. Runaway .

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*A continuation of previous chapter; characters belong to The CW, but original plot belongs to me*

Lena's penthouse has been very lonely. It's been three days that her and Kara were through. Lena's been cutting her work hours in half because of it. She would slack off in meetings and doze off when she's in her lab.

Lena: get your stuff out of my penthouse soon as possible please. Today would be great. —5:33 p.m

Lena couldn't care less how harsh she sounded by text. She wanted all of the things that reminded her of Kara gone. She wanted to move on quickly too, though it's taking long as expected. All day she's been in gray sweatpants with a navy long sleeve shirt, her natural wavy hair down while sitting in front of her fire place.

She hasn't sat there in a really long time, she only has when she broke up with Jack, it took the edge off of her sadness when she focused on the fire.

Kara: okay, I'll be there in half an hour.
                                                 —5:41 p.m

Putting down her phone after reading the text, she gets up and looks for a random Scotch bottle in between the white cabinets.

"Mm, found you." She picks up a Crown Royal as her poison. She sits back down, this time in a sofa chair and pours herself a glass. First glass was a shot. Then another, and a third. Lena grasps her head. Her throat burning.

"God... totally worth it." She tells herself. She hasn't been drunk in awhile. Too scared she couldn't stop. But right now was the right time.

A fourth shot she drank when Kara came in from unlocking the door. Lena doesn't seem to care when she comes in. Pours herself another glass.

"Crap, Lena you startled me... I did think you'd be here." She quickly turns around to where Lena's sitting on the sofa. Her legs cris-crossed.

"And you seem to care, why?" Lena spits.
Kara simply scoffs and walks into the bedroom to get her stuff,

"I'm not talking you if you're like this." Says loud from the other room.

"Right, because what Kara says goes right? Easy way out. It's not surprising..." she finishes her fifth glass. Shutting her eyes tight because of the burn.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Kara comes out of the bedroom carrying some clothes and a pair of shoes.

"Mon-el, when he came back, you found out he was married so you stayed away. Or when... well shit," she laughs slightly pouring herself another, "I can't think of anything else,"

"You do, not bring him into this! That was a completely different situation. You are clearly drunk, and mean. We are finished talking." Kara makes her way to the door. Lena drinks her glass fast, setting the glass on the coffee table hard.

"Why is it that it's always what you say? Not listening to other people... oh wait! Yes, that time where I made that suit for you, it was only for life support. But you, oh you couldn't careless. If they're aren't 'super', screw them right?" Lena sneered.

Kara doesn't turn around. Pondering of what words were spoken. She couldn't think of anything. Turing the door knob open, leaving the key on the counter and Kara's stuff on one arm,

"I was beginning to... love you." Not facing her.

"So did I Kara, but I guess this all goes to shit, huh? Screw you Kara, screw you and your pathetic excuses." Pouring yet another glass of Scotch.

"I hope alcohol treats you well. You'll need it if I'm so pathetic!" Kara scoffs, slamming the door.

And with that, Lena quickly chugs her drink and throws the glass at the door. Turning away to face the fireplace.

Ugh!!! This one's short, I apologize for that... I've listened to this song and I thought it could've continued. Don't worry I plan to make a part 3. I wouldn't normally do that but, wtv. There will be brief smut in the next one, I'll give warning.
Also I know I took long to update, I've was working another fanfic of mine. For now on, if I take long, it's because of that. Check it out on my profile!
Vote and comment suggestions!!

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