13// saying it and feeling it is two different things.

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Pony's POV Yeah i
I thought time froze. But all of the sudden, a big trophy was shoved in my hands, and Rin has hamper on me. "I'm so proud of you Pone!!" She yelled. I was in shock. Did I really just win that? I did!!

Rinleys POV
I watched as Pone crosses the finish line. He won!! My heart fluttered and I was extremely proud of him.
I ran to him and hugged him the second he set his trophy down. "That's my baby!!" I yelled for the people around me to hear.
Just as soon as I released from the hug, Cherry walked up to us.
"Good job Ponyboy" she said playfully hitting his arm. I can't stand herrrrrr.
Then.... she hugged him. I knew that they had dated for a short period of time. That made matters worse. Pony just stood there with a pissed off look on his face. He pushed her off. "Ummm I have a girlfriend and I don't think she wants you hugging me" Pone said to her. "I don't see her anywhere." Cherry said. That's w. when I lost it. I walked up to Pony and said "I'm so proud of you" then pulled him into a kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and hugged me. "Oh is this that Sherri girl you dated a while back?" I asked with a sad tone. "Yeah. Don't worry about it... I have you now" he told me. Cherry rolled her eyes and walked off.
My work here is done.
We went home and Pony and I took a nap. It was late in the day, but he was tired. I fell asleep while cuddling him.
I had a bad dream.... the worst part is, I didn't wake up. And when the dream ended, I jumped awake. Pony wasn't there. I never had this dream before. It was a bunch of voices telling me that I was fat, ugly, and stupid. That I don't deserve Pony. He could do so much better  than me. Stuff like that.
I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself. Were the things I heard true?  I pushed the thoughts out of my mind when I heard Pony walk into the room. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah yeah I'm okay." I told him. It was a lie. I wasn't okay and I knew it.
"I had a dream again..." I told Pony. He hugged me and apologized for not being here. "I thought you'd be out for the rest of the night, so I went to the living room to talk to the boys." He explained. "It's okay. You have a life. You don't have to watch over me every second I'm sleeping" I told him. "But I wanna make sure you're safe" he told me, kissing the top of my head. I felt like I was blocking him from his life. Like I was in the way.

Pony's POV
Something was off about Rin. I asked her if she was okay and she just said that she had another dream. She didn't have as much sparkle in her eyes as she used to. Now she just kept a blank stare on her face. She didn't smile as much. She didn't laugh as much. She wasn't herself...
Now she slept more. Hardly smiled. Barely laughed. I was really worried.
It was 9pm. Bedtime. Rinley was tossing and turning. She couldn't sleep for some reason. Then she turned to me. "Hey umm... i uhh.. I'm going to sleep by myself tonight." She said in a shaky voice. "Oh umm okay. Uh if you ever need me just know that I'll be in here... will you be okay alone?" I asked her. "Yeah I'll be okay." She replied.
She walked into the other room.

Rinleys POV
I couldn't hold it together anymore, but I didn't want to have a sudden breakdown in front of Pony. I walked into the other room and lay on the bed. I felt hot tears run down my face. I got up and looked in the mirror at my stomach. I hated it. And looked at my legs. I hated them. I looked at my face. I hated it. I looked at my hair. I hated it. I looked at my butt. I hated it. I looked at my boobs. I hated them. I hated everything about myself.
Why couldn't I just look like Cherry??

Pony's POV
It was about 3 am. I've only slept for about 30 minutes total. I was too worried about Rin. I decided to go check on her, even if it would make her mad.
I opened the door expecting to see a sleeping Rinley... but instead, I saw Rin, wide awake, standing in front of the mirror. Her eyes were red and puffy. Her lips were swollen, and taht only happens when she's crying for a long time. Fresh tears were still rolling down her face. "Get out" She said. I didn't listen... instead, I walked in. I hugged her from behind. "What's wrong beautiful?" I asked her. "Stop!! I'm not beautiful!!" She cried. "What are you talking about?" I asked her. She was gorgeous. She fell on the floor and sobbed. I got down on my knees and hugged her. "Shhhhh baby it's gonna be okay!!" I tried to calm her.
She finally started to calm down after about 15 minutes. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "Yeah" she replied.
"Are you sure?" I asked her again
"Yeah I guess... why?" She asked me
"Because saying you're okay and feeling okay is two different things..." I said hugging her.

After about 20 more minutes of hugging, I lifted her up off of the ground and sat her on the bed
"Are you ready to talk?" I asked her
"No... but I bet you're gonna make me..." she said.
"If you don't want to talk, then I won't make you. But just know I'm always here for you baby" I told her
"Okay... I'll talk..." she said to me.

I knew this was going to be tough. She was hurt, and I hated seeing her in pain.

This chapter was a bit short, but next chapter is pretty eventful.

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