16 (M)

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In this chapter I think you would learn a lot on what Yoonminseok does on their free time...

It was morning and Jungkook woke up to see another person sleeping beside him. He examined the face and gasps out. "No way." His eyes widened. He started feeling around Taehyungs face to make sure he was real. "The frack." Taehyung said scrunching his face in discomfort because of Jungkook feeling his face.

"Taehyung!?" Jungkook yells with wide eyes. Then Taehyung looked at Jungkook. "Kookie..." Jungkook swung his arms to Taehyungs sides and hugs him tight. Then he rolls on his back so Taehyung was on his stomach, still hugging him unbelievably tight. "TAEHYUNG!" He yells out and kisses him hard. "Ok that's enough." Taehyung wheezes out.

They hear foot steps and then a voice, "I hope Jungkook isn't having one of those lucid dreams about Tae...poor boy.." And then the door opened to reveal Jin. Jin looked at Jungkook hugging the crap out of Taehyung and Taehyung literally fighting for his life. Jin widened his eyes and looked away and then back to confirm what he's really seeing.

"Tae!" Jin exclaimed and ran to a struggling Taehyung who smiled back weakly. He then jumped ontop of Taehyung then hugged him, sandwiching him between Jungkook and him. Taehyung coughs and wheezes and Jungkook grunted a bit but could maintain the weight that was on him. Then Namjoon came in and saw them and also said "Taehyungie!" "Hey I only call him tha- Oof." Jungkook said but gets stopped mid sentence when Namjoon jumped on Jin hugging him and Tae.

Then Jimin and hoseok came in and Hoseok squealed, "Taehyung!" "You dumbass I told you He came-" he got interrupted by looking at the stacks of humans ontop of a half dead Taehyung now. And Hoseok jumped ontop of Namjoon. "Well shoot let me join in!" "J-jimin no-" Jungkook said worried about Taehyung who was going limp. Then yoongi floated in and ruffled Taehyungs hair. Then he floats up and sits criss cross apple sauce on Hoseok, completing the human stack.

"Y-ou guys g-get off-" Jungkook wheezes out, pretending he was getting suffocated when he really wasn't. He's very strong so he can maintain the weight he's just trying to save poor Taehyung that his face was turning purple. Yoongi floated off and grabbed Hoseok and Jimin by the ear mumbling, "I wanna cuddle." "Okay!" Jimin and Hoseok exclaimed and they got in their room, Yoongi in between them sleeping now, while Jimin was on his phone and Hoseok was spooning Yoongi.

Meanwhile Namjoon got off of Jin trying not to knock them down and then carried Jin off of them. "But I wanna spend time with Taehyungieee." Jin whined "No baby not right now. Hey Jungkook why don't you take Taehyung out or something. Get to catch up with eachother and stuff hm?" Namjoon suggested collecting Jin who was whining wanting to spend time with Taehyung as well. "No! I don't wanna lose him again!" Jungkook yelled. "You could take him around the woods?" Namjoon shrugged. "...Sounds good." Jungkook said agreeing to take him out to the woods.

They left and Jungkook looked beside him to see Taehyung catching his breath. "Wow that was... tragic." "Mmm Yeah I know. The hyungs could get clingy sometimes." "You can say that again." Taehyung chuckles. "So should we take a shower?" Taehyung said this time saying 'we'. Him and Jungkook together st the same time taking a shower. "Tae...you sure?" Jungkook says putting his hand on his knee. "Yeah Im sure what is wrong with you? Are you shy?"

"Oh of course not. Just sayin'" Jungkook says getting two towels from his closet. "You can wear my clothes." Jungkook says gesturing towards 209294949292 white shirts and some flannels and cool looking long sleeve shirts. "I'm good. Where did Jimin put the ones that we bought?" "In their closet in his room." "Alright I'll go get them." "Alright I'll be waiting in the shower~" Jungkook smirks and Taehyung blushes muttering a small 'shut up'

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