Chapter Fifteen

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"Levi, Marcus, great to see you two again." I smile as I walk up to the trio. "I hope Bentley here isn't bothering you."

"It isn't a problem, Your Highness." Marcus speaks, ever so formal. "This young prince is quite the entertainer. Brightens my day, really."

Bentley grins at the compliment as Shawn turns his attention to Levi. "I don't believe I've met you. I'm Shawn."

"Levi. It's a pleasure meeting you, Bentley has spoken quite well of you." He laughs, thinking back at the times Bentley would talk about his father and how great he was - especially at singing.

"You've been talking about me, have you?" Shawn chuckled, tickling Bentley's sides, making the young boy squirm and squeal. "Cheeky kid."

I watched as Gianna paraded around the garden, her head held high and posture surprisingly straight for a toddler. Eloise was smelling each and every rose, smiling to herself when she found a particular one she liked best. Noah was seated next to my feat, rubbing at his eyes wearily.

"You sleepy still, kiddo?" I asked him, recieving a tired 'mhm'. I laughed quitely and picked him up, his head resting on my shoulder. I could tell he was falling asleep. "Shawn," I said quietly, gaining his attention. "I'm going to take Noah to have a nap. Watch the others?"

He nodded, kissing me gentley. "Okay. We'll be back soon, anyway." I smiled, before making my way back to our apartment, Noah fast asleep.


February fifteen


The children were bouncing off the walls as we made our way onto the private jet that was bound for Sydney, Australia. Even I had to admit I was excited.

It was eleven in the morning, meaning that we would arrive at around nine AM tomorrow. It would be six at night Sydney time when we arrive. How fun it is going to be to get four kids - and myself - to sleep on this plane.

We buckled the kids into their seats, mainly so the younger two wouldn't run around being crazy, gave them something to do, and sat in our own seats. "This is going to be a fun twenty-something hours," I said sarcastically to Shawn.

"Yes it will." He laughed. "And there's probably going to be four - maybe five - grumpy children when we arrive."

"I'm older than you, babe." I reminded him.

Shawn smirked, "How did you know I was referring to you? I might have meant me." I stuck my tounge out at him, hoping the kids wouldn't see. We didn't need them picking up that habit. "See? Childish."

"How longer?" Gianna whined, looking over at us, her colouring book and pencils discarded all over the floor.

Shawn and I looked at each other before I answered her. "We haven't even started flying yet, Gia. We're still in London." Apparently, she wasn't happy with that answer, as she started throwing a tantrum, screaming, crying and trying to get out of her seat.

I sighed, knowing we'd have to deal with a grumpy toddler for almost twenty-four hours, and went over to her, picking her up. I carried her to the back of the plane, where a sofa type seat was.

She had stopped wriggling when she was in my arms, but the waterfall of tears didn't stop. The consistant screams didn't, either. I sat her on my lap, pulling her into a hug - which happened to be quite similar to locking her in place so she couldn't run around.

Wanting the girl to quite down, I went along with my first approach - distracting her. "Can I tell you a secret, Gia?" I asked softly, pretending to make sure no-one was listening.

She looked at me, her brown, doe-like eyes brimming with tears. Her screams were silenced really quite quickly, but the waterworks kept falling. Shawn and I had this little idea planned since we decided to even go to Australia - telling her a "secret" to distract her from her emotions.

Although she kept crying, her interest was piqued. She sniffled, looking up at me. "Promise not to tell anyone?" I ask, drawing the conversation out as long as possible so she gets over her tantrum.

She nods and I hold out my pinky, hers wrapping around it. "Alright, well, I heard that Daddy has something for you. But don't tell anyone, okay Gia?" Immediately, the tears stopped, the thought of a gift overwhelming them.

She stood up and ran across the plane to Shawn, who smiled at the success. I heard him say that she had to wait until we were up in the air. I watched Gianna pout, bracing myself for tears, but instead she stomped back to her seat and sat down, beckoning me to clip her seatbelt.

I did so, and it wasn't long before the plane took off.



I feel as if I haven't published in a decade.

This chapter was very dull, sorry 'bout that.

PREPARE YOURSELF AUSTRALIA! You won't know what hit you when get some very important visitors.

Do you guys want to see anything - or anyone - in this book? Suggestions are taken into consideration and are appreciated!


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