. It was always you .

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*Most scenes belong to 4x20*

That night on the plane, after Lex's hideout has exploded due to self destruction, both women are headed back to the US. Still quite startled that both made it out alive, Kara fiddles with her hands after witnessing all those photos of her and Lena made into a theory that exposed her as Supergirl.

"I'm sorry I left you alone back there." Lena sits down, "Putting you in danger..." Kara frowns at her best friend, "It's fine. I am fine." she reassures her.

"When I saw Eve, I just saw red. Shot me right back to the initial betrayal... I wasn't thinking clearly."

"You don't have to explain anything, I know how much she hurt you--"

"Kara please I'm trying to apologize to you, that explosion could've killed you." Lena stands right back up facing her back to Kara. The blonde sighs, "It... it wouldn't have..." she takes off her glasses and stands up as well, yet still looking at Lena's back, "Lena."

"I don't let my guard down, ever. I did with Eve and she betrayed me, I let her in and she lied to me about who she was everyday..."

"Lena. I will always be on your side just--"

"No, let me finish... I don't think I'd trust anyone ever again if it wasn't for your integrity and kindness."

"Lena, turn around, please..." Kara says, her voice trembling knowing that what's about to happen is for the best,

"It means the world to--" Lena stops mid sentence when her eyes lands on the kryptonian, her breath hitches from her body, like if a stone just hit her across the face, no words form from Lena, just a shocked, hurt face, her eyes begin to get blurry, it always been you,

"I... uh, when we got separated, I walked in a room full of photos that exposed my identity, I didn't let you come near it because I was so scared, for this reason exactly. You having that exact look in your eye, that look I never wanted to see in my life, and now I owe everything to you. I... I don't have any excuses for my selfishness and dishonesty, all I can say is that it wasn't because of your last name and I'm so, so sorry for hurting you. If I could just be Kara, just Kara, then I could keep you, I'd do it in a heart beat because I lo--"

"Stop talking." Lena holds her hand up, words barely coming out of her mouth, she shakily exhales,

"Lena I--"

"I said, stop talking. I need to..." Lena walks past Kara, sitting down, muttering under breath. Kara keeps standing up, giving some space,

"You expect me to believe it wasn't because of my last name? Yo- you were so furious with me when I was able to create Kryptonite, and yet you were two-faced that whole time. I bet my miserable life that if I had a different name you'd told me sooner--" Lena snarls at her. Kara lets go of her glasses,

"Then I never would've met you, then I would've died, more than once, then you wouldn't have become the person you are right now this second. You were right, I did have a god complex, Rao, maybe I still do, and I'm sorry my ego was so big I couldn't see the bigger picture and trusted you more that you were just trying to save the world. I don't expect forgiveness or having a relationship with you but you deserve more than anyone else to know who I truly am." Kara looks down, having a hard time looking at those green eyes,

"You... you need to go. I need to be alone." She eyes down the blonde, she simply nods in understanding,

"I will always be on your side, even if you don't forgive me, I will spend the rest of my life proving that to you; because you are so worth it." And with that Kara exits the plane in motion and leaves the Luthor to her thoughts in misery.


Oh damn, haven't done one of these in a while. I know these one-shot reveals kinda have no use now but I have like three more drafts and I don't wanna waste 'em. I cannot believe we won't get anymore supercorp content in a year due to Melissa's baby and the pandemic. Which is why I'll try to update as much as I can with the lot of time that I have. If you haven't already, please check out another SC work of mine. Stay safe everyone!!

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