I don't wanna lose you (but i'm gonna anyway)

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Eliott's P.O.V.

I tried my best , I swear I did, everything was falling apart and it was my fault.
I didn't want to lose him , but I was gonna anyway , I wanted him to have the happiest time alive , maybe it was wrong of me not to tell him.
Maybe he should've accepted the truth and got along with it.

I packed my stuff , ready to go back home. To where Lucas was surely gonna be.
I was late for the last flight,
Fuck fuck fuck
I didn't know what to do , everything was blurred out , the sounds were blurred out, in the middle of the airport I felt my body almost collapse to the ground.

Lucas's P.O.V.

Eskild and I were sitting on my bed watching some kinda drama film that he liked and before that early in the morning I visited school and dropped out because of all my absence and let's face it , I don't wanna spend the last 5 years of my life going to school.
I also saw Sana there, she was wearing a thick eyeliner , lined perfectly across her eyes and she was holding a boys hand with curly hair and a basketball in his other hand.
They were walking towards the field as she saw me and stood for a second.
She came to me and hugged me tight, I could feel the affection and the caring manner in her hug. She said she knows everything will be okay. And that couple of words lightened up my mood till the end of the day.

When I got home Eskild introduced me to our new flatmate. We always had a room left empty which now filled Manon.
She had short brown hair and thick red lipstick,
She had a boyfriend, Charles , which was apparently so in love with her that we thought we would be staying up all night soon. Yeah , thin walls...

As the movie ended I got up and went to the bathroom.
Sitting on the toilet i couldn't help but think about Eliott, I really wanted to see him again.
I was getting to the idea that it wasn't his fault and he just wanted me to be happy. I missed him. Where was he now? What was he doing? Was he back in town?!

I didn't know what was going on with me but I stared in the mirror for what felt like hours until someone knocked on the door. "Hey Lu , you okay in there?" I heard Eskild's low muffled voice from behind the door, "yeah I'm alright." I heard shifting against the door , knowing that he was still standing there, "Yann's here , got some news , might or might not be about Eliott." My heart skipped a beat as I heard his name. I looked in the mirror once again and dragged myself towards the door.

When I walked into the living room Yann and Eskild were watching somethings on his phone. "Lucas , You have to come see this, This shit is crazy," Yann said as I walked towards them on the couch. "What is it?"
"Apparently some traveler passed out in the middle of the Charles De Gaulle airport and when he woke up he started to cry and kept fighting off the securities looking for "Jesus"

"Well shit that's crazy, Now what does that have to do
With Eliott!" " Just watch guys," Yann insisted as I sat there watching the news on his phone.

The young gentleman woke up after hours of sleeping and insisted on how he had to find Jesus and talk to him about how he wasn't supposed to take the love of his life away and the nurses injected him medication to keep him calm as then they found out he had Bipolar Disorder and he was in the middle of a manic episode, the news and the posters are running wildly across France to finally find
Some of the young boys family members or take carer to
Finally come get him, if you do please call the number below.

The voice went off as Eliotts face popped up on the news and there he was , sleeping on a hospital bed.
My heart was racing , my eyes were tricking me , there was no way this shit could be real.

I knew Eliott was bipolar but this guy being him, and his face on the screen everything went down.
His family probably wasn't gonna see this or anything.
I had to do something. I had to go and get him.
His home was here , he belonged here, even if I was mad at him , his apartment was just down here.

I quickly got up trying to think of something, could I fly back to France? To the airport? Could I fly him back with me?! Maybe I should call Lucille, yeah I was gonna call her.

That's when I ran back to my phone opening Lucilles last text and called the number. After a few beeps she finally picked up. "Hey Lucille, we have to do something , Eliott is in-
"I know exactly where the hell Eliott fuckin' is now shut up I'm on my way to get him. What the fuck happened with you guys anyway?"
"I don't know it all went so fast and-
"Alright shut up I'm driving we will talk when I come back with Eliott safely in our hands."

With that the line was off the loud beep going off in my ears. I walked back to the living room where Yann and Eskild were sitting , I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed myself a glass of water. "So what happened?!" Yann asked looking at me curiously. "Lucilles on her way , to get him back." I said nodding my head as I dropped my gaze to the floor taking another sip of my water. "Holy fuck , thank god!" Eskild said and not even a second after he finished his sentence the front door was pushed open and Charles walked in with Manon in his hands. Manon was laughing hard and Charles was smiling , her lipstick was a little smudged and Charles lips were definitely painted red.
They looked at us for a moment and then walked back to her room locking the door behind them. "Jesus they ever get a break or something?" Yann said and Eskild giggled making me smile too.
"I'm gonna go take a nap , take shit outta my mind for a little bit." I said walking towards my room as they both gave me a little smile.

I locked the door behind me and threw myself on the bed.

Eliott , Eliott , Eliott

I breathed his name out and slowly closed my eyes. Missing the feeling of being safe that I haven't felt for so long.

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I know it has been a long ass time , but here is an update! :)

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