"What do you call a wet bear?"

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The clouds are very dark outside...it might rain...I like the rain...

I then hear Touya enter.

"Hey...Touya..." I whisper, still looking out the window.

"Hey, Clem..." Touya whispers, walking over to my bed and sitting down beside me.

I look at Touya.

He gives me comforting smile.

I bury my face in his chest.

He wraps his arms around me and rests his chin on my head.

"I have you a small gift..." Touya whispers, removing one of the arms around me.

He holds out a light blue earring and two silver earrings...like the ones he wears...

I look at left ear and notice...there's only one. There were three before...

"I cleaned them...don't worry," Touya says, putting the earring on my left ear.

Touya then explains the light blue earring. It's a communicator. I can call him whenever.

He has to go back to the League of Villains...Merlin can't help him stay here.

Touya looks at me. He then asks,
"How's your eye doing? It went blind...also the scar Endeavor gave you is gone..."

"It's...fine..." I mumble,
"I just can't see out of my left eye anymore..."

Touya nods.

"I probably need to get going...before they try to apprehend me..." Touya whispers.

I nod.

Touya hugs me again, kissing my cheek.

He then ends the hug and leaves.

I look back out the window.

Tokoyami POV

All of us enter Y/N's room.

We see her looking out the window.

We see her looking out the window

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She looks...sad...

"Hey! Y/N!" Ashido exclaims.

Y/N hums, not looking away from the window,

"What's so interesting out there?" Hagakure asks.

"It looks...like it'll rain..." Y/N mumbles.


"Rain! Aw man! I hate the rain! It's so sad and gloomy!" Ashido groans.

I like the rain...it's relaxing...calming...peaceful...some of my best memories are of rainy days...

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