Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Shawn and I were laying around in our bedroom, enjoying the peace whilst his family were watching over the kids. Well, we were, until Karen knocked on the door, and entered the room.

"You need something, mum?" Shawn asked, seated on his armchair, lyric book in hand.

"Yes actually," she replied, "I'd appreciate it if you gave me a moment with mt beautiful daughter-in-law?" Karen smiled kindly, basically telling her son to get out.

"Kicking me out of my own bedroom? Thank you, mother dearest." He spoke sarcastically. Karen looked pointedly at her son. "Yes, yes, I'm leaving."

He exited the room, closing the door gently behind him. Karen watched as he left, and took a seat on the end of the bed as he did so. "How are you feeling, Love?" She asked me.

"A little poorly, but I'm alright. I'm hoping I'll be back to normal soon though, so I can continue on with my life." I answered. "How are you?"

"I'm well, thank you for asking. Now, for the reason I came in here." She started, hands clasped together. "Shawn was telling me of your symptoms, and I got a little suspicious."

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused as to what she was trying to get at. "Is there any chance you might be pregnant again? I know you've gone through pregnancy three times before, but perhaps this time might be a little different?"

My eyes widened. I had gone through pregnancy three times before, and it is possible, even though we had been careful. "I suppose it could be the case, yes. I hadn't even thought of it though. Do you think I am? Oh God, I already have four young children under six years of age."

"Four kids that love each other dearly. I think you should take a test or two. Do you have any or would you like me to go buy some?" Karen asked, ready to go buy pregnancy tests for the blonde if she desired.

"I believe I still have some in the bathroom, I'll go and check." I stood up from the bed and wandered into the tiled room, opening the cupboards and rummaging through them. Sure enough, my hand found two boxes.

Karen had followed me to the bathroom, and was standing at the door. "Are you going to take them? Even if they come back negative, at least we've ruled this out."

I inhaled deeply, before taking the two tests out of their boxes and reading the instructions.

"I'll be waiting out here," my mother-in-law smiled, closing the bathroom door for me and waiting in the bedroom. I had a staring competition with the tests for a solid minute before actually taking them.

Once I had taken them, I dropped them upside down on the bathroom cabinet and speed walked back into the bedroom. "Now we wait."

"Now we wait," Karen repeated.


The three minutes went agonisingly slow, and I was beginning to become restless. Karen had set a timer on her phone, and it soon started buzzing. The three minutes were up.

"I'm too scared to look," I admitted, standing infront of the upside down tests. "You should look first."

Karen gave a soft smile. "Are you sure, Eulilia? I really think you should see first."

I shook my head immediately. I didn't know why I was so scared. "No, you go ahead. I need to calm down a bit."

I watched as she picked up the two tests, not letting her facial expressions give it away. "Your turn to look, Love." She said as she held them out to me.

I took a deep breath as I grabbed them from her. Not being able to look away any longer, my eyes stared at the tests. A clear '+' was seen on one, and the word 'pregnant' was visible on the other.

And that was when the waterworks started. I blamed prenancy hormones on the mass amounts of happy tears that cascaded down my cheeks. Karen embraced me in a hug. "Congratulations!" She grinned, ear to ear. "Shawn's going to be esctatic!"


Unedited, of course

B A B Y!

I already have this child's name and gender sorted out, but what gender do you think it will be? Go ahead and leave some names too, so I can overthink the name and probably change it.


Eulilia 2 || Shawn Mendes + British Royal FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now