Chapter 15 - I Love You

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Nothing is new to Xiumin. Waking up with a new source of energy which is the one who's beside him, Chen. He looked at Chen who looks so cute while sleeping. He observed Chen's face and the steady rising and falling of his chest. After a while of observing Chen, he decided to go to bathroom to pee.

When he went back, he looked towards Chen who woke up and cutely rubbing his eyes. Xiumin can't seem to remove his eyes from Chen.

Chen started to notice that something is weird to Xiumin's actions this day. "Hyung, why are you looking at me? Oh! Did you drew something funny on my face?" Chen said then immediately went to the bathroom to see.

"I didn't do anything to you Chen. I'm just looking at you. Nothing more nothing less." Xiumin loudly said for Chen to hear.

"I'm sorry hyung! I didn't mean to overreact." Chen said while scratching his nape.

"You're saying sorry again for nothing." Xiumin said.

"I apologized because I accused you of something you didn't do." Chen said.

"That's too shallow Chen." Xiumin commented.

"Chen." Xiumin called

"Hyung?" Chen replied immediately.

"Can we go out today? Like you know, a date?" Xiumin asked while smiling awkwardly.

"Y-yeah! S-sure! I would love to hyung!" Chen excitedly said while stammering.

"But first we, I mean I need to shower. You should too after me." Xiumin said while hitting his head lightly.

"Hyung are you sure you're okay? You act weirdly today." Chen stated and Xiumin just blushed.

"I'm fine don't worry I gotta shower now. Bye!" Xiumin hurriedly said then went inside the bathroom.


The two went out of the dorm and entered Xiumin's car. They went to a place only Xiumin know where.

Chen noticed that they were in a beautiful place. There's not so many people around and is very peaceful and silent.

"It's beautiful here hyung!" Chen said then looked around the place.

"Isn't it? I love it here." Xiumin said.

"Why are we here hyung? I'm not complaining though." Chen said.

"I'm sorry I brought you here with me." Xiumin said.

"Why are you apologizing? It's not that I don't want to be here. This place is so calming and peaceful compared to the busy Seoul." Chen said.

"Let me just ask. Why are you always this good towards me? You should've treated me like how I treated you like letting me go here all alone." Xiumin said. He was a bit bitter all of a sudden because he remembered about his girlfriend.

"Why would I? And hyung you are the one who asked me to go on a date with you. It's like you don't want me here. Fine, I'll just ride a bus back. You shouldn't have asked me to go with you if you're just going to push me away." Chen said sadly.

"Chen..." Xiumin said finding words but his mind stopped working.

"I'm tired hyung. I'm tired of loving someone who doesn't even love me and look at me the same way I do. If you won't say anything, then I'm heading off. Bye." Chen tried not to cry he succeeded when he was talking to Xiumin, but failed when was already walking away.

Xiumin chase Chen and when he was close, he grabbed his wrist. Chen tries to free himself from Xiumin's wrist but failed. That's when he heard sobs. He immediately turned around and saw Xiumin crying.

"I'm sorry Chen! Please don't leave me! I didn't mean to push you away! Stay with me." Xiumin said and continued sobbing.

"Hyung please stop crying. I'm s-sorry. I won't leave you okay? So stop crying already." Chen said then hugged Xiumin he can feel the violent rising and falling of Xiumin's chest because of his sobbing.

"Shh. I won't leave you hyung. All I said earlier, I take it all back so please stop crying." Chen consoled Xiumin.

Xiumin stopped crying and tried to calm down. After sometime, he finally did.

"Sorry Chen for pushing you away. I'm happy you're here with me. And do you know who was the first one I brought here before you?" Xiumin asked.

"Who?" Chen asked even though he already had an idea who the person is.

"My girlfriend So Hyun. She is supposedly my wife. But she ran away. This is the place where I heard those I do from her mouth." Xiumin bitterly said.

"Don't worry hyung, I won't leave like what she did." Chen said.

"So I'm taking this opportunity to finally say what I feel, towards you." Xiumin said.

"Hyung..." Chen said a little hesitant of what will Xiumin say.

"Chen, I thought this love I feel for you was just platonic, just like a brother. But it started to grow more, it started to be a romantic one. I thought I'm getting crazy because I'm starting to develop feelings for my friend. So I tried to ignore it not knowing that the one I love is suffering because of my selfish acts. Kim Jongdae, I Love You." Xiumin said.

"Hyung!" Chen started to tear up and so he did.

"It's okay if you don't love me anymor-" Xiumin was cutted by Chen's lips that captured his.

"Kim Minseok you don't know how much I adored you ever since! I have a crush on you ever since we we're trainees. You looked so cute back then but you matured a lot. What I also loved about you is your mature mentality. Everything about you is perfect! You sounds like an angel but also looks like one. You're so high and I lose hope if I can reach you." Chen said while still tearing up.

"Chen that's too much compliment. But compared to my singing, your's was better you sound like an angel. And whenever I look at you, I just can think of one word to describe you. Perfect, that's the word." Xiumin said.

"I love you so much!" Chen shouted.

"I love you so much too!" Xiumin shouted.


A.N - Thank you guys for the 2K Views! I never even foresee this fic surpassing 1K views.

And if you noticed, I rewrote all of the chapters without changing the storyline. I'm planning to make a last Chapter and it will be the outro and a proper ending.

From the bottom of my heart, thanks!

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