Special Ending

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It's been a week since Xiumin and Chen became a thing. No one knew aside from the both of them even the other members. And today, they decided to announce to the other members that they're in a relationship.

"Will they accept us?" Chen asked a little worried.

"I don't care if they don't but as far as I knew them, they aren't those kind of people." Xiumin assured while wearing a reassuring smile.

"Let's go." Chen said nervously.

The two entered the Living room and there they saw the other members spread inside.

"Guys." Xiumin called and the other members stopped what they're doing.

"Where going to announce something." Chen said while his eyes focused on his feet.

"Uhm it's about me and Chen." Xiumin said.

"That you two are in a relationship?" Lay stated.

"If that's what you're going to announce, we already knew that a long time ago." Suho said like it's a matter of fact.

"How did you know?" Xiumin asked confused.

"We thought that you two are in a relationship before you announced that you are getting married." Kyungsoo announced.

"When you announced that you are getting married, we noticed that the cheerful Chen disappeared. We knew that he is shocked about the news." Baekhyun said and then looked sympathetically towards Chen.

"Baekhyun..." Chen sadly said trying to stop the latter.

"Chen hyung, Xiumin hyung must know that you're hurting. When you lost your cheerful and bubbly side, we all thought that we lost EXO's sunshine." Sehun said while pressed his lips together forming a straight line.

"Sehun..." Chen said while on the verge of crying.

Xiumin was so blind back then to see and to know what Chen is feeling. He already know that Chen was hurting but he never thought that he endured this much. This made him want to protect the boy because he don't want other's pitying him.

"I know I know. I'm so stupid back then. Chen..." Xiumin said.

"I'm sorry! I was so blind back then. I'm sorry if I'm not there for you when you're hurting. I'm sorry for being the cause why you're hurting." Xiumin stated while trying not to cry.

"Hyung! Don't say sorry. Let's leave the past and start on anew." Chen smiled his eyes glimmering because of the tears. He caressed Xiumin's cheeks while looking at his teary eyes.

"Chen please forgive me." Xiumin said then a tear finally travelled down his cheeks.

"Shh. I already forgave you." Chen said then wiped the tear away.

"Hey XiuChen couple, don't make us cry!" Kyungsoo said while wiping his tears away.

"Babe don't cry..." Kai said more like revealed. He just smiled towards the others and looked towards Kyungsoo who is giving him a death glare.

"Spill it." Suho said.

"You're mouth is so stupid!" Kyungsoo exclaimed and looked at Kai who is giving him sorry eyes.

"Shall we?" Kai asked Kyungsoo.

"They already knew because of your mouth!" Kyungsoo announced.

"So you two are in a relationship too?" Baekhyun asked.

"Isn't that obvious?" Lay said. This boy from what everyone knows, is a person who is always weak headed or is always the one who can't understand everything. But you don't know how strong his mind really is because he can look at you like he's analyzing your soul.

"What about our relationship Lay?" Suho spilled and looked towards the boy.

"We have a relationship?" Lay asked teasing.

Suho walked off and Lay caught him and said, "I'm just kidding Myeonnie." Then kissed the boy.

"Oh!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

Baekhyun noticed that all of them was spilling their relationship to each other but he still don't know what he and Chanyeol really have. 'Maybe he just think of me as a friend.' Baekhyun though and sighed.

"I guess the spilling session is over so I'll leave to find someone I will introduce to y'all." Baekhyun pouted.

"Wait guys, it's not over yet." Chanyeol said fastly and it caught Baekhyun's attention so he turned around to pay attention.

"What is it Chanyeol?" Chen asked.

"I'm just saying that I really like this someone. He can't seem to notice that I really like him. His eyes was so beautiful you think you're looking at the stars because of it's shimmers. His voice was as smooth as a butter." Chanyeol said.

Baekhyun was heart broken hearing Chanyeol say that he already like someone. "Then go for him. Say that you like him. I really need to go bye." Baekhyun said while his voice cracked then immediately went out of the room.

Chanyeol saw Baekhyun and was alerted.

"Baekhyun wait!" Chanyeol called then catched up to the boy.

"Go for it Chanyeol. Go for him. He might like someone already." Baekhyun said trying to smile but is shaking.

"That's what I'm doing Baekhyun." Chanyeol smoothly said.

"W-what are you saying? Go for him not me!" Baekhyun said and his own words hurt him also.

"Just like what I said that's what I'm doing. Baekhyun, I like you." Chanyeol said and the other members squealed because they thought they are watching a drama.

"What? Y-you like me too?" Baekhyun said then cried.

"Hey don't cry. The one I've been describing is you." Chanyeol said.

"Chanyeol! I love you!" Baekhyun said then hugged Chanyeol.

"Hey calm down. I won't disappear and I love you too." Chanyeol said then hugged the boy.

The other members spilled it. And when they entered the room, they came in pair by pair. They never noticed that someone is sulking.

That's when they heard a shout.

"WHAT ABOUT ME?" Sehun whined.

The other members was amused by Sehun because he looks so cute.

"Sehun, we all love you!" Suho said then hugged Sehun.

"Yeah! We all do." Everyone said then hugged their Maknae.

•The End•

A/N - Here is the final Author's Note I guess. This the the ending/outro of this fic. Like I said, this is a thank special update because you all have been reading these fic and it reach 2K! Thanks!

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