Chapter Seventeen

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There was a barricade down the middle of one of Sydney's streets, us on one side, and civillians on the other. To my request, we were walking down the said street, and talking to the people. Quite a few people had gathered to come see us.

"Mummy, mummy, it's a princess!" I heard a young child say. I looked over to where I heard her voice, and saw a little red haired girl, holding a doll. "She's looking at me!"

I smiled and walked over to her, Bentley and Eloise following me, while the twins stayed with Shawn. "Hello sweetheart," I greeted, looking down at her. "What's your name?"

"I'm Evie and I'm seven!" She replied enthusiastically, "Mummy said you're a princess and that you live in a palace! Is that true? Are they your kids?" She turned to the two little ones.

I laughes softly, "It is! And yes, they are. This is Bentley, he's five, and this is Eloise who is three. Over next to Shawn, the curly haired man, is Noah and Gianna."

"Your clothes are fancy. Why do you wear fancy clothes? Why do you all wear the same colour? All I wear is this." Evie gestures to her plain pink T-shirt and pair of shorts which were decorated with pink and purple butterflies.

"They are a bit fancy, aren't they? It's tradition for the British Royal family to dress like this, I suppose." I answer her and she smiles, her eyes sparkling.

"Alright, Eves, that's enough. We don't want to be a nuissance." Evie's mother says before turning to me, "I'm sorry about her, she talks alot."

My gaze moves to her mother. "That's perfectly alright, I have to deal with four of them. Five if we're including Shawn." The two of us share a laugh. "I had better keep going, have a good day."

"Thank you for taking your time to talk to us," she says as I move on, the two kids in tow.


We had spoken to many people, but now we had arrived at Michael's house. He and his sister, along with the rest of 5SOS, had come to Australia at the same time as us, so we could all have one big catch up. All their parents and families included.

I knocked on the door which a blonde lady opened. Her eyes widened when she saw us. "Hello, you must be Karen, Michael's mother?" I asked, a smile planted on my face.

"Yes, that's me," she said nervously." Excuse me one second. Michael Gordon Clifford get down here right now!"

Michael ran down the stairs, Crystal behind him. "Yes mum? Oh, hey Lils, Shawn." We smiled our greetings. "I see you've met the special visitors I mentioned."

"You didn't tell me they'd be royalty for goodness sake!" She eyed her house. "I would've tidied this place more! I am so sorry."

"Oh- no, Ma'am, it's perfectly fine, we didn't expect anything to be immaculate. As a matter of fact, I prefer this over that old palace any day."

Karen smiled, "Oh, do come in and please, call me Karen. None of those formalities. Daryl dear, come say 'hi' to the guests!"

A man - Daryl - strolled into the entry. "Hi there, you look familiar."

"Daryl, this is the Duke and Duchess of Oxford, and their children. They're Michael's friends." Karen introduced, "your highness', this is my husband, Daryl."

"Pleasure to meet you both," Shawn grinned before turning back to Michael. "I assume the others are on their way?"

He nodded, "Ash, Cal and Luke with their families, and Gemma is with Calum." He seemed the detest saying that last part, but we didn't question it. Instead, we all sat on the couch - Shawn stupidly challenging Michael to some game.

Gianna sat on Crystal's lap, playing with her hair. "She seems to like you," I laughed. "She'd never do that to Shawn and I unless she were sick!"

"We're best friends, aren't we Gia?" The one year old nodded her head and seemed to be putting Crystal's hair in a knot.

Smirking, I changed the topic. "So, Thinking of having your own yet? You see, pretty good with them." Michael didn't seem to hear. Crystal choked on a biscuit she was eating and started coughing.

"You okay Crys?" Michael asked, glancing awaying from the screen for a second before turning back.

"F-Fine! Perfectly fine!" Her face said otherwise, the blush creeping up onto her cheeks. As if on cue, five knocks sounded on the door. "Saved by the Hoods'!" She said as she went to answer the door.



Oh Crystal...


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