8// you werent okay. but youre here now

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Rinleys POV
I don't know what happened. I knew I wasn't awake... but I died for a minute. I stopped breathing. I finally felt like I could open my eyes, so I did. It was bright. I knew I was in the hospital. "What happened" I asked. Soda ran over to my bed side. "The boys went to get something to eat. Pony offered to stay but he's been here for the past week and hasn't left" Soda said. "Week?" I asked. "Oh yeah.. you were out for 7 days Lee. Pony didn't leave here almost at all for the first 5 days. He didn't hardly sleep, he didn't eat at all. He was worried sick." Just as soda told me that, the gang walked in. Pony looked at me the same way he looked at me when I first moved back. "Hey stranger" I said to him. He ran over and kissed me. It was short... only because the gang was in the room.
"Okay so what happened to me this time?" I asked the gang. Darry started to explain. "I guess your lung collapsed, and you hurt some nerve, and it put you in so much pain that you went into shock. The shock was so big that your heart started beating really fast." He explained to me. "Only me, I swear" I said while laughing. I wasn't clumsy, but somehow always got hurt.

Pony's POV
The rest of the gang had left the room. It was just me and Rin. I walked over to her and handed her the note that I had wrote her. She read it, and as she was reading... she started tearing up. "Pone, this is too sweet..." she stated. "Close your eyes and open your hand" I commanded. After she shut her eyes, I place a ring in her hand. It was a single band with a small heart in the middle. I had a matching one, and if you put mine on top of hers, they snapped together and the two hearts became one. They were my parents promise rings from when they were our age.
"Okay now open" I said. She looked in awe. She slipped it in her ring finger, it was a perfect fit. She put a hand over her mouth in shock, then opened her arms, as a sign for me to hug her. She couldn't sit up, so I bent over and hugged her tight. I held her head to my chest.

Rinleys POV
The ring was beautiful. "One day I'll replace it with an engagement ring" he told me. This boy drove me wild.
Soon or later, I talked Pony into going home. I told him to go home, shower, and eat something. And that id be home later tonight. As soon as he left, Johnny walked into the room. "Hey Lee, we all agreed that each of us should come in here and spend some alone time with you." He stated. "That's great Johnny... what's up?" I asked him. "Nothing much, but damn you sure had us all scared to death." He told me. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm always the one who ends up hurt, or in the hospital." "We don't either. The socs really has it out for you". "Why??" I asked. "I was kidding. But they really hurt you. From now on someone is going to walk with you okay?" "Okay..." I answered. "Before you walk to the Curtis house in the mornings, you call one of us and tell us to come pick you up and walk with you. Promise me that you will. I can't stand to see you like this" he said, genuinely worried. "I promise" I said in an unpromising tone. "I'm serious Lee" he said sternly. "Okay okay now get off my case" I said throwing my hands up and laughing.
After Johnny left, TwoBit walked in. "Well hello... Keith" I said to him. "Well hello Rinley Mae Esther Smith" he said. I hated being called by my full name. I had it coming though. We talked for a few minutes, but he had to go somewhere. After Two, came Soda. "Hey bud" he said to me. "Hey sis" I replied. We laughed. He told me about the whole story that happened. How scary it was. "Can't believe y'all put up with me" I said. "I mean... you're family. We have to. You were the only one who felt the same exact pain that we felt when mom passed." He told me. I reached out and held his hand."I love you Soda." "I love you too sis" he replied. We talked for about 15 minutes, then we decided that we need to let the others visit.
The next person in was Dally. And he was the last since Darry went home with Pone. "Hey kid" he said while walking in and sitting down. "Hey..." I said. "You know I really care about you right? Like... I live you like you were my family... actually... you are my family. You are what kept me together. When you left I got in so much trouble. I broke apart. I don't know what I'd do without ya kid." He said. This was unlike Dally. He was tearing up. "Hey Dal, I ain't nothing to cry over" I said pulling him into a hug. "But you are." He replied. I smiled.
After that the doctors came in and ran a bunch of tests. My mom was there with me and signed the paperwork for my to get out. She was angry at me for walking alone too. But she was just glad I wasn't killed. The boys went ahead over to my house so they could help my mom. Darry has started cooking dinner, and the rest of the boys were just hanging out. When I limped through the door, the boys all stood up. "Hey y'all!! It's nice to be back huh?" I said. Pone ran over and put an arm around me to help me walk. My legs were still killing me. He helped me sit on the couch, then he sat down beside me. My mom still didn't know we were dating. I didn't plan on telling her for a while. She wouldn't let me sleep over at there house anymore, and she wouldn't let me go anywhere alone with Pony if she knew. Pony knew this.
All of the sudden, I felt a rush of emotion come over me. I started crying. I don't know why... I just did. Pony was the first to notice, and he pulled me into a hug. "It's okay. I'm right here" he whispered. "I'm going to take her up to her room." Pony said. He helped me up the stairs, and into my room. He walked over and grabbed one of my t shirts and a pair of leggings. He did the same thing he did last time. He looked at the bruises on my legs, which were now black and blue, instead of green and purple. He sighed again, and put my leggings on me. He then stood up and took off my shirt, stopping to look at the stitches from the tube I had from my collapsed lung. Before putting on my shirt, and put his hands on my waist and pulled me into a kiss. It turned into a makeout, and he started kissing down my neck. "Not right now Pony. It's not taht I don't want to... but my mom is downstairs... and I'm really sore." I told him. "It's okay I'm never going to make you do anything you don't want to do... and if I do it'll be the day I die" he whispered pulling me into a hug. He put my shirt on me, and got in his back pack. "What are you searching for?" I questioned. "You'll see" he giggled. He grabbed his favorite hoodie out of his bag, then walked over to my closet, and put it on a hanger. "It's yours now" he told me. I limped over and hugged him. "No it's still yours because that's why I like it" I said, making him laugh a bit.
How did I get so lucky??

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