15// tell me why this has to end...

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Johnnys POV
I walked into the Curtis house. It was about 2am on a Saturday night. It got cold outside so I wanted to sleep at their place. I grabbed the spare key and opened the door. As soon as I walked in, something felt off. This house felt empty. Cold. Like someone or something was missing. It felt... Rinley-less...

I walked down the hall, and heard the bath running. "Who the hell runs a bath at 2am?" I asked myself.
I looked at the bathroom door and my heart dropped. "PONYBOY!!! GET IN HERE NOW!!" I yelled, already crying. The bathroom door was locked. "SODA, DARRY, STEVE!!! HELPP!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. They all ran in. Somehow... Dally walked into the house at the same time. Dally grabbed the paper out of my hand. "No no no no... not Rinley... no" Soda said.
"SHIT!!" Dally yelled, as he tried to bust down the door.

Dallys POV
It got cold outside tonight. I walked to the Curtis house, and as I was about 50 yards away when I saw Johnny walking inside the house as well.
I walked inside, just to see the gang surrounding the bathroom door. Every single one of them on the verge of tears. I ripped the paper out of Johnnys hand.
The paper read

Dear Boys,
I couldn't take it anymore. I was constantly in y'alls way. I wasn't important. I was so empty. I just couldn't live like that.

You were an amazing friend and you made the best buddy to eat chocolate cake with!!! I loved you with all of my heart and I want to thank you for always making me laugh.

You've always been like my older brother. You protected me when I needed it. I love you so so much. Thank you for always being there.

You are so funny man!! You should go be a comedian or something! Do it for me bud!! Thanks for all of the laughs. I love you!!

Thanks for taking me in like one of your own. You were a great cook dude. Like, thanks for teaching me how to do that stuff. I had so much fun living here the past couple of months.

Ohh Dal I don't even know what to say... you were always there for me. I know I know.... I was suppose to come talk to ya, but I didn't want to get in your way. I'm gonna miss you so much. I love you man. See you soon.
P.S, don't get in any trouble for me. Be good :)

I'm sorry. I know that you might hurt. Just know that it's okay. I'm up here with Momma and Pops. I'll be okay... trust me. I'll miss you so much and I wanna thank you so much for all of the fun times. I'm glad I could talk to ya.
Love you lots xoxo

Like I said, I'm sorry... I just couldn't do it anymore. I love you all so very much. I'll see you guys later!! Be good boys!!! No more smoking okay? Love y'all.

Sincere Apologies,

Rinley Mae

I turned and rammed myself into the bathroom door. It bursted open and Pony ran inside. She was naked in the bathtub. "Someone grab a shirt or something!!!" Pony yelled
I ran and grabbed one of ponys shirts, and a pair of his shorts.

Pony's POV
I pulled Rinley out of the bloody water. I put my clothes on her and ran her out to the car. "Darry go ahead and take her. The rest of us boys will be at the hospital later." I commanded him. Rin was still alive, but barely. I was crying, and so was the rest of the gang. I grabbed a ZipLock baggie and put all of the pill bottles in it. The hospital would probably want to know what all Rinley took.
Then we called TwoBit and told him.
"I'll be right over" he said. Two pulled in not even 5 minutes later, and we all hopped in and headed to the hospital.
We were all panicking. Especially Dally and I. After about 10 minutes, we pulled into the hospital. I ran ahead of everyone and stormed into the doors. "We're here for Rinley Mae Smith." I said out of breath. "She's not able to be visited right now" the lady said. "When can we see her?" I asked. "Soon. Just wait right over there" the lady replied, pointing to the seats in the waiting room.

Dallys POV
Waiting for her was the most agonizing thing ever. Everyone was a wreck. Crying and worried.
We love Lee. I had no idea what had gotten into her, and why she did this. Why did she feel like she couldn't trust us enough to talk to any of us? Especially me and Ponyboy!!
We waited for about 3 hours. Most of us were asleep, or staring into space, wondering if she was even alive.
Ponyboy was a mess. His hair was everywhere, and his eyes were red and puffy. Very few seconds, a hot tear would run quickly down his cheek. Ponyboy never let his emotions show much. Not after his parents died. He always waited until he was alone... or with Rinley.
I'm not one for hugging, but Ponyboy really needed one. I hugged him. "She'll be okay Pony" I assured him. I wasn't sure if she'd be okay or not... but Pony really needed to think she would be.

Pony's POV
After about 3 1/2 hours of waiting, a doctor came out. Two-Bit and Darry we're asleep, but immediately woke up when the Doc walked in.
"Rinley Mae Smith?" He asked. We all stood up. "Only 2 people for now." He said. The whole gang looked at me and Dally, and everyone sat down but us two.
Me and Dal made our way into the room. I couldn't look at her... I was too scared. Without looking at her face, I grabbed her hand and sat down beside her. She gripped my hand tightly, which made me look at her face. She had tubes down her throat, and in her arm. She was extremely pale, and she had a bag giving her blood. I stood up and kissed her forehead, and a tear of mine fell onto her face. The heart monitor sped up a bit. I wiped my tear off of her face, and a tear of her own slid down her cheek.
"Hey. It's Pone. I'm right here. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you felt like you couldn't talk to anyone. We all miss you so much Rin." I told her
"Please... just stay here. We need you Rin." Dal told her, crying while doing so.
I couldnt believe it... the girl who brought so much light into other people's world didn't have enough light of her own.
Something told me that her suicide attempt showed her that she wanted to live now. That she didn't want to leave.
"Rin... squeeze my hand if you regret doing this. Squeeze my hand if you want to stay." I told her. I really wanted to know. Was she still in pain?
It took a few minutes, and I thought she still wanted to let go. My hand was squeezed so tight that my fingers turned blue. She opened her eyes and they looked straight into mine. "Hey baby!!!" I squealed while hugging her. All of the sudden, she started choking, and her heart monitor was going crazy. The doctors all rushed in as we backed away from her bed. One of them held a bed pan under her chin while the other pulled out the ventilation tubes. Right as soon as the tube left her mouth, she threw up in the bed pan and coughed some more.
"Sorry you had to see me like that" she said smiling. Her voice was nearly gone.
A nurse came in a few minutes later with a toothbrush and some paste. Rinley brushed her teeth and spit into a separate bed pan. "My breath is fresh now..." she said raising her eyebrows. "And?" I questioned, letting a laugh slip out. "You can kiss me now ya doof" she yelled. I ran over and smashed my lips onto hers.

But he wishes he could've just smashed her
Not funny?

My baby was awake
and I had her back.
and she was herself again.

Just saying.... I was a fkn wreck writing this!!!! I got major writers block smack in the middle of the chapter, and I got so pissed about the writers block taht I was actually ab to quit writing this and I was gonna make Rin die and end it here butttttttt then I got an idea and now I'm back in the zone. Love y'all

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