. Bad Liar .

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*After three months since 4x22; Kara already has her new suit*

"What is up with them? Ever since Kara came to check with you Lena became tense." Winn asks Alex.

Lena has been working on a new prototype for the DEO for defense purposes. Lena isn't on any speaking terms with anyone that Kara was friends with. Lena interacts with Alex as if she was any other person with authority. She has also working closely with Obsidian North.

As for Kara, it hasn't been pretty. Everyday Kara has tried every way possible to make it up to Lena, however she doesn't seem to budge. The easiest way for Lena to keep going is tiny boxes, though the hardest thing to maintain.

"Lena knows about Kara's identity and let's just say Kara isn't her, she's been slacking during attacks and Dreamer has to finish them. Every time we have sister's night, she won't even imitate a character from a movie..." Alex trails off.

"Wow, Lena must've meant a ton load to Kara, have they talked?" Winn looks at Kara in her suit that he made for her, who's outside on the balcony looking up at the sky.

After awhile, Lena makes her way to exit the building when Winn abruptly stops Lena halfway blocking her path,

"I hope you have a good reason to stop me mid way Mr Schott," she raises her eyebrow.

"I well— it is important, Kara is important , y-you know." He stammers. Lena clicks her tongue,

"Kara just wants a conversation, and then you can ignore her for the rest of your life, come on... I-I'm sure you have things to get off your chest...?" He pleads with his puppy face.

Lena sends him a long glare, after a few seconds she turns around and makes her way to the balcony. Winn silently celebrates and sends a high-five to Alex. Though Alex doesn't pay attention and signals Winn to the both women,

"Uh- Lena, h-how are you?" Kara turns around trying to force a smile.

"I suppose you can't act the hero anymore when you're wearing that crest and being with me?  God—"

"Lena I don't mean that—" Kara tries,

"Then how do you mean that Kara? Was I just one of your sources? To get me close? 'Keep your friends close but your enemies closer'?..." Lena's begins to break.

"Rao Lena it wasn't about you! Or your stupid last name, okay? That was never the case, it's me! It's me being selfish to never to lose you and me being myself and not having to prove anything to you. Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to keep this from you? Remember that time when... gosh..." Kara pauses knowing it's not going to help.

"When what? When you made James sneak into my lab because your god complex couldn't handle the Kryptonite I was making? Or when you had two personalities and tried to defend 'Supergirl'? Oh I remember completely." She sneers and points at Kara's crest.

"I don't have a complex Lena, I feel the weight of the whole world on my shoulders, having to deal with the only thing that can kill me alters me in a way that I can't fathom, please understand. I-I know I wasn't thinking clearly and my anger and fear took over me when I didn't even bother to think about your feelings, Lena there's so much to explain... but I-"

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