day 17- au of choice

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a lot of yall requested a bunch of different chapters for a sequel, but the one with the most requests was for the last chapter, elevator, so here u go

"Mr. McClain?"


"Mr. Kogane would like to see you in his office please."

"Yes, of course, I'll be right there."

Lance put the phone back in its receiver, gathering himself before pushing out from his desk and weaving through the cubicles of the office space to the far wall, where Mr. Kogane's office was.

He'd started working at Mr. Kogane's office just over two weeks ago and he was loving having such an official, real job. He loved his hours, he loved his coworkers, he even found himself liking his work. It was his boss who was unpredictable.

One moment, Mr. Kogane was whispering seemingly innocent words in his ear, like "I need those files by noon, McClain," or "Nice weather," but with that same, sultry purr he'd used after the elevator incident, the next, he wouldn't talk to Lance for days on end, leaving the Cuban's heart vulnerable and cautious.

But this was the first time Lance had been called into Mr. Kogane's office (besides that one time when Mr. Kogane called him, asking him if he wouldn't mind picking up some papers, but wasn't even in the office when Lance stopped in).

Lance bit his lip as he knocked on the door softly. A pause. "Come in!" Mr. Kogane called from the other side of the oak barrier. Lance opened the door and stepped inside, leaving it open just in case this was another file pick-up run.

Mr. Kogane was standing in front of his window, even though that probably wasn't the right word for it, as it covered the whole Western wall. He turned as Lance entered, silhouetted by the late afternoon sunlight. "McClain," Mr. Kogane greeted, and was that nervousness Lance detected in his voice?

"Mr. Kogane, sir, what can I do for you today?"

Mr. Kogane stepped out from behind his desk and walked to Lance. He didn't stop until their faces were close (too close, much too close for Lance's heart to handle). The young man fixed Lance with a curious gaze, then leaned forward and reached over Lance's shoulder to close the door behind him.

Lance couldn't help it- he inhaled furtively, his eyelashes fluttering in delight at the soft, smokey scent of Mr. Kogane's cologne.

"Please, call me Keith. And the answer to your question depends solely on you, Lance."

Lance's heart fluttered at the way Keith said his name. It sounded like honey dripping off a dipper, sunlight falling through stained glass, a cat kneading your stomach. "I don't understand, sir."

"Keith," Lance's boss corrected, a frown gracing his brows.

"Keith," Lance echoed, somewhat dreamily.

"What I mean, Lance," Keith stepped forward and Lance realized that he was a few inches taller than his boss, but it didn't feel like it when Keith looked at him like that, "is that I want to know if you're free for dinner this week."

Lance nearly fell over then and there. Had he heard Keith right?


Keith's eyes were dark and gorgeous and Lance couldn't look away. "I was thinking Thai."

"I... I like Thai."

"When?" Keith murmured, lifting his hand and leaving the faintest whisper of a touch across Lance's jaw with outstretched fingertips.

"Thursday?" Lance whispered and his eyelids drooped halfway, leaning forward slightly.

Keith's lips raised to a smirk. He reached up and kissed Lance's cheek, then leaning even further to breathe, "It's a date."


hehehehehehhe keith u lil bitch

also for Spaghetti_no_sauce i love u endlessly n want to thank u for all ur support so here's a little snippet for u bc u wanted a prom sequel <33

"You don't know how to dance?" Lance's voice was more incredulous than he'd meant.

"No one's ever asked me," Keith responded defensively, looking away.

Lance sighed, smiling gently. He slowly pulled Keith towards the dance floor, then took the teen's forearms and placed them around his neck. Lance stepped closer and wound his arms around Keith's waist, then slowly began swaying to the music.

"This feels nice," Keith admitted, leaning his cheek on Lance's chest and shoulder. The back of Lance's neck was warm and moist with sweat but Keith didn't mind. He liked being this close.

Lance smiled. "Yeah. It is."

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