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“You can do this, (Y/N)

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“You can do this, (Y/N). Just remember what I said and you’ll be fine.”

Patty’s words rang into your head as you descended the staircase. It’s not like you don’t want to stay with the others, no.

It’s just that - let’s face it: you may be taught how to dance and have a perfect posture but, no one ever taught you how to conduct yourself in an event like this. You were totally clueless. And so as not to embarrass yourself, you woke up earlier than the others that Friday morning, went to a friend’s house, and sought her advice regarding events such as this.

Yes, Patty Lowell may be jealous of you for a while for being hired as Dante’s assistant but, that all changed with a little bit of explanation and a lot of girl - bonding moments with her, that was, after your missions with the Devil Hunter or during your off days. The girl may only be seventeen, turning a year older two weeks from now, but she sure knew her stuff, being a girl who always got invited to parties.

And so, you decided to trust her for this.

And, as you scanned the area, making sure that no one’s paying attention, you took some steps forward, careful not to stumble on your stilettoes.

Your head held high, your posture as perfect as it can be, you were prepared for the challenge ahead. Everything will go according to your plan. The entity didn’t show you anything bad that might happen, what could go wrong?

You suddenly felt eyes directed towards your being, making the hairs on your nape stand. Your (E/C) eyes widened a bit. You looked down to your left and saw, leaning on one of the walls, the man who almost landed on top of you that Thursday afternoon. The man with the markings on his skin.

The man in your visions.

It was none other than V, himself. And boy, did he take your breath away. First time you saw him, he was wearing a long black leather vest, a pair of dark cargo pants, and, well, a very unflattering pair of sandals.

But, now,…

As soon as he noticed that you finally turned to look at him, V’s eyes slightly widened, then returned to normal. He noticed the same reaction on you, as if you were definitely expecting him to be there. He saw how you looked at him, like his presence awed you, and it honestly made him flattered, especially when he saw you blush a little bit, then looked away.

Ah, and so the girl finally gave up her game of hide and seek! V thought.

How could you not blush? Here was the man who had been plaguing you with both romantic and erotic visions for ten years straight. Yes, he may look a bit different in them but, that definitely was him, no doubt about it.

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