Chapter Ten

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"I'm telling you, you have no idea how tough these instructors are." James cringes. "The last time I was here, I couldn't move for weeks!"

I rolled my eyes, stretching my leg on the bar. "James, it's just dance. It's not like we're running a marathon. Where are they, anyway? We've been here for like, twenty minutes already."

James freezes mid-stretch, looking behind me. I turned around, seeing Gianna stand behind me innocently. Making eye contact one last time, James and I got into position. The beginning notes of 'Like to be You' began to play.

The girl began to run from wall to wall, stopping just infront and posing like a model. She always had be sassy like that.

She ran back to the middle of the room, and touched her toes, I copied, trying not to laugh as James struggled.

Standing straight again, she ran in circles on the spot, purposely trying to make us dizzy, I assume.

She paced across the room, swaying her hips which her hands were resting on. Don't ask who taught her that, my bet's on Crystal.


Bentley made us do starjumps, around fifteen to be precise, then did some very random arm movements, which made us look like partying zombies.

He pretended to lift weights while standing on one foot and laughed at the facial expressions James was pulling.

He began to skip around the room with James and I trailing behing him, James looking slightly puffed. I couldn't blame him, these kids are ruthless.

The boy started to clap everytime his right foot touched the floor when walking, until he switched to hopping around the room like crazy, making us follow him.


Eloise had been learning ballet ever since she could walk, and she thoroughly enjoyed it. So, here were were, leaping and spinning across the room, all on tip-toes.

She raised her arms above her head, and did a single spin. Step, pirouette, step pirouette, step pirouette.

Why do kids love to spin? Once she had reached the end of the room, she lifted her leg up into a standing split. I copied, swinging my leg up to meet my hand as she had done.

James stood there, not being able to lift his leg up any further after a certain point. Eloise placed her foot onto the floor, before going down into a side split and I followed again, reaching to touch my toes as she did.

By this point I think James had given up. I had most definately gotten my love of ballet from my mother, and Elle had gotten it from me. Much like how Bentley got his love of singing and music from Shawn.


Noah looked very awkward to say the least. Without Gianna, he was a typically shy kid, so he stood there, swinging his arms back and forth while tapping his foot.

The song hit the chorus again, and he began to walk around in circles, occasionally looking back at us. He thought it would be funny to freeze, then continue walking, then freeze again, and keep on walking, until we had done four laps of the room.

He's only one, you can't really blame him.

Noah crawled around the floor on his stomach, before rolling onto his back and kept doing 'rolly-pollys' and laughing with joy.

Toddlerography had to be one of the cutest - and hilarious - thing's invented. Especially when a sassy one year old was dancing around like a diva.


James threw a green balloon at me, and I swatted it away. We had just done the 'dancing', and we were now filming the end part of us winding down after it.

The room had been filled with streamers, glitter and balloons, and we were enjoying it to the full extent - which was really just James and I ditching balloons at each other. Noah hit a balloon like it was a volley ball, and I hit it back to him.

A yellow balloon that was full of glitter had popped, making the sparkles fall all over me, and into my hair. Noah laughed. I tackled him into a hug and sat on the floor, him in my arms. "Love you, Noah."


Third person P.O.V


Shawn relaxed by the private pool, drink in hand, while scrolling through social media. There were quite a few comments and posts about him being on The Late Late Show. Some commented saying that it was absolutely hilarious, while others couldn't wait for the rest of the week. Neither could he.

He read a message that a fan had posted, saying that they got to meet him, and how great it was. Of course, after every Late Late Show, Shawn would meet his fans and take selfies with them, or sign autographs.

He wondered how Eulilia was going with the kids. She hadn't told him what they were doing on the show, so he was curious. All she had said, was that he had to wait like everyone else. Even if he was her husband.



Aw look, I gave you two chapters.
Im so nice

Okay. Yes. I know. Young kids should not be on pointe, and are probably incapable of consistant pirouettes, but it's all made up, yeah? She's three, Eloise can do as Eloise wants. Good? Good.

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