day 21- coming out

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The meeting of the two kingdoms had been meant to be strictly diplomatic. It wasn't Price Lance's fault that the Prince of Daibazaal was not only a dark, moody kind of attractive but intelligent and with a dark, hilarious sense of humor.

The trip had started out normally. First, the long trip from Altea to Daibazaal with Lance, his older sister, Allura, and his mother and father, King Alfor and Queen Melenor. Next, the customary parade through the capital city's streets, the royal carriages surrounded by an entourage of excited Galran citizens, celebration and music surrounding them. 

Lastly, the greeting of the two families. Zarkon and Alfor visited each other's planets often, but Lance hadn't seen the rest of the Galran royal family in years, at least not since he was a toddler. Lotor, the older prince, was as bold and confident as always, glistening with strength and power, but still with the same light-hearted humor he'd had since childhood. 

Then, Acxa, an incredibly stunning fighter with a sharp wit and tongue, but a glimmer of mischief as well. And then, finally, the youngest prince, Keith. Lance didn't know much about the youngest prince, probably due to the fact that he was often off on missions with the Blade, saving the universe and whatnot. 

But, upon seeing the prince up close, in person, Lance realized how much Keith had matured. They were the same age, but Keith had been too shy to play when they were toddlers, so Lance had bonded with the older two siblings. Now, though, Keith seemed to have borrowed some of Lotor's confidence and Acxa's sly smile and greeted the Altean royal family with dignity and grace comparable to that of his father and mother. 

When it came to Lance's turn to greet the Prince, he held out his hand in confidence, trying not to betray how fast his heart was beating. Keith fixed the Altean Prince with an easy but small smile, eyes guarded as he said, "It's been a while, Prince Lance."

"And the same goes to you," Lance replied. 

"My father has requested we 'bond'," (Keith did air-quotes accompanied by a crooked grin) "over the course of your stay, so come find me when you get the chance."

"I'd love to."

The two Princes spent the next five days with each other, nearly inseparable. Keith woke up first, trained for a few hours as he waited for Lance to wake, and then they grabbed a bite to eat on the go as they went out into the sole Daibazaalan forest to hunt, swim in the river that ran through its trees, and then lay out on the flat, warm rocks in the sun and talk about everything and nothing. 

Afterward, they'd go back to the castle, looking at the newest models of fighter jets and hovercycles, check in with their fathers on the updates in the Quintessence technology, and sneak around the kitchens, looking for late lunch. 

They'd spend the rest of the afternoon exploring or going into the city market or walking around the castle, but everything they did, they did together. It was as if they'd been best friends for years. 

The more they talked, the more comfortable Keith grew opening up and the less Lance felt like he had to keep up his facade. By the fifth day, they were completely and utterly comfortable with each other, their shoulders brushing as they walked side-by-side, their eyes meeting over the dinner table and sparkling with some secret inside joke, their hearts in sync as they sat out on the roof and watched the sunset. 

On the sixth night, Lance met Keith up on the roof, but he was fuming with anger, volatile and explosive. Keith sat up, concerned, and moved over to make space for Lance to sit. The Altean, however, stood on the roof, pacing, raking his hands through his hair. 

Keith waited a few moments for Lance to calm down a little bit before asking, "What's wrong?"

"It's my dad," Lance groaned, sitting down finally and burying his head in his hands. He mumbled something incoherently. 

Keith placed a hand gently on Lance's shoulder. "I can't hear you, bud."

Lance looked up, tears gathering in his eyes. "Dad keeps on telling me that it's time I find someone to spend my life with. He met Mom when he was younger than I am and he thinks that I need to 'stop messing around in the woods and start looking for a wife'. He said that, really!" 

"I believe you," Keith consoled, rubbing Lance's back soothingly. 

Lance shook his head. "He doesn't know..."

"Know what?"

The Altean Prince looked up at Keith, the stars in his eyes, the breeze at their backs, the night wrapping them in peacefulness. "I'm not sure I even want a wife. I think I might want a husband instead. I've liked girls before and I mean, it's not like I'm not interested, it's just-"

"Lance, you're bi."

"I am?"

"Aren't you?"

"I like girls. I like boys. I like both." Lance laughed quietly. "I'm bi."

to be continued next chapter

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