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You closed your eyes, waiting for his lips to cover yours in sweet delight -

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You closed your eyes, waiting for his lips to cover yours in sweet delight -

“Ahem,…” A voice that was magnified by a microphone was heard all of a sudden. It came from inside the mansion. “May we have your attention, please?”

You looked up at V and noticed the disappointment in his eyes. Well, he might have noticed yours, as well. Despite that, he still gave you a smile as he gently took your left hand from his right shoulder, giving it a light kiss that actually lasted for a few, heart - wrenching moments.

He let go of your hand after what seemed like an eternity, letting him receive the cane from Griffon’s waiting talon.

“We must go.” he said, then walked away, giving you no other choice but to follow.

“Thank you!” The announcer spoke, giving way to let the master of the house speak.

As the huge, yet charismatic, man stepped onto the platform, all of the Devil Hunters in the room became silent. They watched as he positioned himself in front of the microphone, waiting for him to finally reveal the mission he had in store for all of them. Some were excited, some not. Some were even suspicious, including Dante, Trish, and Lady, who stood at the far end of the room, safely away from the others. Nero, who prevailed from the long argument against Nico, stood alone on the other end of the room, the heavy, flowery - scented coat hanging on his arm.

It was in this exact moment when V and you finally arrived.

And right there, you immediately noticed the quick change in the atmosphere.

Like something huge was coming.

“My sincerest felicitations to each and everyone of you who answered the call.” the master of the house began his introduction, looking at all of the Devil Hunters gathered into one place. “However, not only that would be said to those who would prevail against the Wrath of The Gods.”

“That shit again?” Nero muttered under his breath, getting uneasy by the mere presence of the man.

“What is fatso spouting out now?” Dante, who sobered down thanks to his female companions, uttered, eyes narrowed and arms crossed. He was leaning against one of the pillars, looking uninterested and clearly annoyed by the turn of events.

“Exactly the reason why we’re here.” Trish answered him.

“And that is?”

“The Wrath of The Gods.” Lady, who was the only one who actually looked excited among the three, said, leaning an elbow against Dante’s shoulder. “Maybe the biggest gig, yet.”

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