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Shout out to that comment on a page I deleted that said something like "this book is amazing it's like a mix between reality and fantasy"

It was 2 days before Namjin's marriage. All the 7 boys was out in the woods giving the rest of the creatures in the forest an invite to the wedding they arrived at the end of the magical woods that led to the regular woods. "Ok we got Ms. Sue, and her 40 children, Ms tree trunk, Mr grumps, ice king, all the kings, and princesses and- oh!" Jin gasped as a small human being bumped into him.

He looked down to see a kid looking up at him. "Oh! Hello! Are you lost? what are you?" Hoseok said crouching down to the kids height. "I'm in second grade." He said holding up two fingers. "My name is Cameron! You look very pretty." The kid said with excitement. "Ah thanks. What are you?" Hoseok asked smiling at him. "What am I?"

"Yep what like creature are you." "Oh! I'm not a creature I'm a human! What are you talking about?" The young boy said perplexed. "W-ha-" "Cameron what are you doing- woah." A high pitched voice sounded through and multiple foot steps. A whole line of 2nd graders came in and a teacher. They all looked around amazed then their eyes landed on the boys.

A girl with fake cat ears on looked at Jungkooks ears. She came up to him and said, "Oh what big wolf ears you have!" She exclaimed. "The better to hear you with!" Jungkook said smiling playing along.

"Oh what big bunny teeth you have!" The child exclaimed. "The better to..... eat carrots with?" Jungkook smiled cheekily. The child laugh and so did everyone else. "Sir are those ears real?" The teacher said pointing to them when they twitched. "......Yeah let us explain please don't freak out.." Jin said reaching out his hand to the shook young teacher.

They took the humans to a park in the magical woods and talked basically everything about them. To say the least the kids weren't scared they were more surprised than scared.

In the while there was little wolf kids and hybrid kids running around but hid behind the bush when they saw them. A kindergartner heard the bushes rustle. He ran to the bushes to see the cause of the noise. "Hey Mingyu no don't!-" the Teacher said but it was too late.

He looked behind the bushes to see a terrified boy with bleached hair and white cat ears and tail, looking terrified. And other kids too. "U-um... hello?" He said peeking at them. "H-hi." The cat hybrid boy said out waving his hands. "I'm Mingyu." The 2nd grader put out a small hand to shake the other boys hand.

He just looked at it perplexed. "...What's your name?" "Woozi."

<< time skip cuz I'm lazy>>

All the kids and mythical kids got along pretty well also did the grown ups.

They also planned to invite basically the whole government and people of the town they live in to the marriage and call it the official Society meets fantasy type thing.

Jesus that was too simple for me to say in this situation. But that doesn't mean they aren't calm. Basically the whole forest was shook once they heard what they was planning. A lot disagreed worried about if they will kidnap them and do experiments on them as they heard in spooky stories.

They didn't care about the government though. They already knew about the creatures. They just kept it a secret like the aliens in Area 51.

<< time skip to the morning of namjins marriage because it took me enough damn time writing this and I can sense that y'all wanna kill me sldneksk)

The city of Berbsvill (idek I made up ;-;) was all in confusion. And the scientists were scared to death because they all got a warning message from the government saying,

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