All over again

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Lucas's P.O.V

Everything got so confusing last night. I avoided taking his ride to school this morning.

I sat next to Sana in class, and we were supposed to work as a group for the project. I got to know her more and she seemed like a really nice person.
She helped me a lot in most of the things I couldn't understand.
And then it was finally lunch time. At school, time just moves so fucking slow. I sat on a table with the guys as Basile was talking about how he fell in love with a girl and how he thinks it's love at first sight.
And then out of nowhere, Eliott appeared and sat on a table right above us. He looked stoned and his hair was messy.
I finished my lunch and left to one of the empty classes and locked the door.
I made a thousand excuses to the guys to finally get my opportunity to be alone for a while. The reason I wanted to be alone was to collect myself for a while.
When the bell rang I slowly opened the door of the empty classroom and headed out quickly. I was clearly not paying attention to where I was going cause I bumped into someone and the person held my shoulders close so I won't fall down.
I looked up to the tall guy in front of me , seeing the tired familiar look. Out of all the people to bump into , why Eliott?! "Sorry I wasn't paying attention." I said and quickly tried to make my way past him when he grabbed my hand. I looked at his face , he had a little grin as he examined me. " I can give you ride home after school and also there's a party at my flat tonight would like to see you there." He said still keeping my hand in his "yeah I'll let you know, am I able to go now?!" He chuckled and said "yeah you are." Then he let go of my hand. I walked away still so caught up in what happened there.

Oh God stop Lucas it was nothing just a dude inviting you to his party right?!

I made every thousand thought in my mind to let go of the idea of Eliott.
He was straight, and I had no right to fall for him.

// //

I was waiting in the parking lot after the class for Eliott. I stood there for ten minutes until he finally showed up with a girl. They were laughing a smiling and then he looked at me and his smile faded. "Hey" i said "hey , well um this is lucas, this is Lucille, she's in my literature class" I looked at Lucille she had beautiful wavy hair and green eyes and full pink lips. "Nice to meet you Lucille" at some point I got jealous "so I'm gonna drop you off home lucas, Lucille agreed to help me set up for the party so we are going to buy some stuff." I looked at him and nodded and he nodded back.
The ride was all about me sitting quiet in the back like an adopted child and Lucille and Eliott kept flirting and talking in front of me.

// // //

The music was blowing up from Eliotts flat , "I think the new guys having a party." Eskild said as he laid down on the couch. "Yeah he his , and I'm invited" he suddenly got up for the couch. "What?! A hot guy like that is having a party , invited you and you are not going?! What the fuck Lucas?! Get your ass off that couch , imma tell you what to wear." "But ." I tried to speak but I was cut off " no but , you are going."

// //

I was about to knock on the door that a girl burst out with tears in her eyes as he gave me a look and walked away. When I analyzed her she seemed familiar. Oh yes! It was Lucille.
Why was she crying , why did she burst out like that.
I entered the flat closing the door behind me.
Eliotts flat was almost complete now. It looked beautiful and artistic. The music was loud. People were dancing around , bodies slamming into each other. There was smoke everywhere. Most of the people were the students of the third year which I didn't know. Eliott was nowhere to be found. I tried to ask a guy if he has seen Eliott and he said he had seen him going to the bathroom.
So I went there , surely something happened with him and Lucille.
I knocked on the door but no one answered. So I just slowly opened the door and walked in. The bathroom light was off. And there was the tall figure of Eliott sitting in the bathtub. "Lucas?!" He looked at me and put his beer down. "Lock the door come sit with me." I did as I was told , I sat next to him as he lighted a joint. "Wasn't expecting you to be here, thanks for coming." He said as he looked at me and smiled. "What happened with Lucille?" His smiled faded as he blowed smoke out of his nose. "Nothing serious, she thought it was a date , and I told her that I was in love with someone else." I looked at him and took a deep breath I was holding since I got here as I let my head fall back on the wall behind me just like Eliott.
"So you already love another girl then?!" Eliott handed the joint to me. "Yeah..." I poked on it twice and gave it back to him. "Not necessarily a girl tho"
What was he talking about?! Didn't he tell me he wasn't attracted to guys?! "What?!" He smirked as he looked at me "I lied when I said I wasn't attracted to guys I'm sorry" I gave him a confused look as he blowed the smoke in my face. I coughed a few times and looked back at him "you know blowing the smoke in the opposite sex face means you wanna have sex with them?!" He looked at me indifferent like he already knew that. " yeah I know that, and maybe I do wanna have sex with you?!" He looked at me smirking , I have never blushed this hard in my life. And all over again he was making me feel the butterflies.
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