You're here , You're Safe , With me

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Lucille's P.O.V.

I was already on the flight to France , it was funny , going all the way there just getting someone from the airport and coming back without seeing Paris.
But it was how it was , Eliott was supposed to be home , resting , taking his medication. But he wasn't and that stressed me out.
It was almost morning and the plane was landing, the next mission was finding Eliott.

Lucas's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sharp sunlight beaming through the pulled apart curtains.
Somehow I was feeling relieved that I wasn't experiencing any headaches , dizziness or bad dreams.
I even almost forgot that I only had 5 years to live from time to time.
At least 5 years without suffering.
I got up slowly putting my feet on the cold ground and walking towards the bathroom.
When I came back the sunlight was a lot less then it was when I woke up.
The flat looked colder in color.
And it was quiet.
Manon's room was empty, she was probably with Charles. Her room was slowly making itself look more of someones bedroom. It felt nice to have someone to decorate it and give it the sense that someone is actually living in there.
Eskild left a note on the fridge , yep guessed it right , he was sleeping at some guys house he just met.
So I had the house all too myself. I made Coffee for myself and drank it watching Stranger Things on TV and after two episodes I turned it off and walked back to my room.

My wallet was just sitting there on my desk. I walked over and picked it up to see , enough money to live for a week.
I had to find a job or I'd go broke.
A broke teenager with no money and 5 years to live.
Dad sent me money every month but for now that I am not going to school I have to at least get a job and make my own money for living.

I walked back to the kitchen and decided to make some waffles. While doing it , Eliott crossed my mind every time. Let's just say he never crossed it , he was there and he stayed.
All I could think about was him , before sleep and the second I woke up.
He was gonna be back home late at night.
Was I gonna go knock on his door and expect him to let me in?!
I was so foolish for letting him go like that. Maybe he would be in his depressive episode and he wouldn't even answer the door?!

I spent the rest of my day eating and drinking , watching movies and reading the magazines.
Well I wasn't really reading them , I was just looking at the words trying to make out what they meant.
They meant nothing,
All the movie plots didn't seem appealing to me.
It was almost afternoon when Manon walked in with groceries in her hand. "Hey , so Lucas right?"
I nodded as I looked at all the wrappers of chips and granola bars I just ate. "I got some stuff for dinner , we could make something, Eskild home?" I shook my head as I let my head fall back into the cushions. She nodded putting the groceries on the counter and taking her coat off.
When she got back from the bathroom she had cleaned her bright red lipstick. She walked over and grabbed all the wrappers throwing them in the trash.
The night was almost falling , Eskild wasn't home and there was just me waiting for some news from him , from Eliott.
With that, I felt tears in my eyes , slowly running down my face as I buried my face into the pillows and blankets next to me.
Manon who was now sitting on the other end took her eyes off of the Tv and they were on my in a second.
"Shit you're crying" She said slowly sitting closer.
"No shit Manon it's the waterfalls of the Amazon!"
She smiled bitterly as she spread her arms making enough room for a hug. I cuddled closer and let my tears fall even harder. "I know maybe you wouldn't wanna talk about it but... it might help you , so if you need to talk to anyone , I'm right here , you can trust me." I nodded and started "Eliott's is in trouble without me I left him back in France and now he's having a manic episode cause he's bipolar and- "wait wait wait !" Manon cut me off as she continued " who is Eliott?!" I thought about it for a second not knowing what to answer "my boyfriend?! Maybe my ex boyfriend now?!" I felt her nodding as she asked "so why did you leave him , what happened?" I shook my head while stating "just something stupid , I shouldn't have done that , shouldn't have left him like that." Manon's hand rested on my head gently caressing my hair "you love him don't you?!" I nodded feeling yet another tear roll down my cheek "Then go get him , he probably needs you right now , to be there for him , when will he be back?!" "Tonight." She pulled away a little and looked into my eyes gently wiping the tears away. "He lives just downstairs, his ex girlfriend who knew about all this went to get him from the airport." She pulled away and got up from the couch walking towards the kitchen.
She brought me a glass of water and turned off the Tv.

"Come on get up Lulu, he wouldn't wanna see you crying and all that shit, get into something nice and comfy, you're gonna welcome him back home , make him feel like back home alright?!" I smiled and nodded.

I got into a pair of black sweatpants and sweater after I washed up and ate something and knocked on her bedroom door waiting. I heard a quiet "come in" and slowly pushed the door open. She was sitting on her bed under the blankets smiling and whispering things into her phone. "Alright babe I gotta go we will talk later okay?!" And with that she giggled loudly and put the phone back on the nightstand. "Lucas! Damn you look good!" She said pushing the blankets off and sitting on the edge of her bed. She tapped on a place next to her on the bed gesturing for me to go sit down. "You know when I met Charles , everything was so hard , my best friend had a crush on him while I was secretly in a relationship with him. He was leaving me for a misunderstanding..." "did he come back?!" Manon nodded her watery eyes turning into a smile " he did , not like we are going through this relationship peacefully, we get into fights, and after we come back , our love is new, you know what I am saying?! The longer you miss the person the more you will crave having them by your side." I looked at her as she put her hand on mine. "You can do this , go talk to him, make it right , he probably needs you the most right now." "What if he doesn't wanna see me ?! What if he doesn't love me any- "hey hey , no time for bad thoughts! Just go to him, everything will be alright. You'll figure it out! I promise!" I nodded slowly thinking about all the things I would say to him when I see him.
We sat there talking about our memories and laughing, sometimes crying, it was almost 12 at midnight when Eskild rushed into the flat and to Manons room.

"Hi Manon, Lucas! Eliott is back! You should've seen his face , he must've cried a lot, he looked like a lost fucking puppy, he went back to his apartment, he didn't even say hi you should go see him, do something, he was so broken!" That was when my anxiety kicked in, my heart broke just imagining the sight. Manon held my hand tighter and pulled me off the bed. "It's the right time lu, go! He needs you!"
Eskild looked between us in confusion as I worked my legs to the front door slowly opening it and suddenly a rush of anticipation went through me as I rushed downstairs. Lucille was closing the door behind her as she walked over to me , I just stood there , waiting , for anything coming out of her mouth. "There's nothing you can do, but just be there for him I guess." I nodded rushing past her opening the door, Lucille grabbed my hand and stopped me for a second "he's not ready to talk about anything just yet, don't push him okay?!"
I nodded as she let go of my hand. I closed the door behind me and looked at the dark , quiet apartment before me. There were clothes on the floor and suitcases wide open and water bottles thrown across the floor.
Alright here we go

I said to myself as I looked around hearing a little shuffling in the bedroom. I slowly walked towards the doorway seeing a big mountain of blanket moving in bed.
I cleared my throat trying to get attention. He just shuffled again and by the smallness of the blankets I figured he must've cuddled more into himself.
I walked towards him quietly sitting down on the bed next to him. "Hey" no response. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I looked back to the place he was laying down and looked back towards the wall again facing away from him. "I'm sorry , for leaving like that I really shouldn't have just-
I was cut off by a gentle touch on my hand and when I looked back I saw an Eliott shattered into pieces. He had dark circles under his eyes and the beautiful green stars were now shining with tears.
He looked me in the eyes and quickly looked down as he laid back down on the bed still holding my hand.
He slowly pulled my hand towards him and with that, I got onto the bed laying down next to him. Feeling the heat of his body warm me up and the familiar scent surround me in his arms.
I gently brought my hand over his face and caressed his cheekbones with a soft touch. He closed his eyes in response leaning closer into the touch. So I shuffled a bit closer to him and let my hands go down to his shoulders and welcoming him into my embrace.
I had my eyes closed when I felt his shoulders shake beneath my arms. He was crying and that made me want to protect him, hide him away from the world until he was okay. So I cuddled him as his head rested on my hand buried in my chest. I softly played with the small curls of his hair and found my words eventually "it's okay Eliott, you're here , you are safe , with me , I'm right here , I promise you're not alone!" His hands grabbed tightly on my sweater tangling his legs with mine under the blanket as his crying got more intense, so I just held him close. The most I could do , until he fell asleep...

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