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I walked out of my highschool all tired because of all the work we had to do. I just wish I could just run away from all of this. Why does school have to exist? Yeah yeah. Education and a good job and all that. But what if I wanna just be a trash bag huh? Exactly.

I walked out the school waiting for my mom to pick me up when I saw my boyfriend, jaehyuk making out with another girl this week. Another time this week. He keeps doing this, but he makes me feel guilty and that's what I hate about myself. I give into things too easily. I just want to stay in a world filled with bunnies and puppies with no worries. But I know it's just not possible. I Just looked away heart broken from the scene. Not commenting and just gonna not talk to him because if I went up there the same thing will happen. He will blame the girl and there goes a whole scene.

My mom came up in her car, looking down and grabbing my book bag straps walking to the car a bit down, I got in and buckled my seatbelt, not sparing a glance at her. "What's up with you tae?", she asked. "High school is what's up." I responded while looking out the window watching buildings and grocery stores go by. "Yahh dont be that way tae baby. High school is filled with many positive and negatives. try to look more on the positive side" she suggested. I try. I really do. But having a on and off relationship And always falling into their traps really ruins the whole thing.

I got home and went straight upstairs when I heard a little 'ting' come out my phone.

Hey baby , you didn't talk to me the whole day is everything ok?

Oh yeah everything is ok. Was it nice making out with chanri again?

Baby....you know she forces herself on me....

Well if she does then why don't you back away from her? Huh? That's what you say Everytime.

Baby, I'm sorry this is the last time I'll ever do it just please don't be mad babe

That's what you said last time. You know I'm over this you keep making me feel guilty by using our nice moments as an excuse for me to forgive you. I keep thinking you'll change but your just the same bastard every time. I'm over this. I'm leaving you

Baby you know that's a whole lie please don't leave me my love ...please don't go

Me: No! I won't stay with you anymore just for you to do the same thing over and over again I've gave you chances but you blew it. Your really a real bastard. And don't ever call me 'love' again.


Are you sure you want to block 'jaehyuk '?'

I think I'm about to go crazy. I should've listen to my sister. Just leave him after the first time. I gotta leave him for good. He's a bastard and keeps doing the same things and I keep thinking he will change. He really won't. I checked the time on my phone it was 4:32 PM. The sun isn't all the way down...hm, I should go out for a walk. I went outside telling my mom bye that I'm taking a walk around.

I need to loosen up all the thoughts in my mind lately. After a few minuets of walking I saw the woods that is always in the back of my neighbourhood. Deciding it won't hurt to go in and explore nature I went into the woods and to my surprise it was not all crowded with trees. Just enough space to walk around. A few long seconds while looking at the beauty of nature, I saw a beautiful butterfly passing by. It was white and gold. Unreal looking. "Woah" I whispered out in amaze. Curiosity got the best of me and I followed it.

Chasing it, the butterfly seem to be going into a pathway. A few minuets of me chasing after a butterfly not noticing my surroundings it landed on a leaf. Out of breath I crouched and looked down and caught my breath. After recovering from my long run chasing a freaking butterfly I looked around. Oh. My. God. The place looked unreal. Am I dreaming? This is a forest but.... more alive? The trees were more green and alive and mushrooms that were red and blue and purple flowers displayed on the ground and unknown plants but pretty plants and flowers on the ground. "What the hell..." I said.

Then I heard a distant voice say "hmm...what were the berries Jin was talking about?"....berries? Jin? Who's Jin? I turned my head near the voice and saw a tall man with blonde hair holding a pan with weird looking flowers and stuff. I only could see his back profile but I decided to go up to him and ask him where the hell am I. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder gently and said "hey I-" "AAAAAGH!" he yelled and that's all I heard before I was knocked out with a pan.


I edited this like a week after I made this and like I just suck at writing

(Around chapter 7 I changed yoongi and Hoseoks attitude to yoongi being more lazy and grumpy and Hoseok being more energetic I hope u understand)

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(Around chapter 7 I changed yoongi and Hoseoks attitude to yoongi being more lazy and grumpy and Hoseok being more energetic I hope u understand)

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