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Eliott's P.O.V

Seconds , minutes , hours ...
it felt like a month in the hospital.
Until the doctor came out of the room with a few other nurses bringing a wheel of tools out of the room with them. The doctor came to me and started talking french which I couldn't completely understand. Just a few. He must've gotten my blank look so he switched to English with a beautiful french accent. "He'll be okay , he's now okay , he has time to live but , I'm afraid for only 5 years." I just looked at him. Couldn't understand what was really going on.
I didn't know exactly what to do or what to say. The only words that came out of my mouth were "Can I see him?!"
He nodded and I got up to hurry into his room but he stopped me. " not now, an hour , he just got a surgery."
I nodded and sat back on the seat.

He has time to live , but for only five years.
The sentence kept ringing in my head. It kept coming and going. Only five years...

At that moment the only thing that I promised to myself was that he will be the happiest human that can  ever be living in only five years.


I entered his room after an hour seeing that he was sleep. The sun was shining down on his hair through the window and he looked heavenly.
I walked closer to him and gently let my hand brush  his hair away from his face. I kissed his forehead softly.
He sighed and started to stretch his body. He opened his beautiful ocean eyes and looked at me ,Amused. "Kiss me." I giggled and almost attacked him with kisses on his face until I stopped on his lips and kissed him like it was the end of the world and his lips were going to save me.
"I've missed you." I said once I created a little bit of distance between our lips taking his face in my palm.
"I'll always be with you now." I nodded not realizing the tears in my eyes. Only five years...
Was I gonna tell him?!
No of course not , he has to live a happy life and I'm gonna give it to him.
There's no way he can know about this.
"I can't believe, the dizziness, the headache, it's all gone..." i smiled as our fingers played with each other.
"God I wanna get next to you and cuddle you." I said with a desperate voice. "Then do it" he said pushing me down. I tried to get myself up while I giggled "hey no anyone could walk in on us." He made a sad puppy face "i don't care come on." And with that he convinced me. I got under the covers and huddled closer to him and cuddled him. Even tho his back was to me I could feel that he was smiling sweetly. "I will be out of here at night and we literally haven't booked a flight, don't have a place to stay and we still don't have any change money." I suddenly realized it all when Lucas mentioned. "Oh my God!!! You are right." He shifted so he was facing me "let's go and live a romance session in Paris once we get it."  I pulled his face closer to mine and kissed him. "Yeah we can do that without knowing a word of french!" He laughed and I was about to kiss him when a nurse opened the door I almost fell back down from the bed. "Sorry sorry I interrupted but the doctor asked me to give you this pill Lucas , this is the last pill that you will ever take don't worry. This is just for after the surgery."
Lucas nodded and slowly got up from the bed while I situated myself leaning on the wall next to me. "You'll be off tonight fortunately I hope you will be okay and live ..." I waved at the nurse shaking my head . She paused and tried to change the subject. I sighed , i was going to do anything so Lucas wouldn't know about it.
He has to live happily.
The nurse smiled and left the room coming back with a whole wheel of food , soup and bread and broccoli.
"So now you should eat some food. You've been in surgery for hours and I honestly don't know how you're not feeling hungry." Lucas smiled at her and nodded "thanks!" She left the room and I walked towards the food bringing it closer to the bed and sat next to him. I silently worked a spoon of soup into Lucas's mouth. He opened it and swallowed the food with a playful smile. "What are you doing?" He asked as he giggled. "Feeding you?" I smiled and he laughed. "Come on Eliott I'm honestly not a baby." I made a questioning face. "Well let's see, makes a puppy face so he can get cuddles and kisses, light enough to be carried like a baby, innocent blue eyes and pouts his lips like a baby whenever he doesn't get whatever he wants!" He punched my arm playfully. "I hate you... but give me more of that soup I liked it." I laughed and gave him another spoon of soup. He swallowed and opened his mouth for another as he looked into my eyes teasingly. It made me laugh loud "come on you're literally a baby!!!" "Well I guess I don't mind being a baby as long as I am YOUR baby!" I smiled as a thought came to my mind out of nowhere. I worked the last spoon of soup into his mouth and placed it on the nightstand next to the bed "why are you smiling?"  He asked also with a smile "why are YOU?!" I asked him "it's just seeing you smile makes me smile." He says putting on a brighter smile.  "And why are YOU?!" I shrugged as I answered " I just got a weird thought I guess." He shifted in the bed pulling me closer  in the bed as he cuddled into my chest. "Tell me." I brushed a hair out of his face and laughed at my own thought. "If you are my baby, does that make me your daddy?!" His eyes widened and I could see him blushing as he giggled and hid his face into my chest. "I hate to admit it but I like the thought." I laughed almost loudly and pulled his face up by his chin facing me. He was red like a tomato and his eyes were still wide and shiny trying hard with embarrassment not to leave mine but he was still smiling. I giggled and kissed his lips I pulled away only for half a second before kissing him harder and longer again and again.

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