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(Third person POV)

Taehyung woke up to what feels like wet moist tongue licking his cheek. He opened his eyes to see a big black wolf standing on him, taking all the air out his lungs and licking his face and huffing and honking in his ear and licking it. Jungkook already loved Taehyungs scent. Vanilla and coconut. (A/N i love that smell sm) "Okay okay that's enough- uh." he groaned pushing the exited wolf away, too bubbly for a true blood alpha. Jungkook barked twice and jumped off Taehyung and started to shape shift back to human, totally forgetting that Taehyung was there and his clothes were off.

When Taehyung finished stretching and rubbing his eyes, to see clearer from him waking up, he first sees a naked Jungkook. Standing right in front of him saying good morning abit too casually. Taehyungs eyes widen looking more further down and further down, toned abs on display for him and when he went down to his defined V line and then to his- "JEON JUNGKOOK!" Jin yelled out.

Taehyung snapped his eyes to the distressed mother like witch. "JEON JUNGKOOK IT IS NOT NORMAL FOR HUMANS TO SEE A NAKED STRANGER. NOW PUT ON SOME CLOTHES!" Jungkook turned around with furrowed eye brows then growled a bit because his wolf dosnt like being commanded and yelled at but muttered a quick "I'm sorry." and ran out the door to the clothes room.

"uugh i don't get paid enough for this." Jin said while pinching the bridge of his nose. While Taehyung stood there flustered by seeing Jungkook and him naked in glory. "I'm sorry Tae. Jungkook is used to just walking around like that." "Y-yeah I-I-it's f-fine." Jin chuckled at the youngest flustered state.

The calm moment was cut off by an ear piercing scream and a loud evil chuckle. "MIN YOONGI AND PARK JIMIN I WILL FREAKING KILL YOU." "Oh baby you said that 2 years ago and I'm still here~" Yoongi said floating around with his arms behind his head floating in the air. "Hah! As if you could little good angel~" Jimin teased his long devil tail caressing Jhope's chin. Jhope looked furious as he looked at his now colorless and lifeless nut creature that Yoongi got for him and he thought it was so adorable. "YAH! STOP BICKERING YOU THREE." Jin yelled

(These are the nut creatures)

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(These are the nut creatures)

"FOOOOD!" Jungkook howled. "Hey! DONT EAT IT ALL YOU MUSCLE PIG" Hoseok yelled whole running totally forgetting the now grey and lifeless nut creature laying on the floor. While the others were feasting over the food, Taehyung decided to also go and eat with them.

Once he got to what seemed like the kitchen, he looked at what they were eating. Spahghetti? Taehyung was surprised they eat regular human food. It looked very good and well made. "Jin this is so good! What did you make it with. It taste way better than your normal cooking." Jimin said with his mouth full, shoving the food in his mouth with a fork. "Actually the lumpy space princess helped me with it. And did you just say my cooking was bad I swear I will-" "Jin I forgot to mention um...this morning broke the door knob again..." Namjoon said guilty. "AGAIN? I SWEAR I WILL WRAP THIS WHOLE HOUSE WITH BUBBLE WRAP BECAUSE OF YOU." "I-I can't help it!" Namjoon stated "Namjoon please be careful we are limited on things." "Are you sure about that?" Jimin smirked, snapping his fingers and a door knob appeared.

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