Chapter Thirteen

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There is swearing in this chapter, be warned

Also, make sure you read the previous chapter I just published, chapter 12




"Hello and welcome back to the Late Late Show! Tonight I am with The Duke and Duchess of Oxford, Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin, Calum Hood, Michael Clifford, Gemma Clifford and Crystal Leigh!"

The crows erupted in applause, clapping and cheering for us.

"Now, who's up for a friendly little game of Never Have I ever? I've got you all some paddles with the words 'I have' and 'I have not' on them. So if you could just pass them down the line that would be great." One by one, the red and green paddles were passed down so everyone got one.

"Alright! Do you all know the rules? I'll ask a question and you show if you have or haven't done it before, yeah? Cool. Okay, first question comes from Jodie who is in tonights crowd." Someome squealed, most likely Jodie. "Never have I ever googled myself."

Everyone on the couch flipped their paddle to say 'I have'. "I had to make sure there were no rumours going around." I smirked, "Especially since I was a troublesome teenager. I needed to see if anyone leaked a photo of me at a party."

"I still can't believe you were like that." Gemma said. "You seem so angelic."

"Alright, the second question is from Jennifer who says: never have I ever used someone elses toothbrush."

I immediately changed mine to 'I have never', as did everyone but Michael. "That is so gross, Mike. Whose was it."

"Hey, in my defense it was years ago." We waited for him to tell us. "Pretty sure it was Lukes. Also Gemmas."

"Michael Gordon Clifford that is so disgusting!" Gemma shuddered. "What kind of animal are you?!" We all burst into a fit of laughter until James asked the question.

"Third question comes from Rachel: never have I ever gotten a tattoo I regret."

Everyone said no. Until I hesitantly turned mine to yes. "Dad is so going to kill me later."

"Hold on," Shawn paused. "You have a tattoo? Where? When?"

"I'm honestly surprised you haven't seen it." I said. "I got it at a party when I was seventeen and drunk, from someone without a lisence."

Gemma cringed. "What's it of?"

"It's an absolutely tiny rose. It's on my right middle finger. That's why I've always worn a ring. Somehow no one picked up on it." I took the ring off my finger and showed them. "It's actually not that bad, but I regret getting it while drunk and from someone without a lisence."


"So Gemma," James started, gaining hers and our attention. "Who's the lucky guy?"

She froze. "What do you mean?"

James smirked, unknowing. "I can see that engagement ring on your finger."

Michael stared at her in shock while Gemma paled, realising she had forgotten to take her ring off before the show started. "Uh-"

"Gem?" Michael said, his voice eerily low and calm. "Who are you engaged to? I wasn't even aware you had a boyfriend." The crowd and everyone else had gone silent. Michael turned to me. "Did you know?" I nodded faintly. "Of f*cking course you did."

"Michael!" Gemma gasped.

"Shut up Gemma." He growled.

"Mate, that's enough." Calum interjected.

The look on Michael's face was enough to say that it had clicked in his brain. "What the actual f*ck Gemma! My bandmate? Really? Calum, I thought I told you to stay away from her!"

Looking at the crowd, I noticed mothers covering their childrens ears, looking appalled. "Michael," I said in a hushed whisper. "I get you're mad but there are kids here. Could you wait until after the show so we don't cause a scene?"

He looked as if he were going to argue, but knew I was right. "Fine."


"Of all the people in this f*cking world, it just had to be my sister, didn't it?" The moment we were off set, Michael blew up at Calum. "My f*cking sister!"

I walked over to Gemma who had her head in her hands, pacing back and fourth, while the boys were trying to calm her brother. "Hey, you okay?"

"No," she mumbled. "This is why we didn't tell him. We knew he'd react like this. Mike hates the thought of me with one of his friends."

"I don't think that's true," I said. "I think he's just surprised. You're engaged, why wouldn't he be? He could just be annoyed that you didn't tell him you and Calum were dating."

She sighed, wiping a tear. "I just wish he would be happy for me, you know? But all he's doing is yelling at Cal. It isn't his fault."

As if to prove her point, Michael's voice echoed through the halls. "F*cking hell, guys! You all f*cking knew?!"

"Give him time, Gem." I say. "Perhaps he'll calm down by tomorrow. Speak to him later." James entered the room we were in, an apologetic look spreak over his face.

"I'm sorry, guys." He frowned. "I wasn't aware that he didn't know."

Gemma gave a faint smile. "It's alright James, he'll get over it. He has too, they spend twenty-four seven together."



Eesh. That was alot of swearing. Bad Mikey.

Giving you two chapters because I caaannn

This was the last 'Late Late Show' chapter.


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