. Wake Up Call .

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*Takes places after 4x22, right when Lena shatters the portrait.*

Burn. Anguish. Utter betrayal. Lena stares at the picture. Shattered. Impossible to adjust the news Lex gave her before she killed him.

Kara Danvers is Supergirl.

All night she's been wondering, searching for any reason to why Kara wouldn't tell her. And every reason led back to, it was because I am a Luthor.

But no. She thought. Kara wouldn't think that. Another part of her thought that is was. How naive Lena was! Lena's anger rose to the point that she could bomb Kara's loft with Kryptonite.

But no. Lena thought again. I am not my family.

Lena finishes her Scotch when—

"Lena! Hey I was wondering... what's going on?" Of course it's Kara. Who else? Her hair in a half-ponytail, light gray skirt with a white button up shirt tucked in with black leather heels.

Lena doesn't look up. She stays in her chair. Rotates on it. Plays with the pieces of glass.

"Is that glass? What happened?" Kara walks toward her desk. Sees the picture, the glass broken. Kara's heart tugs a little. She knows...doesn't she?

"It's funny isn't? When people say 'the world's a small place'? I never really thought about it much, but now..." she scoffs. "Now... it makes sense." She finally looks up. Looking at Kara's blue ocean eyes. Searching for any pity, any disappointment.

"Lena I—" The tone was resentment.

"Were gonna tell me? Yeah I figured. You know Kara-" she gets cut off.

"Let me explain, please, it's the least I can do. I was gonna tell you last night. At game night but I..." Kara tried to find the correct words, almost begging Lena to listen with pleading eyes.

"Just save it Kara, I have a meeting to get to." Lena walks around to pour herself more scotch.

"Actually I.... checked with your new assistant. You don't have one for another half an hour. So I'm gonna explain." And at that moment Lena stops tilting the container and in a second Lena throws the glass at Kara.

Unable to react, it hits Kara's chest. Obviously it shatters at impact without injuring Kara.

"You did what? So now you're coming here prepared for you're so-called explaining?" As furious Lena is, she walks back to her desk and picks up the phone to dial her assistant.

"Who are you calling?"

"Im calling to clean up your mess."

"My mess? You're the one who threw it at me!" Kara raises her voice a little. Lena just rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, bring up a janitor to my office please. Thank you."  Lena puts down the phone. She rests her hands on her desk, thinking what to do.

"Lena, let's just sit." Kara suggests.

"No Kara, as much you prepared this, what you didn't prepare for was this," As much as Lena will regret this, as much as she despises what she's about to say, she has to. It's the only way she can get away from everything. No other choice. I'm sorry Kara,

"Our friendship Kara, is.... done. I don't ever want to see you. Our professional relationship is over too. I'll still be the owner of CatCo but I'll just see you as any other employee of the company. You should leave." Lena finally says. Not looking at her eyes. She can only imagine how hurt Kara is.

"You don't mean that..." Kara gently says. It's like her heart tore in two. Her lungs constricted. After a few moments she remembers to breathe.

"I wish I didn't. But I do. Sam will take over as CEO here at National City while I'll redirect myself at Metropolis as the CEO there." She looks at Kara with watery eyes. Don't cry.

"Lena don't, please... I'm so sorry Lena. Please." Kara is at the verge of crying. She walks closer to her. Lena takes a step back.

"Look me in the eye and tell me what we have here is done." Kara's voice breaks.

It takes a moment. She bites her lip, lifts her head up and takes a few steps towards her but at a professional length.

"You and I.... is," she swallows.

"Is... done." Kara shakes her head in denial. She wipes a tear from her eye.

"Get out." Kara doesn't move.

"Get out Kara." She still doesn't move.

"Get the hell out Kara! Before I call security!" Lena yells. Kara walks backwards. Shocked.

"Or what..?Is that so little for your god complex?" Gritting her teeth.

"Lena that's not fair..." Kara pleads.

"The hell it isn't. Please Kara. Leave." Almost sobbing.

And in that moment she knew that her friendship with Lena was gone. So she walks toward the door.
Before she could close the door, Kara's last words to Lena were,

"I will always love you Lena. All you had to do was turn around on the plane." She smiles. The door closes behind her.

All that is heard is Lena breaking down and sobbing.


How was that for the first one??? If i made you tear up, you're welcome! I almost teared up myself. Leave a comment of your reaction.Also if  you noticed the title was a song by Maroon 5 I'll be doing that for the upcoming ones. I suggest you listen while you read. :)

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