Chapter 4 - Yo-yo-yogurt

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"What in your mind that you rejected Kim Angel Jongdae? You stupid man!" Xiumin said to him messing his hair because of frustration. He sat at the edge of his bed thinking of any solution.

"This is your first time rejecting him! You stupid man!" Xiumin said to himself. As time passes by, his hate for himself is getting stronger and guilt is eating him.

An imaginary sound dinged from his head.

"I'll follow him. Everywhere he will go. Good idea Xiumin!" Xiumin said then finally fixed his hair and wore his shirt and went out.

As he follows Chen, he can see the sadness in his eyes. "I should've agreed to him in the first place. He looks so lonely just by looking at his eyes. I hate seeing my friends lonely specially Chen."

Chen went to an amusement park first. Without him knowing, Xiumin followed him. He also rode all rides Chen tries. Xiumin always try to be close to Chen for him to see his reactions. Chen smile from ear to ear, Xiumin saw it all and it also made him smile.

The second place Chen went to is an cafe. It's simple but is still elegant. The inside is filled with beautiful ornamental plants. They are also tables outside were Chen decided to sit.

Xiumin can sense that Chen is feeling uncomfortable and out of place because the other seats is occupied by couples having dates. Even though Chen is feeling a bit unwell, he just smile.

"I wish I can take a selfie with him." Xiumin said when he looked towards Chen who is taking selfies.

"This is what I hate about Chen, he just smile even though he is not happy. He is so stubborn that he don't want asking him if he's okay." Xiumin sighed.

The sun was about to set and Chen stopped for a bit. He thought that he was caught by Chen but he realized that he just looked at the nearby beach with the beautiful sunset.

Xiumin filled up courage inside him then approached Chen who sit at a bench.

At the dorm

"Did you have fun today?" Xiumin asked but instead of enthusiastic voice, he wears a apologizing voice.

"Did I? I don't know hyung. It's hard to flash a fake smile and fake laughs even though you aren't happy. I think you should've came with me when I asked you. But anyways, thank you for being there at the beach and consoling me." Chen said his voice failing him as it cracked.

"Chen I-I'm sorry." Xiumin stuttered.

"Sorry for breaking down specially in front of you. It just hurts. You know who caused me to have a break down?" Chen asked then immediately looked embarrassed.

"Who Chen tell me!" Xiumin curiously said.

"Yo-yo-yogurt. Ugh nevermind. But like I said, thank you for being there for me." Chen said then

When Chen turned around, 'Why the fudge did I stuttered? It's not that obvious right?' he whispered to himself.

"Chen~ are you hungry? If yes, I'll cook tteokbokki for the both of us. Just think of this as a apology." Xiumin said while smiling.

'Ugh! That gummy smile!' Chen thought then said, "Make sure that it's tasty." He said.

"I'm not good at cooking but I hope just hope, that this will please you. It might not taste as good as Kyungsoo's but please don't spit it. Eat well Chen". Xiumin said

Both dig in the food but is shocked by how good it taste.

"Its not that bad... Really its good I'm enjoying this." Chen said while stuffing his mouth with the food.

"Thanks for appreciating my cooking skills." Xiumin answered jokingly. The two finished eating.

Chen insisted that he will wash the dishes and said, "Hyung, you should probably take a shower now. It has been a long day. Just be fast because I'm going to shower too. And please, don't forget to lock the door."

"Ok, Ok." Xiumin answered while chuckling then walked to their room then showered.

When Jongdae finished washing the dishes, he dashed to their room to shower. When he got in, he saw Xiumin topless drying his hair droplets of water trickling down his body.

"Are you finished? You should probably take a shower now I prepared the bathtub for you to relax. This is still in that apology package." Xiumin said like he is a hotel servant.

"T-thank you very much Minseok hyung. I forgive you now." he answered while smiling cutely that he look like a cat.

When he finished showering, Xiumin is still up sitting on the side of his bed.

"Still awake? Sleep now hyung we will have a fan meeting tommorow." Chen asked while drying his hair.

"I can't sleep Chen" Xiumin answered looking at the wall then looked to Chen.

"Can I sleep beside you?" Chen asked cutely.

Xiumin was surprised when he heard what Chen said. Xiumin can't say no to him again specially in one day.

"Sure! Here." Xiumin said then tapped the space beside him.

Chen slipped under the sheets and dozed off feeling the comfortable warmth Xiumin is producing even though they aren't that close.

"Good Night Jongdae-ah. Sleep well." Xiumin said not knowing that Chen smirked under the sheets. And whispered, "Good night hyung."

As night gets deeper, the two snuggled closer to find the comfortable heat they both feel. In the end, they both have their arms around each other.


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