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I told you that I loved you

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I told you that I loved you. I don't think I said it right. What I meant to say was that when I am with you, I don't only see a beautiful person, I see a beautiful soul. I see the person that I want to be with forever. I see a person that I will never get sick of.

6 years later
Rinleys POV
I couldn't believe it... I looked at the pregnancy test. It was positive. A lot of people thought that me and Pony would've had kids right as soon as we got jobs... but I had some trouble getting pregnant. I had a miscarriage, and the rest of the times we tried were unsuccessful. I was now 25.
"PONY COME IN HERE!!" I yelled.
He bursted through the bathroom door.
"What wrong? Are you okay?"
"I'm not just okay... I'm pregnant too!!" I told him.
When I first got pregnant and miscarried, Pony and I really didn't take it well. We both broke. But we held each other together pretty well I'd say.
This was ponys face when you told him you miscarried:

This was his face when he found out you were pregnant again:

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This was his face when he found out you were pregnant again:

This was his face when he found out you were pregnant again:

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• He acted like he didn't hear you.

"Hm?" He said like he didn't hear me.
I started pouring tears of joy.
"Pony I'm pregnant"
"Stop playing. That type of joke isn't funny Rin."
"Pony you really think after struggling to get pregnant and losing my baby, that I would play with you like that?"
And there it was. The exact same face he had when I moved back. When we were only friends. And now I'm having his baby. Crazy right?
"No way" he said smirking and shrugging it off.
"Yes way!!" I said, handing him the test.
"No way.." he repeated, looking me in the eyes. His smirk faded into a look of pure shock.
"No way!!!! NOW WAY NO WAY NO WAY!" He yelled picking me up.

Time skip, 5 months.
Every time we've went to the baby doctor, the baby hasn't been in the right position to see the gender. The doctor came into the room with a weird expression on her face.... the same expression she had when I lost my last baby.
Fear spilled over me.
"Okay so... the baby is actually doing very well, but it looks like she may be born a few months early, which isn't a big deal as long as she stays in there for a few more months." The doctor explained.
Me and Pone looked at each other.
"She?" We said in unison.
"Oh yeah. It's a girl!! Congratulations you guys." She said.
We left. I had been hiding my bump and we didn't tell the boys that I was even pregnant yet. I was at 4 months last time when I lost the baby, so I didn't want to say anything to anyone but Pony because last time, when I lost the baby and I had to tell people about it, it felt like I was reliving the moment that I found out that it was gone.
"Let's tell them" I said looking Pony right in the eyes.
"Right now"
"Okay let's go!!"
When we arrived to the house, the boys were all rough housing. Darry was promoted to the co owner of the building business he worked for, and saved enough money to completely redo the whole house. It was very modern and nice.
Pony and I stopped by the store and got 7 baby items and wrapped them before we went to the house, so he grabbed the bag with all of the items inside, and we went it.
"BOYS!!!" I yelled to get them to stop wrestling.
"I have presents for all of you guys, even you Del. So sit somewhere and behave" I commanded.
I handed them each one item. It didn't matter who got what. "Okay now open them WHEN I SAY SO" I said, making the last part clear.
"3...2...1... okay now open them."
The boys ripped open all of them and looked at the items confused. Delta was the first to catch on.
She slammed her hand over her mouth.
"YOURE?? NO WAY!!!" She yelled standing up in shock.
Darry caught on next. He dropped the item and stood up.
The rest of the boys didn't get it.
"I'm pregnant ya dumbasses" I said laughing. Everyone hugged me and I started crying.
"Wait... But did you notice one thing about all of the items?" I asked. Everyone scrambled to find them, and threw me into a pile to see all of them at once.
"I'm gonna have a niece?" Soda said excitedly.
"Yeah!! It's a girl!!!" I said. After everything calmed down, I explained to them why I didn't tell them in the beginning and they all understood very well.

Time skip 4 months
It was 3am. The whole pregnancy, I never had trouble sleeping. But tonight was different. Pony was sound asleep. I walked to the bathroom because I got the sudden urge to pee. About half way there, I felt water go down my leg, and pain shot through my stomach and my back.
He ran into the hallway with no shirt, and grey sweats.
"What? It's 3 in the morning Rin!" He said. Pony was always cranky when he was woken up.
"The baby's coming." I said to him.
"Don't freak out, we have to stay calm." He said taking a deep breath.
We got in the car, and headed off to the hospital. We kept the baby's hospital bag in the car for the last week because I swore that the baby was coming soon.
I was right I guess.
I scrambled to grab my phone and call Darry's house. He answered.
"Darry... the baby's coming." I told him.
"What?" He said groggily as he was probably trying to wake up.
"Yeah go to bed and don't worry, but tell the boys first thing on the morning."
"Okay good luck. Text me when she's here"
"Okay Dar, Bye love ya" I said hanging up. We pulled into the hospital, and ran in.
I was rushed into a room, and they immediately had me start pushing.
It was intense.
"3...2..1.. PUSH!!" The nurse commanded.
I did as she said. I could still talk while pushing, but barely... so I just didn't.
"Pony I can't do it... I can't Pony I can't!!" I cried. He hugged me. "Cmon Rin you got this!! She's almost here baby, I believe in you." He whispered in my ear. It hurt like hell, even with the epidural. Pony held out his hand and I grabbed it. The nurse told me to push again.
I squeezed the life out of Pony's hand and pushed hard. I heard a soft cry.
"You did it babe!!!!! She's here!!!" Pony said kissing me.
I started crying a bit, along with Pony. The nurse took her away, but gave her to me a few seconds later. It was now 8am. I had been pushing for almost 4 hours. 
"What's her name?" The nurse asked. I looked at pony and he gave me a soft smile and nodded his head up and down a bit.
"Magdalen Rayne Curtis" I said. The first name was unique, and we'd call her Maggie for short. Rayne was Deltas middle name. She's the god mother.
I called Darry and told him that they could come visit. And after a while, everyone walked into my room.
I told them all the name. The whole gang loved it. Especially Del. She didn't know. Everyone held her and we all talked. Pony lay beside me and fell asleep on my shoulder. 
When we were on the way home, a song came on the radio. It was the song me and Pony danced to at our wedding. Our song. Our song, our family, our new life.

I had everything I loved and needed in one room. My family. My people. My whole life is with them. I love them and they are all so important to me. Do me, Rinley Mae, a favor... go find someone you know and tell them you love em. It means a lot. And this is just a story, you couldn't imagine the things I've felt in these situations. The amount of love I feel on the daily is unimaginable. I wouldn't have it any other way.

And that's a wrap!!!! I'm gonna finish my current stories that I'm working on, then I'm gonna write another fanfic about Ponyboy.
Love you guys so much!!!
Stay Gold🔅✨💛⚠️🥴

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