. Unkiss me .

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*Takes place after 4x22, 24 hours later that Lex was shot; Lena still not knowing Kara is Supergirl*

After Lex's scandal and everyone thinking Supergirl defeated him when in reality. Lena shot him twice point blank and quickly leaving the scene. Ever since Lex suddenly appeared in Lena's life again, all she wanted to do it keep her girlfriend out of it; some would call it being distant.

But now, 24 hours after Lex's death Lena has been somewhat coping by having Kara by her side. The past hour, the press have been wanting a comment of Lena about how she feels 'Supergirl defeating Lex, once and for all', but hasn't cared to comment.

Kara: we need to talk, meet me at my place in 10?                       —10:47 p.m

Shit. Lena cursed internally, the Luthors always taught her to expect the worse, to prepare for the worst but she wouldn't have expected it from Kara. After leaving her office, she instructed her driver to Kara's loft. On the way she tried not worry and texted Kara back,

Lena: be there in 7.                                                           
                             — 10:49 p.m

"Daniel, I need to go to Kara's residence instead of mine." She simply says at her driver.

"Yes Ms. Luthor."

Five minutes in she arrives at Kara's apartment lobby. Fiddling with her hands she gets her key for Kara's door.

"Hey Lena," Kara forces a smile. Seconds after closing the the door she sees a glass of what looks like whisky on the counter. She normally doesn't drink hard stuff unless.... her thoughts drift away. Eyes locking on the glass.

"What's going on? Are you okay? Did something happen to Alex?" She asks concerned. Walking to her and moving her hands up to blonde's face.

Kara slightly pulls away, not knowing how to start. "No, she's okay, I'm okay. But we might.... not." Before Lena can interject Kara beats her to it.

"I thought after Reign, everything was going to be okay, and then we starting to see each other. But then Lex arrived and the Hauren-el was all too much, so we just you know,"

"Became distant, I know. Where are you going with this?" Making Lena anxious.

"I'm her, Supergirl. And—"

"Wait hold on, what? No..." she scoffs.

"I um, I promised myself that I would tell you once all of this over. And maybe for the better, you and I could... part." Those last words hurt for Kara.

She stood there, not knowing how to react. She had her suspicions, ever since they got trapped at L-Corp. All she focused on the words you and I could part.

"Wait, did you just say, us parting? Kara, I had my suspicions but I thought I was crazy. And as much as I love being right, I really wanted to be wrong. But regardless of who you are, I understand. But that doesn't mean we have to be done."

"No Lena, you don't understand. I face danger literally everyday—"

"Oh and I don't? I have a target on my back every second of the day but I don't push us apart." Not believing the words that came out Kara's mouth.

"I almost died Lena! Twice if not three times this past year! Don't you get it? I was in a some sort of coma when Reign beat me, and then the Kryptonite in the air. I could've died if J'onn didn't catch me." Kara raises her voice.

"And then I filtered the air, and you were fine. You don't get to just throw this all away." Lena retorted.

"You think I like any of this? I'm not throwing anything away. I'm protecting you. I've always have, even if you don't like it. Our relationship will get in the way of our judgement. It could cause other people's lives."

"Wow Kara, just using the easy way out. Very hero-like isn't?" Lena chuckles. Wrapping her head around all of this.

"Damn it Lena I died!" Kara slams her hand on the counter breaking the glass and denting the counter.

"What?" Lena couldn't quite catch that. Facing the Kryptonian, she sees the worry in Kara's eyes.

"I died Lena," she whispers. "I was dead for two minutes. If Alex wasn't there I wouldn't be here standing. I had to suck out the sunlight of the plants and trees around me to revive myself. Red Daughter killed me.." her voice breaking.

Lena takes her glasses off and places them on the counter. Kara still looking down, Lena brings her into a tight embrace.

"And, the thought of you finding out I was dead devastated me, so maybe we should just go own separate ways."
Kara pulls back, looking the brunette in the eye. Lena not wanting to move she looks away, "Okay," barely a whisper. She tries to walk away to the door but Kara pulls her back to connect their lips one last time.

Kara's hands holding Lena's face while Lena's hands travel down the blonde's waist. Lena pulls back suddenly of the surprise. Not opening her eyes they hear each other's breath before Lena closing in again. Her soft lips on Kara, she pushes Kara against the counter not wanting to stop. Kara's hands travel down Lena's hips and Lena's on Kara's neck. Their passionate kiss gets even more heated and Lena realizes where this could go.

"I have to go," Lena says out of breath. Both foreheads touching, feeling a tear from Lena, Kara wipes it quickly, "Right."

Lena clear her throat and turning the door knob, "I'll see you around Ms Danvers." Lena smiles trying to to cry in front of her, she closes the door.

Kara covers her mouth not wanting to break down, kneeling to the ground.

See you Ms Luthor.

So, how was this one? I feel like this one was trash, and if it was then sorry :(. Kinda wasn't feeling it. But please listen to the song. It makes more sense than the ones before.
Comment and vote, suggestions welcome!

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