Pas peur

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Eliott's P.O.V

Lucas was here , next to me. He left the hospital and in despite of his tumor He was here next to me.
"Lucas?" I heard him hum in response on my chest so I continued "why are you here with me?"
"What do you mean?!" I played with his hair as I thought about how to answer his question. "Like, I'm bipolar, i could do anything at any moment. Are you afraid?"
"because It's my choice to be here!"
"are you afraid of what's going to happen?!"
"because I won't have the choice to be here..."
"You mean the tumor?"
"Yeah , it's killing me slowly."
I got up slowly pulling him up with me and now he was basically sitting in my lap. I put my finger on his chin making him look at me. "Don't say that! You'll get the surgery and you'll be alright You're the only reason I'm living and yet I will still hurt you with my uncontrollable behavior-
He caught me off before I could finish my sentence. "Eliott! Listen to me! I could die any moment! And I'm really scared cause I won't get to be with you-
"But everything with me will be a living hell because of my mental illness!"
"I don't care! I don't care cause I love you!"
I pulled him in a tight hug. He burst into tears as mine also started quietly flowing down my cheeks and into his jacket. "Are you afraid of me?"
"No Eliott! I will never be afraid of you. Whatever you do to me. I know you will never intentionally hurt me."
My arms tightened around his waist. He pulled back after a moment but close enough to touch lips. He planted soft kisses in the corners of my lips. I pulled him into a warm make out. With my hands on his waist I kept him close to me. I felt warm and okay for the first time in a while.
"We should really get you back to the hospital." I said when we pulled back from the kisses. "Yeah you're right."
When I checked my phone I saw a bunch of messages from Yann and Eskild saying that Lucas was gone and he didn't take his phone. I told them that he was with me.

// // //

Lucas's P.O.V

When we got back Yann and Eskild pulled me back into bed like 2 worried parents and I sat back listening to them whining about how sick I am and then Eliott came back into the room and brought me breakfast.
"Here we go..." he said as he put a the stuff on the table next to me. Yann and Eskild looked at each other confused. "Now tell us what's going on between you too!" Eliott looked at me and smiled. "Nothing really we are just basically interested in each other." Eskild left the room mimicking Eliotts voice. "Okay I get you, don't do anything "woohooo" while we are gone , this is a hospital!" Yann said winking and then left the room. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Eliott who was now grinning at me.
He suddenly leaned in and held my head between his hands and started kissing me , which I kissed back.
When he pulled back I shot him a confused look "what was that for?!" He shook his head and started to feed me with a spoon. "Nothing I just really wanted to do that since we got here." I smiled " you know Eliott, I'm actually not a baby nor am I paralyzed, so let me do that myself." He laughed and God is laughter was like music to my ears.
After I finished the meal Eliott laid down next to me in bed and cuddled me carefully. "You will be okay right?!"
He asked while he was caressing my cheek and playing with my hair. "Yeah, I will try to be, I guess."
"You know when I knew that I have depression and bipolar disorder, I tried to kill myself.Everything went down in my life, I even tried to kiss my best friend when I first found out I was interested in boys, he was straight, he cut all connections with me. I never talked to him again. I felt alone." I turned to the other side so I could face him and I looked at him waiting to continue. "That was when I decided to die. But I was back home again, my mother gave me all her support, my dad was just dealing with work , i couldn't see him much. Then I came here, the first time that I saw you was in the counselors office. Your friends seemed to have gotten in trouble and there you were trying to talk the counselor into not punishing them. I was just sitting there. The new student, everyone called me that." He brushed a hair out of my face and looked into my eyes "and now you're here next to me, in my arms, your eyes looking into mine and I've never felt this safe to say I love you." I closed the space between us and kissed him. "I love you too, thanks for sharing your story." He smiled sweetly and kissed my lips gently. "Come to Paris with me!" He looked at me with the widest eyes. "What ?! Lucas are you sure?!" I nodded "but the school?" I wrapped my hands around his chest and pulled myself closer to him until my cheek was pressed to his chest. "Don't worry about it, just take a few days off.please?!" I felt his arms wrap around my waist making me feel warm and welcomed. "Of course baby I would do anything for you." I smiled at the nickname as I felt myself slowly fall asleep in the beautiful scent surrounding me.


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