robes of the seeker in green. He was hurtling towards the ground, in what seemed like complete control, one hand outstretched. Keith could see a glint of gold at his fingertips...

But then, a streak of red and Lance was beside the seeker, bumping him away from the Snitch and racing towards the snitch instead. "LANCE MCCLAIN, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, HE'S ON IT! THIS IS THE SEEKER'S FIRST GAME AND, IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF, HE'S DOING INCREDIBLY WELL FOR A FIRST-TIMER!"

The stands that held the majority of the Gryffindors roared in delight as Lance flipped and slid through the air, maneuvering around the other players and dodging Bludgers, the Slytherin hot on his tail but still behind him. Keith honestly didn't know who he wanted to win. 

In a flash of gold, the Snitch attempted to evade by changing direction, but Lance flipped gracefully around his broom and caught one of the Snitch's tiny wings in his fingertips. The stands erupted in cheers as Lance held up the tiny ball, his face one of complete triumph. 

"Shit," Keith breathed, patting his pockets for his change satchel. He checked once. Then twice. Acxa looked at him expectantly, holding out one of her palms. Keith checked each of his pockets before finally admitting to himself he'd forgotten it. 

A guilty, sheepish look came over his features as he turned to a waiting Acxa. "I must have left it at the dorm. Can I run back and get it?" Acxa was already shaking her head. 

"Give me something else, then, maybe?"

Keith searched his pockets but found nothing (except for lint) of value. He shook his head. "I've got nothing."

Acxa grinned. "You're lucky- sappy love scenes are the next best thing. Maybe you should go tell that boy you like him and I'll forget the whole thing." 

Keith looked down at Lance, who was standing in the middle of the pitch, being jostled by the rest of his excited teammates as a huge grin covered his face. "In front of everyone?" he asked nervously. 

Acxa shrugged. "You'll figure it out."

Keith sighed, then walked down the ricketty steps to the pitch, his heart hammering in his chest. It's no big deal. No big deal. Don't think about the consequences

As soon as Keith was out of sight, Acxa turned to Shiro with a cheeky grin. He offered her a hand and they high-fived, laughing to themselves. "You have no idea how long I've known he's liked that kid," Shiro confided in Acxa. 

The girl snickered. "I think Lance is the only one in the school who doesn't know. They're so oblivious- perfect for each other."

Keith felt his nerves light up his limbs like he was a Christmas tree and he swallowed hard, trying not to think about it. He worked better spur-of-the-moment anyways. 

I won't make a fool of myself. Not in front of so many people. Please, please, don't let me mess this up

Keith threw back his shoulders with false confidence as he walked onto the pitch, his eyes glued to Lance, who was walking towards the stands alone, still holding the Snitch in wonder. He looked a bit grimy and his hair was a mess, but he was exhilaratingly handsome to Keith. Luckily, not many people were around, and those who were weren't watching. 

Lance looked up and noticed Keith walking towards him. His face broke into a smile even prettier and happier than Keith thought possible. He didn't trust himself to say anything yet. He continued to walk forward, one foot in front of the other that's it, just keep walking, the words will come to you, just keep walking

"Did you see that Keith? I can't believe I won," Lance said happily, holding up the Snitch. Keith didn't stop walking until he mere feet from Lance, and then, in one step, he closed his eyes, leaned in and up, and kissed Lance directly on the mouth. 

At first, he was so full of adrenaline that he didn't realize what was wrong. And then all of the OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST DO HOLY SHIT thoughts invaded his mind and he was about to pull back and apologize profusely and actually grovel- but then Lance kissed him back. 

Lance's lips were soft and sweet and he tasted like... like something goddamn delicious. Keith wound his arms up and over Lance's shoulders and Lance's fingers found their way into Keith's hair. 

They pulled back at the same time, but only enough to look each other in the eye. 

"Did you just kiss me?" Lance asked Keith shyly, his cheeks pink. 

"I could ask you the same thing."

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