. My Tears Ricochet .

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*some scenes and dialogue belong to 5.19*

Working on Lex's and Leviathan's whereabouts, Lena focuses on finding there location while the Anti-Krypto suit is being created. Kara is there beside her, eyeing the Luthor making sure she doesn't try anything,

"...talk about history repeating itself, it's just like Kaznia." Lena looks at Kara, she leans her back on the table, crossing her arms.

"Don't do that." Kara mutters,

"Don't do what?" Lena stops typing, Kara walks away, swaying a hand,

"I told you, I don't want to talk about the past" Kara has her back towards Lena,

"You can scream at me, I know I deserve it. I know now that working on Non Nocere was a mistake, that working with Lex was a mistake—" Lena gets cut off by Kara turning around,

"This isn't about Lex. This is about J'onn and Alex and all the other that could've been killed today because they're on my team. Don't you understand that?"

"No I do, of course I do—"

"No you don't, you never understood what it means to share a secret identity with someone you love, how much danger it puts them in. Y-you never understood why I kept my identity from you because I wanted to protect you!"

Someone you love, echoes on the back of Lena's mind, she doesn't quite say anything and let's Kara let it out.

"And I know, I know I hurt you but waiting so long to tell you the truth but what about the ways you hurt me? You pretended to be my friend for weeks, you stole from me, you convinced me to steal for you, and then..." she takes a few steps closer, "... and then you even used kryptonite on me. I made one mistake, a big one, that was only meant to protect you and in return all you did was hurt me, in every way imaginable."

Lena's eyes start to get watery, knowing she ruined the best thing that ever happens to her, "I-I'm sorry..."

"I know you are, but if you're coming for absolution..." Kara frowns, "I cant give it to you."

A few silent moments pass, Lena clears her throat and turns around,

"Bu you know what?" Lena stops, hearing Kara speak again, "Being with you made me happy." Kara looks at her,

"You mean something to me- something I can't really put into words. I've always wanted you, even when you hated me." Lena looks down, not knowing what to do, how to feel.

"I wanted you even though you made me insane. Lena you... you make me want to do things that are so crazy for you. Just you." Kara takes small steps,

"Rao, I still want you." Lena turns around and finds herself lips that aren't her own. Kara's hands hold Lena's head.

Neither one expected this, especially Kara, she just got an urge to do so. As for Lena, she's not opposed to it, not like she never thought of it. And now both pair of lips are in sync. Lena's hand go on top of Kara's.

Kara lets go, foreheads touching, before words are spoken, the lab computer alerts an location.

"There's... we got-" Lena stammers,

"Yeah, okay. Sorry. I-" Kara takes two steps backwards. Both women get back to the computer to stop Lex once and for all.

So idk if this counts as a post reveal, I mean kinda is. Also yes, folklore is just designed for supercorp. This song basically sums up s5 B. Anyways, I got inspiration by an insta post, so not all credit goes to me.

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