It's time to know

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I kept running away from MoonLight and I turned I saw Moon's tense body a a few feet away from him and they were staring at each other, no doubt she had heard what I'd said. I saw her lower her self and then lung onto MoonLight. She shoved him into the ground and started clawing him. I probably should've stopped her but I just smiled and turned around to run far away.

Whenever I was finally far away from MoonLight I started sobbing, I'd ruined my relationship by telling him the secrets that I knew. I started running I didn't care where I ended up, I just wanted to be far away from here, far away from MoonLight. Everything that'd I'd ever lost rushed into my head. RiverPup, Dad, Mom, WavePelt(my sister), all of my nieces and nephews, all of my old friends, and the unnamed pup I knew had died in the womb with LilyPad even though I kept it a secret because it's apparently a bad omen. I stopped running and looked around I realized that I had crossed the border.

I stood in one spot as I heard a low growl behind me and the familiar scent of Dusk washed over me. I turned around and looked up. "You're one of those wolves that lives with Moon," he mumbled half to himself. "Yes, In fact I'm the wolf from the other night, her mother." "I knew I recognized your scent! But what're you doing so far away from your territory?" he tilted his head. I turned my face away scared that I would cry, "I-It's a long story... but for now I don't want to go back." "You can stay with me for a bit, maybe not my pack, they're pretty territorial, but we can hang out." I felt the one question that had always burned my brain about Moon rise out of my mouth before I really knew it, "Why was Moon by herself whenever we found her and why does rushing water have seem to have something to do with it?" He stared at me o confusion, "She never told you?" He asked. I shook my head, "She always seemed sensitive about the topic so I never pushed her with questions, the only thing I know is that it has something to do with her wings." He looked around checking to see if anyone was near us and then he looked me straight into my eyes, "She was the first born and usually when the first pup is born they're the one that everyone wants to see first, but mother wouldn't let anyone see her she kept hiding her from everyone. And only a few hours after we were named she put on an act and told our father that Moon was dead. But all of us knew she wasn't there wasn't a reason why she could've been dead. We were in the womb with her two and a half months and she was perfectly healthy. And after she was born she was a happy little ball of fluff," I saw love start filling his eyes along with grief, "but she was different and mother that she was a bad omen because of her wings. She took Moon away from us we when were asleep and she bit down on her neck, probably trying to snap it so the story was believable. But she didn't have the right grip and if Moon made anymore noise they would know she was lying. So she ran with Moon swinging in her mouth. She dropped her into the river but it was the calm part so we found her the next day, but mother was furious. She start growling about how Moon would never be her daughter and how she would rather be dead. It was so loud we could hear her from the nursery. And then father roared that she had no authority about banishing a pup. I was the healthiest and I had managed to stumble out of the cave without being noticed. And I wish I hadn't. What I saw— ," he was shaking and he was on the verge of crying. "Y-You don't have to finish if you don't feel comfortable." "No," he swallowed hard, "you have a right to know, you're her true mother. What I saw was mother grabbing Moon and throwing her into the rapids, and father was furious and her pushed mother into the water and held her down. She slowly drowned under his paws. And Leila looked mortified but I could see in her eyes that she knew mother deserved it. Father quietly growled at her dead body, 'You're no mate of mine, she was perfect,' and then he and Leila turned and saw me standing there shivering with fear. I had been so sad about what happened to Moon and I had assumed that she was dead. Whenever we became warriors we ran away because we were angry with father for not running after her to try and save her. We still visit him though and he knows that we found her, the only reason he wants to reconnect with her is because she's the oldest and in line for alpha, but I know that she wouldn't dare leave you, she cares for you too much. She talks about you all the time." By now I was crying, I wish I had known what had happened to her sooner.

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