. Closure .

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*continuation of previous chapter, characters belong to The CW; original plot belongs to me. Will contain somewhat smut/fluff*

"She called you pathetic?" Alex says while sitting on the chairs near the kitchen counter.

"Well she was pretty drunk, or more like... mean drunk. I've never seen her like this, not even when Morgan Edge framed her for the lead poisoning." Kara sighs.

"So what are you gonna do with her stuff? Burn it? I'll be glad to." Alex jokes. Kara simply shakes her head.

Not a few moments later the lock switches and the door opens revealing Lena at the doorway. Wearing black heels, a royal blue dress button-up blouse with a dress skirt and a high ponytail, indicating she was on her way to L-Corp.

"Speak of the devil," Alex mutters, "I've got to go. Kelly's texting me." She quickly gets her leather jacket and closes the door behind her.

"Are you going to insult me some more?" Kara leans her arms on top of the counter. Lena drops her purse, she clicks her tongue,

"I um, just wanted to apologize. I was drunk—"

"Clearly." Kara scoffs.

"I was drunk and those things I said, being pathetic, isn't true. You obviously don't take the easy way out. You think through situations, when to... stay away. I'm sorry." Lena continues. She walks around the counter, being face to face with Kara.

"Don't ever let someone tell you you're pathetic. You're the opposite of that. You're a hero, whose saved the world multiple times." She smiles at Kara, gazing her ocean eyes.

"Apology accepted, I think. And hey, you've saved the world too. You found a way to cure cancer!" Kara grabs Lena's hands. "That's... crazy." She let's go of her hands, leading the blonde to fiddle with her own. She stares back into her forest green eyes. For a second, both women forgot they broke up, that they were back to normal.

"Your, um, stuff is in my bedroom." Kara clears her throat. Get it together Danvers, she isn't your girlfriend anymore, she reminds herself.

Lena follows Kara into the bedroom. Lena stops and the entrance, letting Kara looking for her belongings.

"So here's your black dress pants, and, what even is this? I found it last night." Kara picks up a small cylinder object. She walks over where Lena is and hands it to her.

"Ah, this is," she presses down on one end, that scans her thumbprint, which then reveals a USB port, "very important documents for expanding L-Corp, and other financial information, I'm glad you found it."

"It's... made out of lead." Kara observers, Lena puts the drive in her pocket, humming in response.

"Are we really over? Just like that?" Lena inquires, tilting her head towards Kara.

"I'm afraid so." Kara looks back at her, without her glasses. Lena steps closer, "Your eyes, they're very blue." The blonde flusters. Lena reaches for the door knob, without breaking eye contact, pulls the door to close.

"What are you doing?" Kara whispers putting her hand on top of Lena's on the knob. The raven haired woman lays her other hand on the Kryptonian; caressing her cheekbone with her thumb.

"What do you think I'm doing?" She pulls Kara's head towards her lips, feeling those lips one more time. Kara lets go of the door knob and puts both hands on Lena's neck. Lena shuts the door and her hands make their way to Kara's waist.

Kara stops unbuttoning Lena's blouse when she says, "Don't you have a meeting or something?" Lena kisses down Kara's neck, leaving wet spots.

"Shut up. I'm the CEO, they can wait." Her hands pull down Kara's sweatpants, revealing her dark blue underwear. Kara finishes unbuttoning her blouse, exposing Lena's bra. Kara gets ahold of Lena's thighs and picks her up, pinning her against the door. Both lips reconnected, each wanting an entrance, Kara let's out a small moan when Lena's tongue enters her mouth.

Kara carries Lena to her bed, letting her down gently, Lena pulls Kara's gray shirt over her head impatiently. Kara bites down on Lena's neck, letting out a slight whimper. The blonde unbuttons Lena's skirts and pulls it down. Lena rolls over so that Kara is under her, she straddles on her hips while she gets rid of her ponytail. Maybe we could work it out, Kara thought, unable to take her eyes off of the woman that she's in love with.

Lena leans down to leave a trail of wet kisses down Kara's chest. Lena meets Kara's blue orbs, unsure if she should continue, "One last time?"

"For closure." Clearing her thoughts; Kara tucks a strand of hair behind Lena's ear, leaving her hand there.

"For closure." Lena repeats.

So hello again, yes this the last part for this trilogy one-shot. This one's was..... I wasn't motivated enough. The song was the thing that kept me going; note to self: no more continuous one-shots.
I have planned for 6 more one-shots, still waiting for suggestions.

Also I didn't expect this to escalate quickly with reads, thank you! If you're a Grey's Anatomy fan, check my work.

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