. Wait .

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*just a week after 4x22; Lena is being distant from Kara. Not replying to any texts not calls.*

"Lillian, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be locked up." Kara says surprised.

"Well once your beloved son gets you out of prison, I can roam. You're not supposed here either, I didn't see you on the guest list." Lillian snickers. She looks at the Kryptonian, thinking if she should tell her that her daughter knows about her secret identity.

"She hasn't returned my calls, or texts. I'm just worried about her. Do you know where she is?" Kara asks, wearing a long red dress with her hair up in a delicate bun, natural skin pink lipstick and silver heels.

"She's knows, I don't know where she is. I can't make an appearance because well, I'm a criminal. Find her yourself." Lillian walks past her, she... she knows? It all makes sense now. She scans over the crowd of elegant people attending the gala.

She spots her, in a beautiful navy blue below-knee length dress. Sapphire earrings, her straight hair to one side, bright red lipstick and midnight blue heels. She's talking to other investors about developing new technology. Giving handshakes to women and men. Once she's alone, Kara follows her into a supply room.

"Ms. Luthor..." Kara starts.

"Yes I know, Table 12 needs more refreshments," she turns around. She widens her eyes a bit, "you're not the caterer, I believe you weren't invited." She clears her throat, trying to get by Kara but she's blocking the entrance.

"I know that you know, and I just wanted to say that I-"

"I have a gala to host, excuse me." Lena tries not to listen. Kara doesn't move an inch. She looks at her green eyes, having a sincere look.

"I know, you hate me. No wait listen, and that's okay, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you, and I'll keep apologizing until-" Lena forcefully gets by Kara.

"I don't want to hear this, I know you had your reasons, just like any other Luthor. I'm such an idiot that I never saw what was in front of me." Lena snapped. Kara grabbed Lena's arm, firm but not aggressively. Lena looked at her arm then back at the blonde's sky blue eyes. Pleading, almost begging. Listen to me, wait. Kara communicated. Kara let go of Lena.

"I didn't tell you because... because well, I was so terrified to lose you. You Lena, are my best friend, I could never imagine my life without you. I was so caught up with myself that I've never thought about telling you, knowing that I could just be Kara Danvers with you. I know that I'm just like my cousin, this has nothing to do with your last name. Gosh Lena..." she bit her lip. Lena wasn't buying it, wishing she could just leave, scared of what Kara was about to say.

"Lena, I love you, not Lena Luthor, just Lena. Just you, I— I'm in love with you. I've always have been, and I'm the idiot that I didn't say it sooner, I should have. I'll always be in love with you, even if you hate me. You've saved me a countless times over, even when you were furious with Supergirl. You did still tried to do good." At this point Kara's voice was breaking, just a foot apart from each other.

Lena did not mean expect this, she didn't realize that a tear was falling. Kara Danvers is in love with her. She had the courage to bring her hands to the taller woman's cheeks. Glistening into each other's eyes, they could've sworn there was a spark.

"Damnit Kara," Lena closes the gap with their lips. Gentle, as if it was their first kiss in their life. Kara's hands were on top of Lena's, she slightly pulls away, smiling,

"You look very beautiful Lena Luthor." She blushes at the compliment. She takes her hands into her own, "You have guests, I'll be here after." Her blue eyes sparkling.

"Just one more thing,"

"What's that?" Kara tilts her head.

"No more secrets?" She quirks her eyebrow.

"Definitely no more." Kara pulls Lena into another kiss, her right hand behind her neck.

Well then, another one?!? I mean it's kinda short. I guess there could be one happy ending. I know it's kinda fast to just put them together, I guess that's what one-shots are. The song is great to listen to. So, five more to go...
Also, can anyone please tell me who creates book covers? I'm planning on making another Supercorp fanfic (well mostly the Arrowverse, still Supercorp), and I need a good cover. This fanfic won't come out until after the Crisis, I know, but my work is going to be based of it.

Comments are welcome! I need someone for cover!

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