Chapter 7 - Introduce Yourself

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Xiumin stayed in the hospital again to wait for Chen to wake up. He slept on Chen's side again while holding his hands. He felt the hand move so he woke up immediately. Then seconds later, he felt someone poking his cheeks.

"Who are you?" Chen asked while smiling with his signature cat smile.

"You don't remember me Jongdae-ah?" Xiumin asked then faced Chen.

"Do I know you? Because from what I can see you know me. But really, I don't know you." Chen explained while still looking at the chubby cheeked boy.

"Don't joke at me like that Jongdae!" Xiumin said with a worried voice.

"But I'm not joking." Chen said with a serious face.

"Let me introduce myself fully. I'm Kim Jongdae but you can call me Chen. 24 years old. I can sing and dance. Nice to meet you and please treat me nice!" Chen introduced like the past Chen.

"Chen! I know that you know me!" Xiumin said.

"Aish! How many times do I have to tell you that I - don't - know - you." Chen said a little annoyed.

And with that, Xiumin cried when he remembered what the doctor said. Chen don't know what to do because the stranger suddenly cried.

"Hey Chubby Cheeks. Don't cry! I'm sorry!" Chen frantically said.

"It's okay! It's not your fault so don't say sorry." Xiumin said then wiped his tears.

"By the way… please introduce yourself so I won't call you Chubby Cheeks everytime." Chen chuckled.

"Please don't call me Chubby Cheeks. I'm offended. My name is Kim Minseok and call me Xiumin. I don't mind whatever name you call me but not Chubby Cheeks." Xiumin said.

"What about Baozi?" Chen asked then chuckled.

"That's fine I guess? Let me continue. I'm currently 29 years old and you're wrong that you're 24 because you're already 26. And we are in the same band called EXO we learned how to sing and dance through training." Xiumin explained.

"What? I'm already 26?" Chen asked innocently.

"Yeah. You had a Retrograde Amnesia which means you lost those memories from the past two years. That's why you don't remember me, and EXO." Xiumin said and was saddened by what he said.

"Then let's start all over again hyung! Help me remember! And we are friends now." Chen cheerfully said.

"Do you want to go hone already? The doctor said you can be discharged already." Xiumin said then looked for Chen's eyes. All he can see is innocence in those beautiful pair of eyes.

"Go home? So you know where I live?" Chen asked while pointing to himself.

"You mean where we live. We live in dorms provided to us by SM our label. Remember I said you're an EXO member? We live with them." Xiumin bit by bit explained for Chen to digest easily.

"Oh just remembered that I'm an EXO member. I really am stupid I'm sorry." Chen awkwardly laughed.

"You're not stupid it's just because of Amnesia. It's okay if you ask me questions and don't worry, I'll helo you regain those lost memories back." Xiumin encouraged then hold Chen's hand.


They arrived at the dorms where the other EXO members are. Chen heard a noisy room.

"Let's go! I'll show you to the other members." Xiumin said then dragged him inside.

"Really? Are they nice? They're noisy from what I can hear! And I love noisy! The truth is I'm a really noisy person." Chen laughed enthusiastically.

'This is the Chen that we all miss. The noisy, always laughing, and a very cheerful one.' Xiumin thought and spaced out.

"Hyung? Let's go!" Chen said waving his hand in front of Xiumin's face.

"Okay." Xiumin smiled.

While walking, a memory flashed in front of his eyes. He feels like he is having a deja vu. He just shrugged it off and continued walking.

Xiumin opened the noisy room and entered, he is also signalling Chen to come inside.

When Chen stepped inside the room, it turned silent and then, "CHEN!" Everyone shouted. They also walked closer to him and hugged him.

"Guys, I have something to tell you all." Xiumin said.

"What is it?" Baekhyun said.

"He's suffering from Amnesia. Don't make him feel weird because of all the hugging." Xiumin explained then looked sorry for them.

"Oh we're sorry." The members said then backed off.

"Treat him like when we we're about to debut." Xiumin stated then looked at the members.

The members just stood there sadly while looking to Chen.

"Hey hey, don't distance yourselves. I don't mind having your company really." Chen said then smiled.

"Really?" Kyungsoo said about to tear up.

The members introduced themselves to Chen and everyone missed the old Chen. They are laughing and talking to each other. Even playing with board games.

Xiumin looks at them with happiness in his eyes. Seeing his friends specially Chen laughing happily makes him happy also.

"Hyung! Why don't you play with us? Here." Chen said then tapped the empty seat beside him with smile in his face.

"Okay." Xiumin said then sat beside him.

The living room is filled with laughter and happiness. They all didn't noticed the time.


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