Chapter 2

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I'm just gonna ride on this Sulay train until I either decide to hop off or it crashes lol.


Junmyeon let out a heavy sigh, raising the bottle to his lips and taking a long drink. Evicted. He should've known his fragile little world would soon crumble around him. That was how he was built, off bad luck and dumb decisions. So he found himself homeless once again, with nothing but the outfit he currently wore and a tiny amount of pocket change, which of course only fed an addiction he wished so bad he could kick some days.

He glanced up warily at the upscale apartment complex. He knew who laid beyond those intricate front doors. But could he face the two of them, especially now? Then again they'd witnessed his fall from grace firsthand. They'd actually discouraged his relationship with Eunha at first, saying how toxic her reputation made her seem. Of course Junmyeon ignored them, too young and in love to see the warning signs himself. He squared his shoulders and pushed passed the doors, hoping he didn't look as homeless as he was.

"Excuse me." Junmyeon flinched as a voice rang out in the grand lobby. "May I ask what you're doing here? Junmyeon slowly turned, coming face to face with the receptionist that hadn't been at the desk a moment ago. "I don't believe you live here either," the man continued, wrinkling his nose.

"No," Junmyeon agreed. "I'm here to see..." He squinted into the distance, thoughts fuzzy. "Byun Baekhyun and Park Chanyeol." He finally fished the names out of the depths. "I need to see my friends." The receptionist's eyes narrowed and he opened his mouth to say something.

"Junmyeon!" A second voice interrupted the first. One Junmyeon was more than familiar with. Byun Baekhyun, house husband to Park Chanyeol, partners at the head of their department with the fierce Wu Yifan. "What are you doing here?" Baekhyun asked, tucking his tablet against his side and shouldering his bag a little higher. He glanced behind his friend. "Jaehyun I got this." The other man mumbled something and moved off. "You don't look so good my friend," Baekhyun continued cheerfully.

"Thanks," Junmyeon mumbled, following Baekhyun to the elevator up to their apartment. Baekhyun let them in. "I've been evicted again." Junmyeon blurted, getting right to the point. There was no sense trying to sugar coat anything. Baekhyun always saw right through him anyway. The slightly taller man hummed, leaning against the small kitchen island to study one of his best friends. He tisked to himself. Junmyeon had such a promising future. It seemed such a shame it was all going to waste.

Baekhyun's gaze raked up and down the inebriated man, who swayed unsteadily on his feet and shrunk away from the intense set of eyes boring holes into his skin. Baekhyun shook his head again. He reeked of booze. It was like this every few months or so. After every failed job or every eviction, Junmyeon would appear at their door, seeking solace from two of the only people in his life that had showed him any kindness. And Baekhyun loved the man, he really did. He just wasn't sure if they could keep up this song and dance, going round in circles with no end goal in sight. Junmyeon claimed he wanted a change, but how was he supposed to do that if he didn't actively try?

"Say, Junmyeon," Baekhyun suddenly spoke, causing the older of the two men to start, blinking like he'd been lost in thought. "Have you ever" Junmyeon's expression contorted at the idea. "Hear me out though," Baekhyun continued. "Not only would you be sheltered and clothed, they would help you work through your issues, past and present." He'd known the other man for far too long, knowing that he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders already, even before the alcoholism really sunk its claws into him. "There's plenty of them run on government funding. You would pay next to nothing."

"I'm fine Baek," Junmyeon insisted. "I don't need rehab." Baekhyun sighed heavily, his head dropping onto his palms as he studied Junmyeon once again. He set his tablet up and opened to his latest design, studying the intricate patterns he'd traced. Junmyeon watched silently, cracked lips pursed, waiting patiently for Baekhyun to notice him again. "Whatcha doing?" he finally inquired. Baekhyun started, pulled from his thoughts. He glanced up the man fidgeting nervously in the threshold between the living space and the kitchen.

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