Chapter Sixteen

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At precisely six-oh-nine PM, Shawn and I walked off the plane, carrying the twins, with Bentley and Eloise at our sides. Paparazzi and many onlookers stood behind barricades, snapping photos which will most likely make headlines as usual.

Noah, who was resting on my hip, stirred from the noises around us, before staying asleep with his head laying against my shoulder. We smiled and gave a wave to the crowd as we started walking toward the provided car.

Bentley smiled at the people, while Eloise was practising the Windsor Wave, gaining many 'aww's and photographs. Shawn and I buckled the kids into their carseats, and the driver began to head toward our destination, the Sydney Admiralty House. William and Kate had reccommended staying there as that's where they stayed on their Australian tour when George was merely eight months old.

The two older children fell asleep during the car ride, exhausted after flying to another country. Now we just had to get used to the time difference. Jetlag and I were never friends.

We were escorted across Sydney Harbour in police boats, and met up with the Australian Governor-General, Sir Peter Cosgrove, and his wife, Lynne. "We have something for the little ones," he said as he passes over four soft toys - one for each child. "We didn't know which animal they prefer, so we got one of each."

The man gave Bentley a wombat, similar to the one he gave George all those years ago. Eloise was given a Kangaroo, Gianna an Emu, and Noah got a Koala. The elder two thanked him, while the younger one hugged their toys.

We were shown to our rooms, where dinner would be brought to in a few minutes, as it was already seven o'clock. I put the suitcases in the bedrooms and began to unpack everything into the provided cupboards. There were four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen, lounge room and dining room.

The kids had fallen asleep again, on the sofas, Shawn drifting off next to them. I grabbed a glass from one of the cabinets, and filled it with water, taking a sip. It wasn't long before a knock was heard from the front door, so I opened it, a lady holding a tray of food stood there.

"Thank you," I smiled, taking it from her. "Do I need to pay or has that been covered?"

"It's all free," she said warmly, "enjoy. Have a lovely night."

I closed the door, placed the food onto the table, and went to wake the other five up. "Shawn babe, wake up. Dinner's here." I gently shook his shoulder, waking Eloise up in the process as she was leaning on him.

"Are you hungry, Elle?" I asked her as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes befors nodding her head. "Alright then, help me wake everyone up and we can have dinner." She did as told while I put everyones portions onto their plates.

They sleepily walked over to the table, climbing into their designated seats. Noah placed his koala onto the table next to his plate. "Eat up, kiddos. Then we can all get to bed."


At noon the next day, we had arrived at Taronga Zoo. Two of the zookeepers had escorted us first to the Chimpanzee enclosure. "Recently, one of our Chimpanzee's had twins, which were named Gianna and Noah." She explained. "They like to cause mischief, those two."

"You gave them the perfect names then," Shawn joked, causing the surrounding people to laugh.

The four kids were standing up against the railings, watching the monkeys with joy. Gianna was beginning to grow frustrated as she wasn't quite tall enough to see over it, so Shawn picked her up. I did the same with Noah, allowing him to see better.

Noah grinned at the creatures and pointed excitedly, the sounds of camera shutters in the background. "Monkey!" He squealed, recognising them from his bedroom wallpaper and multiple stuffed animals. "Uncle Harry?"

I laughed at the small child, "he is a bit of a monkey, isn't he?"


"Elle, would you like to pat the Koala?" I asked her, as one of the keepers was holding one for us to pat. "He's very cuddly." Warily, the blonde girl came forward, reached out, and touched the animal. Her smile was contagious, the people around us smiling also.

"He's cute, isn't he, Elle?" Shawn said, allowing Bentley to pat the koala too. The twins had become sleepy and quite irritated a little while back, so the nannies had taken them back to the Admiralty house - with plenty of security, of course.

"I want a koala," Bentley giggled, gazing at the grey and white creature, "they're cute and cuddly and I love them!"

Laughing at the boys enthusiasm, I spoke. "I love them too, Bent, but we'll have to stick to the cats."



I dont like this chapter, but whatever



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