16// i feel at home. Home is you.

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I still don't know how to look at my life without seeing an inescapable absence of you
- Clohë Frayne.

I Feel at home. Home is you

Rinleys POV
I had no clue how long I was out for. Was I out for weeks? Months? I knew it wasn't years. Nobody has changed enough.
All I could see was Pone. I couldn't get him out of my sight once I woke up.
When I was out, and supposedly dead... i thought to myself "I don't wanna die no more."
I didn't regret what I did at first.
When I used my switch blade on my wrists... or when I swallowed about 10 pills out of 4 different bottles.
I felt satisfied. Like I could finally be happy.
But once I realized that I might actually be gone for ever, I would've done anything to reverse what I had done.
I caused so much pain all because of the stupid voice in my head.
I'll never know why I caved in and listened to that voice. I just did.
But none of that mattered... because I'm alive and I'm okay.
I have my boy. I have my family.

Pony's POV
I was still in shock that Rin has woken up. The doc said that it might've taken her weeks to wake up and that was "if she even made it".
"You promise me you won't ever scare me like that again?" I sternly said to Rinley.
"I promise" she said
"You're never going to be alone. There will always be someone there for you when you need to talk. Hell I think TwoBit would've been serious if you tried to talk to him" I told her. "Ya hear me?" I asked her. I wanted to make sure that she knew that she was wrong. That we all loved her so so much. "Yeah yeah I hear ya babe" she said. Rin used all of her strength to scoot her body over to the left side of the bed. She patted the spot she made beside her as a sign for me to lie down there. I lay beside her, with my arms wrapped around my waist. The gang immediately started teasing.
"Get a roooooom" Dal yelled
Two bit threw a condom at me
"Awwww I have a sister in-law" Soda hollered
"Shut your damn traps" Rin said in between laughs. She didn't have much movement in her right arm because of all of the IVs they put in her.
I lay my head on her chest and she played with my hair.
Damn. I missed this girl so much. I was so worried that she would never be herself again. Yet here we were. She was her old self. I'm not talking, Rinley Mae before Jason assaulted her. I'm talking, Rinley Mae before she moved away. That was her high point in life. She was all giggly and bubbly. She could cheer anyone up with a smile.
And somehow, she was back. Just like that.
The whole gang could see it too.
I knew I wasn't crazy.

Rinleys POV
I felt so unbearably happy. I felt like myself again and everyone could tell.  I was laughing and making jokes. I felt like the old me. The good me.
The unbroken me.

I had to stay at the hospital for 3 more days. I didn't know if I could stand it. "UGHHH THIS PLACE IS SO BLAND AND BORING" I yelled.
The gang just laughed.
It was the truth though. Everything was white, and beige. It smelled of cleanliness and alcohol. I haven't even been able to LOK outside because I can't go further than 2 feet away from my bed.
Stupid IVs.
I really just wanted to get out of here and wear some normal clothes again.
When I'm in this dumb hospital gown, I constantly have to worry about my ass cheeks falling out. I wasn't allowed to put on any other clothes. Some dumb rule I don't really know.

Dallys POV
I haven't seen Rinley like this in forever. They finally gave her a cart type thing with all of her IVs hooked up to it.
I've never seen her so eager to get outta bed!!! She's been walking around her room and the hospital all day. It's killing her that she can't go outside. "Just one more day Lee" I keep telling her. She's been in here for so long. It actually hasn't been too long, but it seems like forever to us. I think it's because we're all exited to have our old Lee back. We want her home.
Pony's pretty impatient as well. They haven't necessarily been "all over" each other. But they've been super close lately. Always laughing with each other, holding hands, looking into each other's eyes. Pony's been staying in Lee's hospital bed with her.
I know I'm suppose to play the role of her older brother. I'm suppose to protect her and tell him to lay off. But he makes her so happy. She finally got that old spark back in her eyes. But that spark got even brighter when he was around.

Rinleys POV
Pone hasn't been too touchy lately. It was just the right amount. He wasn't all over me. He wasn't constantly asking if I was okay... but he still asked every now and then. He knew that I didn't want the sympathy.

Pony's POV
I knew for a fact that Rin didn't want me to constantly check on her, so I tried to be as chill as possible. I looked at my phone and saw the date.
It was July 20th. "Uh ohhhh" I said. "You guys know what happens in in 2 days?" I said. "My baby turns 16!!!" Rinley squealed. "You know what that means?!" I said excitedly. "Please don't Pone" Rin begged me. "In 5 days..." I continued. "PONYBOY I SWEAR OF YOU SAY I" I cut her off before she could finish her sentence. "MY baby will be 16!!!!" I yelled in an excited voice, jumping up and down. She pulled her cart over to me and used her IV-less arm to put me in a headlock. It was a good one too. "PONYBOY MICHEAL CURTIS YOU BETTER FUCKING CALL UNCLE!!" She yelled. "nope" I barely slipped out. I couldn't take it anymore!! I was running out of breath. "UNCLE!" I yelled with everything in me. She let go and laughed at me. My face was probably blue.
We were both laughing and I hugged her. "It's okay I know you don't like to do anything big for your birthday so I'll make sure the gang knows". She really didn't like to do anything big. It wasn't like you did something big for her and she was surprised because she didn't ask for it. She would get pissed. She loved celebrating other people's birthdays, but hated hers. I still got her something. While she took a walk down the hall, I looked at the gang.
"Don't you guys do anything for her birthday. You know she hates it." They all agreed to not do anything, but Dal got her a leather string bracelet that was made out of a strand from his leather jacket. Darry and Soda got her a new blade. Her old one was pastel pink with purple dots on it. She got it when she was 7. This new one was sliver with a wooden handle on it, and it had a wave carved on it.

Now me? When me and Rinley were kids, probably about 7 or 8, me and her were at the park. We got bored and decided to take a walk through the woods. We found an old tree house, but the door was locked. She was so disappointed taht we couldn't find the key. Right after Rin moved, I walked back to the tree house just to see how natures been treating it. I ended up tripping on a rock that was pretty stuck in the dirt. Somehow when I tripped over it, it loosened out of the ground a little bit and I pulled it up. The key was under that very rock. I decided that I wanted to mail it to Rin, but never got to it.
I found the key in my shirt drawer a few days ago. It was the perfect time to give it it to her for her birthday!!
I've spent the past few weeks cleaning up the tree house whenever I got the chance. I dusted the floors, added 2 chairs, a small rug, and a little table. I also put a radio in there, and a hamper full of blankets.
It was a small tree house. So I made sure not to pack it too full.

Rinleys POV
Pony's birthday was coming up soon. I've had his present for a while now. It was his favorite hair tie of mine. The tie was gray. I don't know why he liked it so much. He always stole it from me.
That wasn't all though. I also got him a new pair of converse, but I wrote a poem around the bottom. I had a pair of Vans that I wrote a poem on in the same place and he always said "I want you to do that to my converse".

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