6// I promise you

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Okay so instead of writing short chapters every day, I'm thinking of only uploading every few days with really long chapters. This will be the first really long one, so enjoy💕

Pony's POV
It all happened so fast. I kissed her, then I asked her to be my girl. She hadn't even been in town for a whole day yet... but I knew it was right. Rin was beautiful. She had dirty blonde hair, with dark hazel eyes. She was only about 5'3, and she wasn't extremely skinny. She had some meat on her legs, and the tiniest amount on her stomach, but she could still be considered skinny. She was really athletic. Rin was a softball pitcher, and a setter in volleyball.  She dressed a certain way... idk how to explain it. She wasn't like the other girls. She spit, and kicked dirt and rocks, and was a messy eater, she burped, she didn't have that many mannerS.... she was a straight up greaser.

(Rinleys clothing style is in the top pic... just pretend the t shirt isn't cropped)

My favorite thing about Rin was her humor. She was the funniest person you'd ever meet, and she knew how to make anyone laugh. She was tough, and tuff.

She was asleep on my chest, and she looked so so peaceful. I didn't want to wake her, so I went back to sleep myself. I woke up about an hour later, and Rin was gone. I smelled bacon, so I went into the kitchen, only to find her cooking.

Rinleys POV
I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I turned around and it was Pony. I reached up and kissed him. Then Dally bursted through the door, which woke a sleeping Soda on the couch. For some reason, both of them looked straight at us. "WOAH Lee and Horse man are a thing!!!!!" Dally yelled as soda opened his mouth in awe.
"Shut your damn trap Dal" I yelled back, pulling away from the kiss. "Y'all please don't tell Darry" Pony begged
"Tell me what?" Darry asked, walking into the kitchen.
"Lee and Pone has their lips glued together!" Soda told him.
"I KNEW YALL LOVED EACHOTHER!!" Darry yelled, running over and hugging both of us.
We just laughed, well... because we thought he'd be mad.
"Y'all should go to the drive in with me later" Dally said
"It's a date" me and Pone said at the same time, making the gang laugh.

Not to long after that, Johnny walked in. "Hey J" I said. I sat down on the couch beside Pony. TwoBit turned Mickey on. We sat there for about an hour, just talking and laughing... just like the old days.

Pony's POV

Rin was sitting beside me with her head in my shoulder. She had dozed off. She was the most peaceful sleeper there ever was. She didn't make a sound, nor move an inch. She looked so beautiful... no one would ever want to wake her.
After about an hour, she woke up. She just looked at me and smiled, then continued to lay all the way down and place her head on my lap. I braided her hair, which surprised her that I knew how to do that. I started to tickle her. That was a mistake because I ended up getting socked in the cheek. "What was that for?!" I yelled while laughing to show I wasn't mad. "Reflexes" she answered, laughing along with me.
Her laugh was soft, but beautiful. She snorted sometimes, but only if she was laughing real hard. She had a lot of random giggling fits... which never failed to make others laugh. Her smile was bright, but these days no matter how happy she seemed, you could see hurt in her eyes. I knew she was broken... I was broken too... which I think helped me realize that she had been through some rough patches, and she wasn't always going to be okay. It was the same way with me.

Rinleys POV
    One week later
I've been in town for a week. This has been the best week of my life. Me and Pone haven't kissed since the first night. I was okay with that. We decided to take things extra slow because we were both scared that we would mess up something if we moved too fast. Other than that things couldn't have been better. Me and Pony were going to the drive in tonight with Johnny, Two, and Dally.
    Small time skip
We walked to the drive in, and slipped under the same whole in the bottom of the fence as always. Dally never liked to do things "the legal" way. You'd think after almost 2 years they would've fixed the whole, but I guess that's Tulsa for ya. We took our seats and soon the movie started. Some Soc and her friend sat in front of us. Dally being Dally, started to hit on her. "Are you a real red head?" He asked her. She started to argue with him and things got kinda heated. Dally went to get her a coke to "cool her off".
   When he got back, she grabbed the coke and dumped it all over him. He ended up leaving soon or later. She turned around and yelled "Now are you guys gonna start in on us too". We said no. "My names Sharri but people call me Cherry because of my hair" she said, looking mainly at Pony. I was kinda getting mad because every time she spoke , she looked at Pony. Her and Pone talked about school for a while. We started to walk home with Cherry. When we were getting ready to walk out of the drive in, Cherry and Marcias (which I had learned was her friends name) boyfriends walked up to us. They were Socs aswell, and we're trying to pick a fight. "We've got more in the backseat" the main one said. TwoBit broke a beer bottle and tossed it to Pony. Then he pulled out his blade. "Well pity the back seat" he said to them. After a few minutes of arguing, Cherry walked up to Pony. "Hey Pony, if I see you in school and don't say hi, don't take it personal" she said batting her eyes. Pony didn't reply.
    We started to walk home. "I don't think I like Cherry" I stated out loud. "Why not" Pone asked. "Because Pone.... she looks at you like she loves you or something". Pony once again... didn't reply. When we got home, I sat on Pony's bed. He walked in and shut the door behind him.
"What's wrong?" I asked him. "Why do you think something is wrong" he snapped. "Hey don't get a tude with me" I said.
"You've been really distant the past few days" I told him. "It just seems like you've lost interest in me.... in us" I continued.
"Rinley Mae I have not been distant because I'm losing interest" he yelled
"Then why the hell have you been distant then??" I yelled.
He just sighed. I got up and walked out of his room, slamming the door on the way. All I heard from his room was a loud "DAMMIT RIN GET YOU ASS BACK IN HERE" from Pony. I was mad. We were suppose to be able to tell each other everything... but he couldn't even tell me why he was being a bit quiet. I went outside and sat on the couch. Thank god the older ones weren't home. Soda and Darry went to Bucks, and Johnny was sleeping in the lot. It was just me and Pone. He walked out of his room.

    I knew Pony. He was almost as stubborn as me. If we wanted a fight, he'd get one.

Pony's POV
I yelled at her. I didn't mean to. I just wanted to get her attention so she didn't leave. I couldn't stand the thought of her leaving. She walked out and slammed my bedroom door. I yelled for her to come back. I knew she didn't leave. She's not that type of person. She was in the living room.
   I opened the door and walked toward the living room. She was sitting on the couch looking at her hands.
"Ready to talk now?"she asked me in an annoyed tone. "Rin... I've just been trying to figure out my feelings." I told her. "WHAT FUCKING FEELINGS PONE? You don't love me anymore? You like Cherry now?" She yelled. I jumped. She wasn't one to yell. I shook my head no. "Then what is it? What "feelings" are you trying to figure out?" She asked me.
"Rinley Mae.... I love you. That's the thing. I love you more than anything in this world right now and I would do anything to protect you. I don't want to ever lose you. THATS what I was trying to figure out. I was trying to figure out how someone like you ended up with a dumbass like me."

This is a rlly long chapter. I think all of them will be like this from now on. Also... the church stuff already happened... it'll mention it soon. And I know that the drive in scene with Cherry happened before the church... but oh well. I have no timeline😂

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