. Goodnight Goodnight .

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*Takes place after 4x22 when game night ends*

Close to midnight, everyone wraps up game night and each person goes their own home. Most of the wine bottles nearly empty; drunken mostly by Lena to take the edge off.

Kara offered Lena a ride but she persisted that she'll get home fine. Lena couldn't bear to be alone with Kara now, knowing her best friend is Supergirl.

"I'm fine Kara, I'll get home safe." Lena forces a smile.

"Text me when you get home?" Kara presses. Lena gives her a slight nod. What's up with her? She was fine while we were playing. Kara thought.

"You alright there Kara?" J'onn asks from behind. Startling her, she turns to face him. "Yeah, something is off about Lena, I was talking to Alex about her. With her brother dead and everything else."

"She seemed fine while she was here, I'm sure she's just trying to cope." J'onn reassures.

"Maybe, well good night."

"You too Kara. And don't worry too much." J'onn locks up his office and walks away. Kara gets carried away with thoughts until she sees Alex with Kelly  laughing. Kara smiles at the sight. Happy seeing her sister smiling like crazy.

"You sure you're gonna be okay? Because I can spend the night." Alex asks.

Kara shakes her head, "No Alex, you be with your girl. I'm just gonna do one last patrol over the city." Whispering the last sentence.

She wasn't actually going to fly over the city. In less than five minutes she entered the apartment building and quickly found Lena's door number. Here goes nothing.

*knock knock*

I swear if it's another stupid reporter... she opens the door.

"Kara, you're supposed to be sleeping..." more like flying over the city. Lena tried to keep a neutral face.

"I- I know but uh, I had this thing on my mind the whole night and I just couldn't wait much longer to tell you." Adjusting her glasses.

Lena closes the door behind her. Kara notices a glass of scotch on the kitchen island. Lena walks around the island to fill up her glass again and is face to face with Kara from across.

"So what was on your mind?" Taking a sip. Kara clears her throat.

"This thing, it's been eating me up during game night which is why I wasn't at my best, and could explain why you took credit for each win." Kara smiles, trying to lighten Lena.

"I had to up my game up a notch, because you were not having it, we won because of me Miss Danvers," Lena smiles. And in that moment she forgot Kara is Supergirl.
Kara just chuckled.

"At least we won, right?" She fiddled with her hands.

How could I ever be angry at her? Let alone hate her? Lena deeply thought. She's my best friend...

The laughing died down, "That's the thing about being a Luthor, you always win." Lena's smile erased.

"Um, speaking of Luthors I-"

"I have something to tell you too," Lena confesses. Both startled.

"Sorry you go," Lena speaks quickly.

"No it's fine, I forgot about what happened to Lex," Kara shakes her head.

"It's ok Kara, I'm fine." Lena sips the last of her glass.

"Ok, well I um... I promised myself a few days ago that once the Lex was behind bars, but in this case he's... gone um, now I can say it. Without putting you in danger," she takes a deep breath and adjusting her glasses. Lena studies Kara's mannerisms, knowing that what Kara is about to tell her is hard, wanting more than anything to blur out she knows already about her secret identity.

"I know you're going to be very angry and possibly never wanting to hear from me again but I need to be honest with you more than ever," Kara starts pacing around. Fidgeting her hands wanting to take off her glasses.

"And I wanted to tell you for so many years but it was—"

"Never the right time, because you thought you were protecting me" Lena walks towards Kara,

"Exactly- wait what?" Suddenly Kara stopped. Lena had both of her hands on Kara's arms to stop her from pacing. She knew already? Wanting to explain more she opened her mouth but Lena beat her to it,

"As much as I want to slap you across the face because I'm furious with you, some other part of me takes over and gets me to realize why you hid it, for years actually." She chuckles. Moving her hands up so she can take Kara's glasses from her face, setting them on the counter close to them.

"You are my best friend Kara, and I don't think anything could ever change that. But I am so, so angry with you," wiping a tear from Kara's eye.

"You're supposed hate me you know, I can take it." Kara sniffles. Lena lightly laughs. "I know, you are Supergirl after all." Their faces quite close they can feel their own breath. Looking into each other's eyes longingly; Kara admiring Lena's emerald eyes from the moonlight that was lit upon her, wanting to lean in.

"You also wanted to say something," Kara backs away a little. Lena looks down, mildly disappointed.

"Right, after Super—well you in this case, took on Lex, I found him afterwards..."

"Wait he disappeared wha—"

"And I shot him, twice." Lena says trying not to sound hurt. "I mean I had to, if not he will never stop with world domination and I-"

"Lena you don't have to explain, I'm sure you had your reasons." Moving her hand to touch Lena's.

"Which is why I'm going off the grid for awhile," Lena states. Kara pulling back her hand.

"Just for a couple of weeks, I need to get away, clear my mind off of everything, Lex, Eve, Kaznia, Red Daughter, the Harun-El, and well most importantly... you. And before you say anything it's not your fault, I'm doing this for myself. Just trying to find my place again." Lena brings Kara into a tight hug. Wrapping her arms around her neck and Kara's around Lena's waist. She inhales Lena's smell and focuses on her heartbeat.

Reluctant to pull away Kara whispers, "You call me if you need anything, please. It's the least I can do." Kara heads to the door. When the door opens, Kara turns around, "When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning," Kara simply nods. Putting her hands in her pockets.

"Don't come looking for me, please. Or flying around the world to know where I am. People need you here, to keep them safe. Can you promise me that?" Lena voice breaks.

"Always." Wiping Lena's tear with her thumb.

"Goodnight Kara."

"Goodnight Lena."


How was that for a semi-sad one-shot? Once again I recommend listening to the song named in the title, leave a comment for your reaction and feel free for suggestions!! Until next chapter!

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