. Thunderclouds .

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*A week after 4x22; kara receiving her Pulitzer Award.*

Alex is sitting next to Kelly and Nia, and beside Nia, Brainy. Everyone wearing their best formal attire for Kara's award.

"J'onn I'm so nervous, Lena hasn't called me back, texted me back. Rao what if she's in danger?" Kara paces around behind the stage. J'onn offered to be with her for moral support. There was 3 minutes left for her to be called.

"I'm sure she's here, I don't think she'll miss it. You've got this Kar," he smiles rubbing her arms with his hands.

"You sure? Gosh, I'm just so worried." She bites her lip and adjusts her glasses.

"Once you get up there, you'll see her, relax." He gives her one last tight hug.

"When I first met Kara Danvers, I just knew she was going to be a reporter, but she was my assistant first. I couldn't have a better one. And now today, she's the recipient for the Pulitzer, I congratulate Miss Kara Danvers for her outstanding journalism on the infamous Lex Luthor!" Cat Grant addresses while clapping.

Kara walks to the center of the stage, being handed her award, she gives a slight hug to Cat. She waits until the cheering calms down to give her speech.

"I uh, wow. This is a lot of people, um..." she starts, some chuckle at the remark. She gets out a piece of paper. Right when she's about to start she hears something. Making her smile even more

Lena's heartbeat, she's here. I'm glad you're okay.

She searches around, unfortunately not being able to her. She clears her throat,

"I just wanted to start by thanking..." she pauses, she puts her paper away, screw it.

"I honestly wouldn't have thought that I would be here, standing here. I actually didn't know I was going to be a reporter, until I met the CEO of L-Corp. Right when I met her I knew on that moment that I would become a reporter, if it wasn't for her I probably would've waited longer. If it wasn't for her friendship I couldn't have come up with exposing Lex. Lena Luthor actually no— scratch that— Lena, a kind hearted hero, helped exposed her own brother. Her brother, can you believe that?" She pauses for a moment when she sees her.

Lena is at the right exit of the auditorium, her arms crossed,

"I know what you're thinking, 'a Luthor taking credit' but no, she has been an impact on my life that I don't ever want to imagine living without her. So thank you Lena, for being my best friend, I know we're not seeing eye to eye right now but I'm always here for you. Thank you everyone for having me." Kara gives a smile and nods. Everyone applauds as she walks off stage.

Alex gives her sister a tight hug when they leave the gigantic room.

"You were amazing Kara, I'm so proud of you." Alex's pulls away. Kelly, Nia and Brainy are there as well,

"You guys, I appreciate all of you coming." Kara says, her eyes watery.

"Of course Kara, I congratulate you," Brainy states.

"Kelly you came!" Kara says enthusiastically, she gives her a mild hug.

"Of course, I know James would've wanted to be here but he's out there in the world... doing I don't know what." Kelly explains.

"Yeah, I under—" Kara cuts herself off when she sees Lena at the doorway. Everyone turns around as Alex clears her throat,

"We should, go. We'll wait for you outside." As the rest leves the room. Kara looks down as Lena approaches her.

"For a second I thought you weren't going to come. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, did you mean that?" Lena quirks her eyebrow. Kara adjusts her glasses.

"I mean everything when I talk about you, why wouldn't I?" Kara now looks up,

"So it's not another act of yours? To protect yourself?"

"Wha— Lena, What are you talking about?" Kara tries to lay a hand on Lena,

"Take off your glasses Kara," Lena steps back, darting her eyes at her. Kara can feel her hands shaking.

"Lena, I," she gives up as she takes them off, looking down again. Lena sighs, not trying to break down.

"Let me explain,"

"There's nothing to explain, it's simple." She turns around to leave,

"You have to let me explain, Lena." She moves quickly to be in front of her.

"You meant everything to me Kara, you were someone I would die for. And now, I can't even begin to look at you, so enlighten me Kara, how the hell are you going to explain!?" Lena raises her voice as it breaks.

Not two seconds later as she passes by Kara, that she as well is at the point of a meltdown.

So we've all seen the trailer right? Season 5? I know so much angst, so this one shot I think is by far the worst...? So this was my view of how Kara won her award.
So once October 6 comes around, I might not update because well we'll all see Lena's reaction after the premiere so I'm going to try to add three more chapters before October.

I know I took awhile to update but I was  busy and unmotivated. Again this isn't a Maroon 5 song and i don't know if this song represents this chapter. Just a little. 

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