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I found my zodiac signs constellation outside lol idk why I got so exited and happy


<2 years later>

"We're graduating soon Tae! You exited for college?" Chanri exclaimed. "Yeah...kinda." Taehyung said with not as much enthusiasm. "Let's go to the mall yeah?" Chanri says as they walked out the high school. It was nearly night time since there was a huge speech given about the end of the year and since Taehyung didn't drive to school he didn't have a ride and his mom was working so he agreed to hang out a little with Chanri at the mall and she will drop him off home.

They went in her car and she started it and played a song on the radio. It was a pretty old song but still a bop. They arrived at the outside mall. Taehyung looks out the window sadly. He keeps remembering the moment when he was with Jungkook and he was taken away from them.

Taehyung just closes his eyes and tries to not remember it. Chanri came out the car and Taehyung got out as well. "Wow that's a nice looking car." Chanri says gesturing towards a white convertible. Taehyung looks at it, then Jimins face flashed across his mind when he saw it. When they both were together shopping. Taehyung looked down felt worse obviously still not over the boys being gone from him.

They both went into Starbucks and ordered a drink. They were waiting for their order. Then Taehyung heard a cashier say 'An order for Park Jimin?'

Taehyungs eyes widened and he looked to a person approaching the cashier but it wasn't the jimin he knew. Then all his hopes went down until he heard a "Hey this ain't mine. That's another Jimins order." "Yeah that's mine bitch." The REAL Jimin says walking in. "J-Jimin!?" Taehyung exclaims out. "Hm?" Jimin says looking to his side to his name being unexpectedly being called out.

"OH MY GOD TAEHYUNG!" Jimin says pushing pass people and Taehyung as well, they both hugged eachother so hard that they were suffocating eachother but they didn't care. Then Chanri faked coughed, smiling at the two. "Oh you.." Jimin says looking up and down at Chanri. "She's actually my only friend that's real. So she's cool." Taehyung says laughing at Jimins pettiness.

"Hoe I missed you so much." Jimin says hugging Taehyung again, almost crying and Taehyung was actually crying. He cried into Jimins shoulder while he just rubbed his back. "Cmon I'll take you back home."

"Um. I'll let you guys have your moment." Chanri says smiling that Taehyung has United with the boys he's been crying about for a few years. "Th-than *hiccup* ks ch-chanri." Taehyung sniffs. Jimin sheds a tear and says, "alright we're a mess right now. I'll take us to the car." He says lifting Taehyung up onto his back and looked back to the cashier and everyone else starring at him. "I got two boyfriends sorry. Stop starring." Jimin says walking out.

Jimin walked them to the white car and puts Taehyung down in the seat and notices snot on his shoulder. "You nasty hoe." Jimin says making a disgusted face while Taehyung laughs a bit. Jimin looks up and sees the full moon in the night sky. "Ah. Jungkook must be out with his wolf friends. Jungkook will be in his wolf form basically the whole night since it's a full moon. So just let his wolf sleep on the same bed with you and he will be in his human form the next day. Boy he's in a huge surprise." Jimin chuckles.

"jUNGKOOKAHHHHH!" Taehyung cries out and cries more. "D-does he s-sti-still remember m-me?" Taehyung says looking up at Jimin with watery blood shot eyes. "That boy has kept the clothes you wore and never washed it to keep your scent in there and has been crying a lot but less now over you so. It's safe to say no he hasn't." "H-how about the rest of the members?" Taehyung says wiping his face.

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