Chapter 6 - I'm Sorry

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"So hyung, what will we talk about?" Chen asked even though he know already what it is.

"Why aren't you answering my questions? Chen remember that I'm your best friend and I worry about you!" Xiumin said a little loud and angry.

"Not that I'm not answering your questions it's jus-"

"Just what!? You don't trust me?!" Xiumin fumed and his face shows that he is so angry.

"H-hyung…" Chen's voice faltered as his tears starts to fall.

"Answer my questions for f***s sake and don't cry!" Xiumin shouted making Chen so scared.

Chen can't take it anymore. He sobbed and ran back down as fast as he can but that's when he tripped over his own feet causing him to fall down. But the worst thing is that he fell head first

The dorms was alarmed by a loud thud.

"What's that sound?" Suho asked the others.

"Let's check!" Kyungsoo said and he had the feeling that something is wrong.

The members located where the sound was created and when they reach the end of the hallway where the stairs is, there they saw Chen. He's unconscious and head bleeding.

"CHEN!" Kyungsoo worriedly shouted as tears start to fall down his cheeks.


Xiumin saw Chen crying and his frame was trembling because of fear. He stayed at the rooftop to cool down when he heard Kyungsoo shout his bestfriend's name.

'What happened?' Xiumin thought and he felt that his heart skip a beat.

Adrenaline rushed to Xiumin's body then ran swiftly. And right before his eyes is Chen unconscious with blood rushing out his head.

"CHEN! OH MY GOD!" Xiumin shouted then grabbed him by the shoulders.

"Xiumin carry him downstairs and I'll fetch you using my van." Suho said as calmly as he could before running downstairs to immediately get his car.

Xiumin carried Chen bridal style and whispered, "Chen! Wake up please! Because if you don't I don't know what I'll do. Chen I-I'm sorry!" He said while tears flowing down his face.

And right after they got the ground floor of the dorm, Suho's van was already in front waiting for them.

Xiumin laid Jongdae's body in the seat and he sat at the front seat.

"Drive fast Junmyeon please!" Xiumin said while still crying.

"Xiumin calm down. And I'll drive fast." Suho calmly said concealing his worries for Xiumin not to worry anymore.


They arrived at the hospital and they already called staffs. In no time, a stretcher was dragged towards the van and Chen's body was transferred.

The nurses immediately dragged him to the Emergency Room leaving Xiumin, Suho and the others outside.

Xiumin didn't stopped crying. He was so worried as he kept on thinking that he is the reason why Chen is in this state. The boy kept on blaming himself because Chen's life was put in danger. 'If I didn't just asked him, he should've been safe' Xiumin thought.

"I swear if something bad happened to him, I will not forgive myself." Xiumin whispered but he is heard by the members.

"Hyung don't blame yourself! This isn't your fault." Sehun said then rubbed Xiumin's back to calm him down.

"Yeah hyung Sehun's right! Chen hyung will be alright." Kai added then comforted Xiumin also.

"I'm sorry but this happened because of me. This is no ones fault but mine. If I shouldn't have let anger eat me." Xiumin blamed himself and cried.

The two maknaes just comforted Xiumin. And in no time, Xiumin's sobs died down and was replaced by soft snores.


After three hours of waiting, a doctor finally went out of the door. With just the sound of the door opening, Xiumin's eyes opened immediately as if he wasn't asleep.

"You're Chen's members right?" The doctor asked.

"Yes doctor! Is my best friend okay? Is he safe already?" Xiumin asked.

"Fortunately, he was brought here on time. And yes, he is okay now. But please don't interrupt him for this time being because he needs to rest. I probably should get going." The doctor explained then vanished from their sight.

They enter the room and saw Chen sleeping peacefully.

"I was so worried Chen." Xiumin then walked closer to Chen.

"Guys you all need to rest. I'll stay here." Xiumin said.

"Are you sure?" Suho asked.

"Yeah I know y'all are tired." Xiumin stated.

"Okay. Let's go." Suho said to the others then disappeared.

Xiumin find a chair and sat beside Chen. He rested his head below Chen then held his hand as he slept yet again.


"Chen finally you're awake!" Xiumin said then smiled but his smile disappeared when Chen cried.

"Chen?" Xiumin worriedly asked but Chen continued to cry.

"Chen! Chen! Are you okay!?" Xiumin shouted that startled the nurses and doctors.

When the doctors came in, Xiumin fainted.


Xiumin was startled when he heard sobs and cries. He opened his eyes and saw the other members crying.

"What's happening? Is Chen okay?" Xiumin asked.

"Ch-ch-chen, he passed away when you're asleep." Kyungsoo voice faltered and cried.

"What are you saying!? Tell me you're lying!" Xiumin shouted.

But the others didn't answered they just cried.

"I can't lose him! He's like a brother to me!" Xiumin shouted and cried.


"Hyung! Wake up! It's just a bad dream." Sehun said then shook his shoulder.

Xiumin immediately opened his eyes and asked Sehun.

"Where is Chen? Is he okay? Please tell me!" Xiumin cried.

"Hyung he is in the room safe and sound. Don't worry and stop crying." Sehun consoled.

Xiumin entered the room and saw group of doctors examining him.

"Doctors, Is Chen okay?" Xiumin aske the doctors.

"Yes he's okay. But-"

"But what?" Xiumin cutted.

"Let me continue. Chen is suffering from Retrograde Amnesia. It means that he lost his memories from a year or two or longer than that. But I'm sure the he know about his past friends and family but not those recent ones." The doctor explained.

"I'm so sorry Chen." Xiumin said while holding Chen's hand.

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