Chapter Eighteen

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"Yes!" Gemma cheered as she jumped up from her chair, controller in hand. "Beat that, Mike!" Gemma and the boys had been versing each other in Fifa, and, as you can probably tell, she beat her brother.

"You cheated!" Michael said, not happy that he lost to his younger sister. "You don't even play Fifa!" Rayne, Gemma's six year old, Blue American Staffy began to lick his chin, making him swat her away.

Gemma huffed, "I did not! You're just a sore loser!"

Before they could turn it into an argument, Calum butted in. "Why don't we go in the pool? We all brought our bathers, and it's really hot."

"What a great idea, Cal, let's do that." I said in agreement before turning to Shawn. "I'll change the girl, you take the boys?" He nodded. "Alright then, be back in a minute."


We all met back at the pool, the four children in matching swimwear.

We all met back at the pool, the four children in matching swimwear

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"Okay," Sierra said from next to Luke. "I'm starting to really like matching kids' outfits now." Crystal nodded in agreement.

"Hey, Gem? Could you c'mere a sec?" Calum asked, casually, standing near the pool. She did so without question and I mentally sighed. Never trust someone around a pool. Without a moment's hesitation, Calum had picked her up bridal style, and thrown her into the water. I could see Michael staring at him

"Calum!" She squealed when she surfaced, taking in a deep breath. "It's cold in here you jerk!" We all began to laugh at her expense, Calum pretending to wipe a tear from his eye. "Fine, but you guys all have to join me now."

The four 5 Seconds of Summer guys all cannon-balled next to her, making her shriek. Shawn had put floaties on the kids arms, and one around each of their waists, so they'd be able to float. Everyone hopped into the pool, except for Lauren and Sierra who laid on nearby chairs, and Shawn, who stopped to talk to Lauren.

Weird. Why're they whispering? I watched as they spoke in hushed tones, not being able to make out what they were saying. I brushed any bad thoughts off, turning back to my kids who were floating around in the water.

Ashton and Harry, his younger brother, seemed to be having a splash contest, splashing each other as much as possible, Gemma and Calum were talking to Michael and Crystal - without arguing or fighting, thank goodness. Luke had quietly gotten out of the pool, and was now hugging a squealing Sierra who was trying to work on her tan, and Lauren was laughing at her, Shawn still next to her.

"Does anyone want a drink?" I asked, climbing out of the pool and drying myself with a nearby towel. There were murmurs of 'yes's, and Michael said that there should be some beer and cool drinks in the fridge, so I went inside, closing the sliding door behind me.

I walked through the house, pausing once I got to the lounge room where all the boys' mums were. I know it's wrong to eavesdrop, but tell me you wouldn't do the same if you heard your name.

"Shawn seems to be pretty cozy with Lauren, don't you think?"

"I thought so, too. They were a few years back, too. Constantly with each other."

"I wonder if poor Eulilia knows?"

"I don't think she does. I hope Shawn knows what he's doing"

Not wanting to hear any more, I continued into the kitchen, grabbing a few drinks, along with some water for the kids. I went back outside, placing everything onto a table. Everyone had exited the pool, and were now sitting around talking.

The guys' dads were around the barbeque, a pile of uncooked sausages and steaks on a plate next to it. "Mike! Get the fire started, would you?" His dad, Daryl, said as he pointed towars the unlit bonfire.

Michael nodded and walked over to it, the other guys' following him. "Hey Dad!" He called. "Where are the matches?" His dad replied, saying that they should be there. They clearly weren't. Gemma turned around to me and winked before quickly turning back. Ah, that makes sense. Michael groaned. "Well they aren't here!"

"Then grab some sticks and make light it the old way!" Daryl said, chuckling. "You're men, aren't you? Get to work!"

Michael, Luke, Calum, Ashton, Harry and Shawn looked at each other before grabbing sticks and trying to make fire by rubbing them together. They failed, miserably. "Okay, okay! That's enough! Us girls will show you how to do it!" Gemma said, hiding the lighter. We followed her, trying to keep straight faces. To keep up our act, we picked up sticks and tried the same approach, before Gemma quickly pulled out the lighter and used it. "See that boys? Fire!"

They all seemed pretty gobsmacked, and embarrassed, but slow clapped for us. "Just take a marshmallow, Gemma." Michael said as he held out the pink packet. We all took one or two, and put it on a stick, toasting them over the crackling fire as we waited for dinner.



Oh Shawn... what are you and Lauren up to?

Thank you Pineapple for the ideas!


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