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(Third person POV)

"Let's build a fort!" Taehyung suggested.

"A fot?" Jungkook said in confusion tilting his head to the side

, "fort."


"F O R T" Taehyung said loud and slowly


"....close enough"

"What's a foret?" Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin asked in sync. "A FORT. And it's basically a mini house made out of pillows and blankets." Taehyung said. "Hmm... in heaven they had those in the school. I just don't know how those kids made them." "Well I do." "Your also a fallen angel?" Hoseok said with hope. "Nope." Taehyung said making Hoseok mutter an 'oh' and slumped his shoulders down. "You look like one though." Jungkook said. Taehyung blushed and said "shut up no I don't.." (yES U DO ALL OF THEM DO) "Enough about angels man and let's get to this sleep over. And building this frat thingie." Jimin said, a bit jelouse that they didn't even talk about demons.

"FORT." Taehyung once again yelled out. "Okay! Jungkook, Yoongi, Jimin get the matresses. Me and Taehyung are gonna get the pillows and blankets. And set the chairs in front of the couch." Hoseok instructed. "Woah, Your really good at bossing around." Taehyung chuckles. "Yeah it comes in handy when you have a demon and an annoying vampire flirting and messing with you 24/7. Not really complaining I find it cute of him." Hoseok blushed and smiled. "You like him?" "Mmh Yeah as a friend." Hoseok said and then whispered "I do have a crush on him kind of." He blushed and looked down then smiled.

"Oooh~ how about Jimin? He doesn't seem to think your too bad." Taehyung asked. "Yeah... Jimins not too bad either.. I just don't wanna rush things .... and i don't know I feel as if if I admit my feelings to Yoongi. our relationship would be a bit...messy I guess." Hoseok explained.

"Ohh. I understand." "How about you and Jungkook huh?" He smirked while getting a few pillows. "Oh, well I actually got out of a relationship..we're having a lot of problems lately and I gave him many chances hoping he would change but that just didn't turn out well...so I let him go for the final time.. Jungkooks cute and all that but...I'm also just not ready.." Taehyung said, also picking up some pillows.

"Hey dont Wolfe's have mates?" Taehyung questioned. "Yeah." "Isn't Jungkook supposed to have a mate by now or..?" "Yeahh. That's something Jungkook should tell you and I shouldn't." Hoseok said awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.

Then they heard loud thumbs and a scream. "Oh no what did these idiots do this time." Hoseok said face palming.

They both ran out to see all the boys ontop of four mattresses trying to slide down the stairs with the matresses, and Jungkook laying on the bottom, face first on the floor. "Jungkook!" Taehyung exclaimed with worry and ran to him. He turned him around to see the upper part of his cheek, cut. "Owww." Jungkook groaned.

"You wouldn't have that cut if you didn't BITE ME." Jimin growled out lifting his hand to reveal a bleeding bite mark. "You were making the mattress hot." Jungkook whined. Taehyung sighed. "Yoongi get the med kit."

Yoongi flew to the kitchen and got the med kit and handed it to him. "Thanks." "Your welcome darling." Yoongi said. Hoseok was about to clean the blood off until Yoongi said, "No. I got this." Yoongi said, licking the blood off of Jimins hand. "Mm.. spicy but sweet." Yoongi said. "Yah stop the flirting." Hoseok said with a bit of jealousy. "Oh is my baby jelly?" Yoongi smirked "N-no! Just g-go away.." Hoseok said bandaging up Jimins hand. "Don't worry I only like you and only you." Yoongi said back hugging Hoseok who elbowed him but he didn't move. "Aye I thought we agreed on a poly relationship."Jimin said "Yeah. We're sharing him." "Seems fine to me." Jimin shrugged "NO." Hoseok yelled out.

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